*** Nintendo Switch ***

Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Any recommendations for good multiplayer games (I have most of the mario games btw) Thanks

Best 4 player local multiplayer:
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse
  • Overcooked 1 & 2
  • Snipperclips
  • Mario Kart
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
  • Super Smash Bros
Second tier games to consider:
  • Towerfall
  • Worms
  • Bomberman
  • Death Squared
  • Catastronauts
  • Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
  • Super Mario Bro's U Deluxe
Mario Party is pretty poor compared to the previous games in the series and I rate the above games better than it.

For online games:
  • Splatoon 2
  • Smash Bros Ultimate
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
  • Overwatch
  • Paladins
  • Warframe
  • Tetris 99
  • Diablo 3
  • Mario Maker 2
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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I played Splatoon 2 for something like 200 hours. Yeah, it's amazing. Kreeeee has played it for like a million hours or something, so he probably likes it a bit.
It's more than 500...

I haven't played it for a few months though as I reached the maximum rank in everything, have all perfect gear, and there are no new maps or weapons being released :(

Edit: Plus they keep nerfing my perfectly engineered cheese strategies with the chickens and curling bombs!

Smash is catching up quickly and with Overwatch out I don't see me playing it much in the future.

Be warned though, it will ruin FPS games for you though as you won't be able to go back to joystick aiming once you realise how good motion controls are. Joysticks give you 10% of the control that a mouse does while motion controls (done right) give you 70%.
13 May 2008
Any tips for using the Gyro, Overwatch is the first game where I considered and tried it but my god it was hard but not only that if I was running and tilted the switch down my hero would do the same, do you have to keep the switch still to look straight? Surely that must be a pain if playing for a couple hours at a time? (I’m an undocked kinda guy).
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Any tips for using the Gyro, Overwatch is the first game where I considered and tried it but my god it was hard but not only that if I was running and tilted the switch down my hero would do the same, do you have to keep the switch still to look straight? Surely that must be a pain if playing for a couple hours at a time? (I’m an undocked kinda guy).

  • Whenever you use the joystick the motion control is disabled
  • Use very low motion sensitivity and around 70 stick sensitivity
  • Only use motion to make small movements (fine tuning a head shot, hook, or an angle for a Moira ball), most movement is with the stick
  • You are very rarely not aiming, so you may have a period of 3 seconds where you need to keep the controller still. This isn't hard to do.
13 May 2008
  • Whenever you use the joystick the motion control is disabled
  • Use very low motion sensitivity and around 70 stick sensitivity
  • Only use motion to make small movements (fine tuning a head shot, hook, or an angle for a Moira ball), most movement is with the stick
  • You are very rarely not aiming, so you may have a period of 3 seconds where you need to keep the controller still. This isn't hard to do.

cheers, I definitely need to play around with it a bit more as seems a positive feature from everyone. Did it take you long to get used to incorporating into your game style?
5 May 2008
Yeah good news on LM3. Will pick it up once I am done with a few other things. Think I am around 70% through Astral Chain then back to Fire Emblem. I am picking up the odd game from my watchlist which has a deep sale but other than that I am focusing on completing my physical backlog before buying anything new.
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