Nightmares as an adult?

I used to have a reccuring inception like dream when I was a lil'un always when I was abroad the dream would be me laying awake at night I'd look at the clock which would say a time around 1-2am when suddenly the covers would start to tighten around me covering my face lift me off the bed get tighter and tighter until I couldn't breathe then I'd burst out from sleep bolt upright glance at the clock and sigh in relief it was all over then it would start to happen again *rinse and repeat* 1 more time then I'd be too scared to lay back down and usually stay up all night t'was ****ed Up!
A couple of years ago I went through about 8months of the same recurring nightmare. I would be fighting a faceless person on top of a sky scraper, and then get thrown off the side. It would feel like I was falling forever, and suddenly I'd wake up in a sweat just before hitting the bottom.

I looked it up and apparently it's to do with losing control, or feeling like your life is out of control. I was going through a rough spell at the time so that kind of made sense. These days I rarely remember my dreams/nightmares, but I'm still scared of heights since the 'falling' nightmares.
Just that my teeth are falling out. Which is apparently a common nightmare.

Yeah I have heard about that before, teeth falling out being fairly common.

With playing War-z and watching zombie films recently ive had endless nightmares about surviving a zombie apocalypse.. think i should hold off on the zombie games for a while..

Talking of films, have anyone watched a film called Cube Zero? It's only rated 15, but there is a death scene in that film, more gruesome than Nightmare on Elm Street, Silence of the Lambs and other 18-rated films. It was such that it triggered a recurring nightmare throughout 2008 after I watched Cube Zero. Thankfully the dreams stopped after about 6 months.
I often have the teeth falling out nightmare. I have the naked in a public place trying to hide one and a lot of dreams where our house gets repossessed and we move into a badly haunted house. That one wakes me up short of breath with a very rapid heartbeat, which begs the question, I wonder if nightmares could ever be physically dangerous?
Last night was the first night in about 20 years that I had a nightmare. I don't normally remember my dreams, and even this I only remember 1 specific part of - a spider.

It scurried across the floor as spiders do, then stopped and sat there. Then its body opened up like eyelids to reveal a human-like eyeball which just stared back at me. It didn't attack me or anything, it was just freaky. Next thing I know I'm sat bolt upright in bed pouring with sweat.

Does anyone else still have the odd weird/freaky dream which wakes you up?

I get dreams where I guess my brain is trying to process feelings that I have but am not fully aware of.

I haven't seen my biological dad in like 15 years. I used to have dreams of being with him in his car. He parks on a hill, gets out the car and then the car rolls back and falls off a cliff with me failing to escape.

When my grandad died I later dreamt we were walking together and he fell over, rolled down a hill and his head basically twisted off. No blood and me trying to frantically place it back on to no avail.

When my girlfriend left, I thought everything was fine and dandy. We weren't getting on and it sorta felt like a 50/50 decision. I then dream she has another man and I wake up distraught.

I'm 28, I don't think I have random dreams anymore but when I was young I'd have one where I couldn't speak or my teeth fell out, etc.
...gripping the head board and sweating.

I also have nightmares about gripping the head board and sweating. Not usually involving wolves though.

I occasionally have the one where my teeth fall out and also one where im running in an ever expanding room so getting nowhere.

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I rarely get nightmares.

The last one I had I dreamt that there was a red light in my room. I woke up, freaked out and ran out of my bedroom. I makes no sense whatsoever. Haha.

Traditional nightmares like zombie/alien invasions I love. I wouldn't consider them nightmares.
I get a couple a year. Don't remember them usually - wife just nudges me awake and tells me I was moaning or babbling.

The worst one I ever had was 10 years ago on holiday and it doesn't sound all that bad. Somebody was just stacking books in front of me - but these books were absolute pure evil. I can still remember the sensation - a mixture of terror and felt like every atom in my body was screaming and trying to get away from these I was looking at something so bad my mind simply couldn't process it or cope with it. It made me feel really unsettled for a day or two afterwards.
I've had a few where I've died in the dream. Impact (monster/falling off building etc), a moment of blackness and I'm awake screaming, covered in sweat.
The falling off a building ones were interesting in that I literally felt myself bounce up from the mattress more than a little bit. Not trampoline style obviously.

Not happened for years, and they were all when I was with the same girl for some reason.

Other than the usual odd nightmare, I have had the teeth falling out dreams too. Hate those...
Just that my teeth are falling out. Which is apparently a common nightmare.

My friend get those often or teeth being knocked out due to an accident.

Mine are usually failing from a high distance and hitting the floor……but I don’t wake up. I start to moving around but cant stand up as if my legs are broken or something heavy is holding me down……nasty nightmares.
I get them occasionally.

My most freaky one was my sister screaming for help at the top of my staircase and as hard as I tried I couldnt climb the stairs, it was like something was holding me back and my legs werent working.
I get terrible nightmares every 2,3 or 4 nights and use the occasional tamezepam to help me get a decent nights sleep along with levomepromazine to help me get to sleep in first place.

Still wake up terrified quite often, then realise I'm still in dream and then still wake up terrified.

I just love going to bed. :(
For some reason, I'd previously read your username as 'insomniacjedi'... Would've been more appropriate I guess

I've noticed that I should change my name your right.

I used to be a real insomniac staying awake 2-3 even 4 days at a time with little or no sleep or very few 10 minute naps.

I tend to get five hours sleep a day now though not always when I want to go to sleep.
I always have the same dream, I'm in some kind of building but it keeps shrinking around me it never gets to the point that it's crushing me but it feels like it is, really odd :/
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