NHS=Negligent Health Service

I fully understand mistakes happen but it just seems even the basics of caring for that woman weren't met. Let alone the seemingly atrocious attitude of the doctor involved. Just plain wrong.
Doesn't seem to he enough information to really judge the situation from the article. Did the senior doctor refuse because he's an ******** or did he have a full resusc of patients trying to die and no staff - this isn't rare at all these days.
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a full resusc of patients trying to die and no staff - this isn't rare at all these days.
Which was yesterday at my place. All bays full, no movement out of the ED due to AMU being full to overflowing and 23 ambulances plus four helicopters all wanting to unload. Obviously helos take priority and we get the patients off those the moment the rotors stop, but the land ambos just keep on backing up.

As soon as one resus bay emptied it was filled again.
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That would surely be unable to attend, not refusing to?
That would require reporting to be accurate or to have managed to get accurate information, I suspect the hospital won't say much due to legal reasons in many instances.

Remember a lot of the time people won't differentiate between "unable" and "unwilling" when someone doesn't do something.

Yet another one :(

The inquest in Preston heard a senior doctor had refused to see her even though her life was at risk, coroner Dr James Adeley said.

This Coroner is the main man in a series called Cause of Death on TV which is well worth a watch.
I have had to send him reports when the patient has been in both his areas and our Stoke on Trent area.
That would require reporting to be accurate or to have managed to get accurate information, I suspect the hospital won't say much due to legal reasons in many instances.

Remember a lot of the time people won't differentiate between "unable" and "unwilling" when someone doesn't do something.

It was seemingly a quote from the investigating coroner. I'd expect the beeb to at least get that accurate.
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