Nightmares as an adult?

Of all the dreams/nightmares I've had in the past, 2 come to mind that were particularly unpleasant.

One of them being about that creepy crawly thing that goes into "Boris the Animals" hand from MIB III. Basically, I was having a fight with him and pinned him up against a wall (didn't require the Boxing Stance).

Turns out that he had a load of them and they started attacking my Sister and one got tangled up in her hair. Don't know what happened to Boris as the dream switched to me grabbing that little critter out of my sister’s hair only for it to crawl up my arm.

I can even remember how it felt. I was so horrified I woke up and "threw" it onto my bedroom floor. I chuckled when I realised I hadn't actually thrown anything at all.

The second dream, which was actually a reoccurring event was a spirit or ghost if you like that was trying to get into my body and would pull me out of the bed and throw me around the room. This would have me often waking up in a sweat and actually shaking. I would also get pins and needles to top it off.

I haven't been feeling myself lately, perhaps it was successful and I'm no longer me!
Sorry to bump but there's an existing thread for what I've just experienced, which was to wake up from my first proper nightmare in absolutely ages.

I was walking round a grim murky lake at dusk and spotted a baby struggling in the lake, with its head just barely above the surface.

I saw two police officers who appeared to be looking for the baby but hadn't seen it yet, then called out "hey there's a baby in the water here!".

They were too far away though and I was closer, so I jumped in and just as I jumped they both shouted "NO DON'T, IT'S NEW YEAR'S EVE".

When I surfaced, I couldn't see the baby anymore. Then I turned round and it was right there in front of my face but its eyes were gone and it was grinning.

Then I woke up with a jolt and am currently too scared to get up and go to the loo!
Holy thread bump!

Still whilst I'm here...

Rarely nightmares, more ultra strange high intensity dreams. Although, on occasion, due to my obsession with zombies, I might have a realistic one that scares the **** out of me.

I don't normally get nightmares that actually frighten me, but I do have some very vivid big scale sci-fi/horror type dreams. The weird thing is that they tend to feel more like being in a movie than it being a "real" dream and so are more thrilling than scary.

The dreams that do have an effect tend to be more mundane nice ones with people (mostly family) that that are no longer around. Wake up from happy dream feeling sad!
but I do have some very vivid big scale sci-fi/horror type dreams. The weird thing is that they tend to feel more like being in a movie than it being a "real" dream and so are more thrilling than scary.

I get that with zombie apocalypse dreams for some reason - occasionally get them very vividly but for some reason they are never scary and more like watching a movie. Another weird thing is if there are any weapons involved in the dreams I'm always using a shotgun which is definitely not my weapon of choice consciously.

I rarely get nightmares - I think I had 2 total in my entire childhood and pretty much none as an adult, at least so rarely I've forgotten any now, aside from I did actually have one a few weeks back but annoyingly I can't remember it now.
Many of my dreams don't leave me a good feeling. I find it hard to cry irl but in some dreams with sad things happening i.e. death of a loved one I'm absolutely crying my eyes out and it feels real and I usually wake up. I also have dreams where I'm dreaming that I know this isn't just a dream, this happens with positive dreams usually, so when I wake up and realise it was just a dream after all, I'm disappointed
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I don't normally get nightmares that actually frighten me, but I do have some very vivid big scale sci-fi/horror type dreams. The weird thing is that they tend to feel more like being in a movie than it being a "real" dream and so are more thrilling than scary.

The dreams that do have an effect tend to be more mundane nice ones with people (mostly family) that that are no longer around. Wake up from happy dream feeling sad!
You've struck a nerve with me on both parts of this:

- I had a nightmare/dream a few weeks ago that had very sci-fi/Dr Who vibes to it - I woke up (in the dream) and there was some old guy in my room trying to turn the tv on, it was my childhood room at my parents house, but slightly bigger. I was an adult in the dream and had a double bed (was a single IRL when I lived with them), which I was sharing with a friend/partner.
I kicked the guy out of my room, but could still hear him moving about, so I went downstairs and found him stood in the front doorway looking up at a bright light coming down from the sky - went outside and there were people of a similar age to him all doing the same outside the neighbouring houses (kinda invasion of the bodysnatchers/day of the triffids feel to it!)... The location was nothing like where my parent's house is, was more like a small rural Welsh village (looking out over a velley)
...Yes I know that's weird AF and I woke up from it in a cold sweat and feeling panicked :D couldn't get back to sleep for a while after that.

