Night Owls

Once more the day has given way to night, light has given way to darkness. Night crawlers stir in the shadows.

Hoping the sleeps will kick in soon, but I'm wide awake right now.
Seems like every night I plan to be asleep by 11 but end up awake gone 1.

At least this time it was something productive, just finished a job application for something which sounds utterly ideal. Expectations still low with the number of rejections I've had recently, but I'm blaming it on the oil price and accepting no fault myself
Been applying for jobs for last 6 months. Decided to do some work experience with the council as i am fed up of sitting at home doing nothing. Fed up with JCP too, but have no choice as it's either that or have no money.
Watching first man on the moon documentary.
Found a dream Job to apply for, although probably zero percent chance of getting, but nothing to lose.
Having a cup of tea, for the past three nights i have woken up at about 3am coughing.

I just can't seem to shake the cold off I got before Christmas.

Obviously i have man flu. :D
4am. Think i'll just power through. Just watched Obama's State Of The Union speech. He spoke for over an hour without notes or prompters.
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It's about an hours walk to the post office, opens at 7, so might just screw sleep. Got two parcels to pick up and one I don't know what it is.
Bored so watching stou, it's a shame he isn't our PM talks so much sense, combined with great presence and charisma.
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