Nitefly's 'Hearts on Fire' Log

Did some barbell complexes today, 8 'sets' with a minute rest in-between. Almost blacked out, holy ****! That be some tough exercise!
Squats 75kg - 5,5,5,8,8
Bench 57.5kg - 5,5,5,3,4
Rows 55kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Decline 55kg 5 to negs - 5,3,3,3
Core bits

Squats felt much better today \o/

Going to increase my food intake before my workouts because I'm just not eating enough. Heavy backload session lined up. Pizza and apple pie!
Squats 77.5kg - 5,5,5,8,8
OHP 37.55kg - 5,4,3,3,3 (push press to complete)
DL 105kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Chin ups -> negs to 5 - 5,5,3,3
Pull Downs 55kg - 5
Core bumf.

Nothing to report. Keepin on truckin.
Going to hammer the coconut oil pre-gym today to see if I notice a boost. I've just been eating a chicken breast then hitting the gym at 6.30ish sans any coconut oil with no carbs for 48 hours... Anti-energy stations!

PBs incoming.
Squats 80kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Bench 57.5kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Rows 55kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Dips BW (+2 negs) - 4,3,2,2,1
Core bits

Bah, buscuits, scourging my lighter backload *shakes fist*. As I can eat practically indefinitely, I find it quite hard to limit my backloads to 250g and 300-350g is common. I suppose this means I'm adding more muscle, but delaying fat loss. I'm also not very heavy, so 300g is probably overdoing it anyway. Thoughts welcome!
Squats 82.5kg - 5,5,5,5,5
OHP 37.55kg - 5,5,5,5,5
DL 105kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Chin ups -> negs to 5 - 5,5,4,3,3
Core Stuff

Took longer rests today except squats. Felt better. Going to deload on bench though next time around, shoulders / pec are truly horrible!
It's hard not to absolutely gorge when you finally get to carb up again I agree. Last night I had pizza, a tub of ben & jerry's, an easter egg and a bag of foam bananas :o. Totally worth it though, I'm almost content with being forever fat now I just don't care enough about being lean to sacrifice dem foodz.
Squats 85kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Bench 50kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Rows 57.55kg - 5,5,5,5,5
Incline Dumbell Bench 16kg - 8,8,8,8,8
Core bits

Have gone right down on bench for some recovery. Not sure what killed my shoulder/pecs but it's grim and even the bar wasn't painless. Form was allegedly fine, so just randomly tweaked it I suppose. Hopefully recovery will be swift.

Squats were hard but strong. Going to hover on each weight for 2 sessions for a more gradual increase of weight.

Feeling relative lean!
Dat OHP struggle. I know it.

Feel for me bro, OHP for the first time in a month tomorrow. This will not end well.
A truly miserable gym session for me today, had a face like an angry fiddle! Leg pain and elbow pain were the cause of my grief today and after a very long day at work that's not what you want. It did however mark my return to weights from Tuesday - I went on a bit of a drink binge from Wednesday to Saturday which I don't regret in the slightest, although holy crap, water retention :eek:

Squats - 85kg 3,4,4,4,4
Bench - 52.5kg 5,5,5,5,5
Rows - 57.5kg 5,5,5,5,5 awful form due to elbows
Core bits
Looks like I'm going to be off at least until the end of this week. Still suffering from food poisoning and I feel worse for being off the drips.

Finally back in action! Went back to the gym on monday and nearly passed out after one squat... optimistic with my recovery post-illness there! Had a fun session today though:

Deadlift 5x5 100kg
Bench 5,5,5,5,4 55kg
OHP 5,5,3,3,3 (pushpress to 5) 35kg
Squats 5x6 60kg

Will hopefully get back on track with routine over the upcoming weeks.
Have been for a few sessions since but this is more of a diet update. During my gastroenteritis, which was seriously unfun and lasted the best part of 3 weeks until I was back on form, I switched back to simple carby foods to the point where back loading prep was 100% out of the window. Now recovered, there's is not a chance in hell I'm putting myself through the misery of more prep-phase nonsense and, for reasons below, it's time for a time out from CBL.

I feel so much better both mentally and physically on carbs. I mean galactically better, happier and so much more capable at work. I really have noticed an improvement in my concentration and ability to think. I think I was overdoing it by doing HIIT as well / exercising most days. My body was just zoned.

So for now, a more standard, relaxed, and enjoyable high protein diet. The good news is I lost a huge amount of fat over the past 4 months, but losing any more and I would start looking very stick like indeed. The tough part now will be to avoid overeating - I'm definitely enjoying my diet liberation!

It'll be interesting to see what sort of gains I can make in the upcoming months :)
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