- The other one, which was waaay more painful (this was a few years ago but I still remember the feeling vividly), was having a dream that I met a girl, fell in love, had a family and a happy life. Saw my parents (older than they are IRL) as the awesome grandparents I know they would be (I think this is something I carry some guilt for - as I can't see myself, or my brother, having kids).
That dream felt like years or even decades had passed, waking up to realise that none of it had happened was heart wrenching :(

(P.S. No Freudian analysis please, I don't want to overthink what those mean for my subconscious :p )
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I had one the other night where in the nightmare I got really drunk and blacked out, but there was another me watching myself perfectly aware of what was going on. Drunk me was getting into some hairy situations by no fault of my own whilst the other me was powerless to help. I woke up and basically felt like I'd watched myself in my 20's lol.
I had one the other night about giant marsh mellows that I was forced to eat and was really struggling to get them digested.

When I woke up all my pillows had gone.
I get them on the rare occasion, and probably not in the sense that people usually get them.
Its a term I've only discovered recently "Geometric Nightmares". I dont think this is an "official" term but its something that has popped up in my searches. Effectively I dont remember a much detail about the dream/nightmare but the common theme being vivid memories of it devolving into huge geometric shapes sometimes it almost feels like being in a kaleidoscope. Its not the mental visuals that bother me though its the feeling of acute uneasiness, anxiety and overwhelming discomfort for what should be relatively benign "visual". Often these dreams persist beyond one sleep cycle and result in a horrendous nights sleep. I've learned that if I get one, I just dont bother going back to sleep at least not straight away. Also noticed it tend to happen earlier in the night 1.5-2hrs after falling asleep.
The dream/nightmare itself is never the same but the theme and sensation always is.
I've had one proper nightmare in the last year: a scary witch (!) Was chasing me and my family. I took a stand and punched the witch in the face (which is very me) as my family escaped. I woke up at that point.

Edit: does anyone have dreams where they can smell? I had one the other week, which I thought was a bit unusual.
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Last night was the first night in about 20 years that I had a nightmare. I don't normally remember my dreams, and even this I only remember 1 specific part of - a spider.

It scurried across the floor as spiders do, then stopped and sat there. Then its body opened up like eyelids to reveal a human-like eyeball which just stared back at me. It didn't attack me or anything, it was just freaky. Next thing I know I'm sat bolt upright in bed pouring with sweat.

Does anyone else still have the odd weird/freaky dream which wakes you up?
That sounds cool.
WIsh i had that.
When I split up with partner 20 odd years ago I used to get recurring dreams about taking my kids out and they got lost and I couldn't find them.

Another I was in some cowboy scenario and this gang shot me. I felt super cold and just as my vision was fading to black I woke up panting.
Been decades since I had a wake up sweaty and scared nightmare. Don’t miss them at all.

Have the occasional weird dream where I wake up gently, spend 5 minutes wondering WTF was that all about and then am asleep again shortly afterwards. Not scary, nor in any way related to real life events, but just really vivid.
When I split up with partner 20 odd years ago I used to get recurring dreams about taking my kids out and they got lost and I couldn't find them.

Another I was in some cowboy scenario and this gang shot me. I felt super cold and just as my vision was fading to black I woke up panting.
Sounds like Sleep Apnea to me.
I find that since I've laid off the alcohol, I sleep much better and I don't get many ****** up dreams.

That's funny coz I tend to find the opposite. When I drink I often sleep better. I mean just a couple. When I've had too much I sleep way worse.
I also find that often when I have nightmares or very intense dreams, I've actually slept a good, longer sleep than normal. I tend to be someone that wakes up 3 or 4 times a night for no apparent reason, although I am sensitive to light/noise waking me up. Very light sleeper. Usually only 6 hours total on average of actual sleep time I would imagine.
I think I sleep best when I'm physically (as in body wise) tired, then my body wants to lie still and I sleep good.

TLDR yeah I still get intense dreams and nightmares perhaps once or twice a week.

The main thing that annoys me in my dreams, is my mind senses it's a dream and ruins it by changing the direction to be more realistic, or safe. There are many women things I would have loved to have explored deeper for example, when my mind keeps me in check. Lucid dreaming where you direct the dream...pretty interesting.
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