*** Nintendo Switch ***

I wasn't planning on getting a switch until later in the year but yesterday i caved in and ordered one after seeing how great zelda looks. Only problem is they are not in stock anywhere!
I never completed WW either. I got bored of the sailing :p

And no you can't have my Switch. Get Lakitu's missus to buy you one!

I couldn't get behind WW. Hated the sailing, hated the art style. It's the only console Zelda game I have not completed.

I think I will order a Switch next week. Will probably be a month or two before it's in stock and delivered, but I can wait! And at leas it is unlikely to have a Joycon issue
Oh I loved the art style and the cel shading. Just not the bloody sailing!

Really want to see the Wii U version on the Switch. I think it will happen.
Zelda is in stock, the switch is not though. Its sold out everywhere. Amazon just delivered my copy of zelda but i have nothing to play it on :(

They had stock yesterday. I'd just order it and wait for stock. Amazon probably get most of the allocation. You shouldn't have to wait too long.

Nintendo is saying stock available end of March. Stock Informer is pretty good if you set up alerts http://www.stockinformer.co.uk/checker-nintendo-switch
Zelda is in stock, the switch is not though. Its sold out everywhere. Amazon just delivered my copy of zelda but i have nothing to play it on :(
Oh sorry
Id hate that having the game there and not able to play it
Ive heard some argos's have them in stock you checked your local ones?
I liked wind waker, everything apart from the sailing
I think the art style was amazing
Got quite a few figures and framed
Posters which are in the wind waker style
If they did another remake port for the switch id defo get it
But not buying a wiiu for it
Human Resource Machine I like the look of. If someone gives it a punt can they let me know how they get on with it please?
Windwaker HD actually improved on the sailing. I don't think you had to use the wand to change wind directions etc and also you can get a sail that doubles the boats speed!
New orzly screen protector. My 4th one in like 2 week on various devices. Seated it to the left a little when lined up the side but it's parallel so will leave it.

No Zelda tonight, wait for it to settle.



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