I'm sure it should ask for a password during the encryption set up.
I think it's there but needs a terminal to enable, same as 4.4.Still no battery percentage in lollipop? wow.
Still no battery percentage in lollipop? wow.
Still no battery percentage in lollipop? wow.
Install this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.kroegerama.android4batpercent&hl=en allows percentage on Lollipop. You can un-install afterwards if you like.
If I remember comments on the earlier preview, the text is actually in a usable colour now.I've used that before buy you need root to change the text colour. I want the percentage next to the battery icon like on Samsung devices.
Stupid question but what is the best way to update? I'm still on rooted 4.4.2 version as I couldn't be asked to go to 4.4.3 or 4. I'm guessing i need to un-root it somehow first. Cheers.
Stupid question but what is the best way to update? I'm still on rooted 4.4.2 version as I couldn't be asked to go to 4.4.3 or 4. I'm guessing i need to un-root it somehow first. Cheers.
Will it remain in it's place and messanger will be in the app draw