Nightmares as an adult?

I once had a dream I played up front for Manchester United in the time of Alex Ferguson, so yeah was a very long time ago. I kind of remember I played virtually a full match in the dream, maybe two matches, then some bits afterwards before Sir Alex told me he would reluctantly have to let me go. It was a cool dream at the time and very very vivid. Nowadays having any dream about Manchester United would be classed as a nightmare, so the story qualifies for the thread.
My partner suffers night terrors and sleep walking, stuff like that. She'll 'wake up', eyes open, talking, but still be asleep. It's pretty weird.

Sometimes it's fairly mild, but sometimes she's in a proper panic thinking she's about to die, grabbing me, jumping up trying to run out the room.

But.... all this has reduced a good 75% since we both stopped drinking at the beginning of the year.
Oh man I had a massively stressful nightmare last night. You know when your boxers are a touch too tight/need replacing, and also that feeling when you get out of a swimming pool all wet and clothes are a bit clingy? These things are CLINGING to me. It is making my brain heat up just thinking about it now.
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Guys this is just one of my theories but if you are having nightmares it might be because you are overheating in bed, and when the brain gets hot it gives you nightmares, similar to how you can get angrier when you are hot when awake (hot and bothered).

One thin to check is whether the bed linen you are using is polyester or polycotton, as this is not very breathable and changing to some nice 100% cotton bed linen, like the 100% Egyptian cotton bed linen they sell in John Lewis, may significantly reduce your nightmares, as this lets you stay much cooler.
Interestingly I had one last night/this morning that I think was related to heat. I usually don't remember anything from sleepy time, but this felt real and horrid.

I dreamt we'd had to move back to our old home, the power was out when we got there, we were too tired to deal with it so crashed on the bed. I was woken in my dream by flies buzzing around my head, getting worse and worse as the sun came up. I get up to check what's going on and there is a clear outline of a decomposed body on the bed with maggots all wriggling around my wife and not being able tell what's her hair and the hair of the person that had died on the bed.

Screw my brain. Don't want to see that again. Almost vommed.
Guys this is just one of my theories but if you are having nightmares it might be because you are overheating in bed, and when the brain gets hot it gives you nightmares, similar to how you can get angrier when you are hot when awake (hot and bothered).

One thin to check is whether the bed linen you are using is polyester or polycotton, as this is not very breathable and changing to some nice 100% cotton bed linen, like the 100% Egyptian cotton bed linen they sell in John Lewis, may significantly reduce your nightmares, as this lets you stay much cooler.
Ah brilliant. I had a suspicion it may have been my opium addiction and crazy lifestyle.
Guys this is just one of my theories but if you are having nightmares it might be because you are overheating in bed, and when the brain gets hot it gives you nightmares, similar to how you can get angrier when you are hot when awake (hot and bothered).

100% this. If I get hot in bed I always end up in some stressed situation that usually turns into a nightmare.

there was a period a couple of years back where i'd have a nightmare about 50% of the time, since I have sorted some worries out this has reduced to maybe 1 every 2 weeks.

But yeh, stay cool, helps me no end.
I dont have nightmares as such,

I have however had a good few instances of sleep paralysis, or something has happened in my sleep which has caused me to bolt upright and wake suddenly (I think one instance where i was falling and it caused me to shoot straight up, or i think i had one where i was shot

I usually get bizaar instances like this when i have maybe stayed awake too long and fall asleep
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I once had a dream I played up front for Manchester United in the time of Alex Ferguson, so yeah was a very long time ago. I kind of remember I played virtually a full match in the dream, maybe two matches, then some bits afterwards before Sir Alex told me he would reluctantly have to let me go. It was a cool dream at the time and very very vivid. Nowadays having any dream about Manchester United would be classed as a nightmare, so the story qualifies for the thread.
Which reminds me of a dream I had about a year ago that I related on another forum

Woke up this morning with a vivid recollection of a dream, which is extremely unusual for me, often I wake up and if I remember the dream, it just drifts away within the first few seconds. I've never remembered a dream in such detail. So here it is. Starts like its the lead up to a joke, but its not.

