Night Owls

I got loads of college work done last night.

Anyone who says it impossible to work full time and not study is a liar.

Average 200hrs a month and still study multiple things and have a social life, ha!
Never ever posted in this thread before.

But, Hello everyone!

And Good night, Bed time is in T-Minus 20 Min's and counting!

(Usual Sleep time)
I'm not sure half ten counts as being a night-owl :D

I remember when I used to go to bed at half ten AND sleep all night without waking up.

Now, sleep starts at maybe 2:00am and is broken up into one hour slots.

Which would be OK, but Eastern Europe is online at 2:00am GMT, and their World of Tanks players are a bunch of team killing YOLO's :(
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I remember when I used to go to bed at half ten AND sleep all night without waking up.

Now, sleep starts at maybe 2:00am and is broken up into one hour slots.

Which would be OK, but Eastern Europe is awake at 2:00am GMT and their World of Tanks players are a bunch of team killing YOLO's :(

Same, if I can't sleep I have to stay away from free to play european games as it brings out the utter window lickers that time of night.

Still awake now for some reason, which is weird as I've only managed 7 hours sleep in the last 3 days and wanted to go to bed at 20.30, wide awake now

Kind of napped for an hour or so but wide awake now :( never had a sleeping pattern but varying work shifts and extra hours has wreaked havoc on my sleeping :|

Dabbling with Skyrim as the combination of G-SYNC and SkyUI is a massive improvement on the frustration that made me put it down originally but probably will get frustrated with the clunky game mechanics sooner rather than later.
Same with bad patterns although actually starting to make decent strides establishing a routine. Well in any case going to bed at 3am and waking up 9:30am is an improvement.
I've been working 2-11 this week, been waking up at around 1pm as I've been knackered, I stupidly said I'd do overtime Saturday morning, so here I am unable to sleep, clock watching until my alarm goes off in 2 hours. :(
I've been working 2-11 this week, been waking up at around 1pm as I've been knackered, I stupidly said I'd do overtime Saturday morning, so here I am unable to sleep, clock watching until my alarm goes off in 2 hours. :(

Kind of shifts I've been doing lately :( they are a killer as I come home tired and hungry but if you eat anything substantial its bad for sleeping and after having a bit to eat and resting for a bit you start to get energy back and not feel like sleeping :(

Boss wanted me to do a 9-5 last Saturday (extra hours) and I had to say no as I wasn't going to drag myself through that.
Kind of shifts I've been doing lately :( they are a killer as I come home tired and hungry but if you eat anything substantial its bad for sleeping and after having a bit to eat and resting for a bit you start to get energy back and not feel like sleeping :(

Boss wanted me to do a 9-5 last Saturday (extra hours) and I had to say no as I wasn't going to drag myself through that.

They mess you up so bad :( because I do alternating shifts, I've got to get myself into a pattern of waking up at 5am from Monday, which after spending the last 5 days waking at 1pm much harder :(
Anyone who has done night work for any length of time, your body clock is dust for life. :mad:

I done 6 years starting at the age of 20, doing 3am till 11am 6 days a week and its done me in big time with sleep patterns. :(
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