Ninja Gaiden

Originally posted by R^T
I am about to go to college in about an hour and after talking to my mate say it was brill I was tempted to buy it.

Now I have read a bit of this thread and you guys and gals rave about it.

I think I might have to get it when I'm at college :D

One thing I need to ask.

Can you only have one weapon?

Like you can only carry one around?

*** R^T

The weapons you can end up with are as follows....

Dragon Sword
Vigoorian Flails
Wooden Sword (upgraded to be the best weapon in the game in you can afford it).
War Hammer
Spear Gun
Dark Dragon Blade

You can also have the following distance weapons....

Windmill Shuriken
Incediary Shuriken
Incendiary arrows
APFSDS Core arrows (very powerful)

So yes, you do get a couple :D

Oh, and you also have magic as well :)
Originally posted by StixxUK
Davey, don't forget the Lunar...

Oh wait, you don't have Live :D

I'm going to slap the taste out of your mouth for that, cheeky goit :p

Originally posted by -DT-
Does anyone actually use the Keitsu?

Yes, I've used it quite a few times. Some of the attacks are great (including sucking health from fiends and transferring it to yourself), and the Ultimate Essense attack is fantastic, probably the best looking one in the game.
Originally posted by Swiftan
Pair it up with the Armlet of Tranquility and the damage over time is cancelled out, I use it quite often.

Yup, that's what I do, great weapon, more powerful than a level 3 Dragon Sword I think, but not as powerful as the True Dragon Sword. :)
Just resurrecting this thread, as I got Xbox Live yesterday, so have been plying Hurricane Pack 1 a fair bit. What are other people's opinions on it? I must say, it's nowhere near as hard as I thought. I've died a couple of times trying to be cocky and get away using no health elixirs, but in general the game isn't even as hard as Hard level, certainly with the enemies that haven't been changed much. I love the Lunar and new enemies though (Catwomen and updated enemies), it's a new challenge trying to intercept them all and not just block/counter all the time.

All in all, top quality download :)
Originally posted by masterk
Any basic tips for this game?

Gettinng killed often by ninja's and black soldiers and those red dogs in the city?

Red dogs? The only thing in the city I can think of that are red are the dragons. Let me know what you mean and I can give you some specific tips.

Anyway, some quick generic tips. Learn your enemy and the moves they do. There's no good just sitting there blocking if they have grab/throw moves which can hurt you. Learn the combo's they have as well, as knowing which move is the final move in a combo means you know when you can stop blocking and start attacking.

Pick a weapon and learn it inside out. The obvious choice is the Dragon Sword. Learn the combo's perfectly so you know what you can use for the right situation. Izuna Drop is the best one, after you buy it (XYXXXY).

Perfect using the ultimate techniques. Enemies killed by an UT drop more essense than normal, so this is essential if you want lots of money to upgrade the weapons and buy supplies. Remember that you can pre-charge an UT while in the air (hold down Y while in mid-air, or mid-combo). You'll suck the essense in immediately, letting you fire off a quick UT.

Learn how to use the counter-attacks perfectly. You'll find the scroll at the end of level 2 (when you kill the samurai horseman), and it can become invaluable, especially when surrounded by multiple ninja's all attacking at once. Fire off a quick counter-attack and you can hit multiple enemies at once.

That should do it for me. Let me know if you want more enemy specific tips.
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
Red dogs? The only thing in the city I can think of that are red are the dragons. Let me know what you mean and I can give you some specific tips.

Anyway, some quick generic tips. Learn your enemy and the moves they do. There's no good just sitting there blocking if they have grab/throw moves which can hurt you. Learn the combo's they have as well, as knowing which move is the final move in a combo means you know when you can stop blocking and start attacking.

Pick a weapon and learn it inside out. The obvious choice is the Dragon Sword. Learn the combo's perfectly so you know what you can use for the right situation. Izuna Drop is the best one, after you buy it (XYXXXY).

Perfect using the ultimate techniques. Enemies killed by an UT drop more essense than normal, so this is essential if you want lots of money to upgrade the weapons and buy supplies. Remember that you can pre-charge an UT while in the air (hold down Y while in mid-air, or mid-combo). You'll suck the essense in immediately, letting you fire off a quick UT.

Learn how to use the counter-attacks perfectly. You'll find the scroll at the end of level 2 (when you kill the samurai horseman), and it can become invaluable, especially when surrounded by multiple ninja's all attacking at once. Fire off a quick counter-attack and you can hit multiple enemies at once.

That should do it for me. Let me know if you want more enemy specific tips.


Yes they are dragons.

I also get trouble from the ninja's grenades, they tend to take me out pretty quick.
Originally posted by masterk
I also get trouble from the ninja's grenades, they tend to take me out pretty quick.

do you mean them shurikens which stick to you and blow up? I get around them by rolling a lot, then jumping off a wall to slash the ninja, roll and jump all the time, thats what i do.
Originally posted by masterk

Yes they are dragons.

I also get trouble from the ninja's grenades, they tend to take me out pretty quick.

The dragons can be hard at first, but with a little patience they're fine. Never take on more than one at a time. If there's 2 close together, roll out of the way and get one on his own. Wait until he attacks, roll out of the way, then use the Blade of Nirrti (XYXXXX). Immediately block and roll away when you land, wait for another attack, roll out of the way, and repeat. They always drop multiple essense (2 yellow, or 1 red/blue), so wait for a 2nd dragon to attack (hold block the entire time so you don't suck up the essense early), roll out of the way, then hit them with a fully charged UT. It won't kill them in one shot unfortunately, but it'll get them pretty damn close. Continue with above strategy until all 3 are dead. The face the real boss of the level ;)

As for the Ninja's incediary shuriken, they can be very annoying. When facing the ninja, it's best to hold block down continuously, letting go only to hit them with an Izuna Drop (one of these will kill a ninja). If you do get hit with with a shuriken, keep hold of block, it does far far less damage when it explodes if you're blocking at the time.
Originally posted by Kappa
do you mean them shurikens which stick to you and blow up? I get around them by rolling a lot, then jumping off a wall to slash the ninja, roll and jump all the time, thats what i do.

Unfortunately on hard and very hard they're exceptionally accurate, so if you're in mid-air, they hit you a very good percentage of the time.
Hmm now im stuck in the monks bedroom in the monastery.

I put left,right,right,left like his journal said, into the safe and nothing happens? :confused:
Originally posted by masterk
Hmm now im stuck in the monks bedroom in the monastery.

I put left,right,right,left like his journal said, into the safe and nothing happens? :confused:

Hehe, I just done that bit on the HP. Move left to 2 then click X, move right to 7, click X, right to 1, click X, move left to 2, click X. Open the safe and get the Book of Eons, then prepare for a fight. If you're on normal difficulty, I think it'll be 3 black ninja's, otherwise it will be some floaters and brown fiends.
Originally posted by masterk
Bah, ive given up now, on the "red eye room" with the swinging maces, its impossible.

Look to the top of the swinging maces, there is a button you can shoot with your arrows which slow them down greatly, making it much easier :)
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