Cristiano Ronaldo and me are mates and I'm hanging out with him at Old trafford. He asked me to use the letters of his first name to draw pictures that are a homage to the male person( yeah I know). So anyhow I ask him how he spells his first name, is it Patrick or Patric, he says no, its end up at the end sounding like "ice", so it is "Patr-ice" (Cristiano Ronaldo's first name not being Cristiano did not seem strange).


P...I draw a penis in the shape of a P
A..I draw the face of an Angry Man
C...Cash, I draw a big wad of notes
E...somehow turned into an X. I draw a picture that represents the Xfactor, and whilst drawing it he says to me I hope you are doing the X factor as that's my favourite program.

The ones I missed out, I don't think I drew, but dreams being dreams at the end I had drawings for all the letters and he thought they were great.

Next thing I know he needs to leave right now. I told him I'd accompany him out. Alex Ferguson (who had also semi morphed such that he also appeared in the form of my actual boss as work), and the others weren't too pleased I was walking him out, but anyhow off we went.

Down a corridor, thru a set of glass double doors, and then we are walking from the rear of a classroom up to the front. And now we've nowhere to go. One of the students pulls a bit of plasterboard/masonary away from the wall and suddenly a secret hole opens up in the blackboard (my dream showing my age), and its big enough to get thru. I look at the teacher and said "this is like something out of thunderbirds, you need to be a certain age to get that", and now there are two teachers, an older man and a younger woman and both smile back at me in recognition that they get the reference. Ronnie steps up and into the hole he goes. Ronnie being a little fitter than me, it takes me a bit longer to step up and arrange myself to get thru the hole, and now I'm in a chute dropping downwards, and there is paper cash dropping down all around me, seems like this is the how they move cash around old trafford.

Anyhow I land, with my fall broken by a giant pile of cash. There are workers there shovelling the cash around, Ronnie at this stage is way ahead of me across a rear courtyard walking towards a helicopter. I shout out jokingly so as the workers can hear "Ronnie I think you dropped a bit of money out of your wallet here". Then I get up and start following him. By the time I get there, he is sitting in the rear of a large military helicopter, it's facing away from me, and you get into it from the back, and there is a single large door hinged on the left had side. As i approach the door starts to auto-swing closed, and Ronnie has his hand out to shake my hand. I just get there in time, shake his hand, and walk off to the right, and in Indianna Jones style, just time it to get out immediately before the door shuts tight.

Helicopter takes off, and I'm left standing in this back yard of someplace trying to figure out how I get back to where i want to be.

And then I awake

No Cheese was involved in this dream.
Only one recently:

I felt a patting on my head whilst sleeping, I “woke” to find the hand through the bed headboard, through a set of bars.. i look to the direction of the headboard, it’s pitch black (there’s a wall behind the headboard) and the eyes and face of the Nun / male troll type thing appears out of the murky darkness. Once i looked it took it’s had back through the bars.
I couldn’t move and supposedly I was making noises (it felt like i was screaming).

I don’t normally dream or have nightmares but that was appropriately creepy.
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I woke up from a nightmare went to pick my phone up and grabbed a boney severed hand , obviously I hadn't woken up, great directing by the dark side of my brain though

Yeah, I'm always on the look out for this double bluff in film nightmare sequences now, after seeing that one in An American Werewolf in London with the Nazi daemons, which I will be honest really shook me up at the time. I don't recall seeing the technique used before in a film I'd seen before then.
Just bizarre dreams, not nightmares.

It's the sometimes sleeping with my eyes open that buggers me though, my eyes get so dry. Sometimes I have to mentally tell myself to shut the damn things.

It's freaked my OH out a few times.
Which reminds me of a dream I had about a year ago that I related on another forum

Crikey. I remember now in my Man U dream that I was let go as I was competing with Darren Ferguson for a place, Sir Alex was really apologetic about it :cry:. The dream was so vivid that for days later I have to physically convince myself that I didn't actually play two games for Manchester United the week before.
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