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No EVGA before christmas

13 Mar 2009
Well someone else shipped EVGA cards today and their overall queue went down by 5, at this rate I will have a 4 series card installed in my machine before this thing even turns up.
7 Jan 2010
So which UK website can I get a rtx 3080 gpu from that would be available before christmas?

  1. We don't know
  2. It's against the rules to talk about competitors here, so any other site can't be mentioned
Personally I suspect the Zotac Trinity OC and Gigabyte Vision are quite short queues with OC, and they have both had some stock this week, so might be good bets. But really its all guesswork.
20 Sep 2020
OCUK can we please have some clarification on this. There are a few thousand people sat waiting patiently (and a few not so patiently) for a realistic time frame for these EVGA cards.

Reality is even if we wanted to switch to a competing retailer for a different brand now we'd be so far back in the queues we likely wouldn't receive them any earlier.

Every post we see of customers receiving cards from competitors with no information from you chips away another piece of our dwindling trust in you as a retailer.

To be clear, I'm not asking for a date for the delivery of my card.. just some form of non-double speak update.
13 Mar 2009
OCUK can we please have some clarification on this. There are a few thousand people sat waiting patiently (and a few not so patiently) for a realistic time frame for these EVGA cards.

Reality is even if we wanted to switch to a competing retailer for a different brand now we'd be so far back in the queues we likely wouldn't receive them any earlier.

Every post we see of customers receiving cards from competitors with no information from you chips away another piece of our dwindling trust in you as a retailer.

To be clear, I'm not asking for a date for the delivery of my card.. just some form of non-double speak update.
I wouldn't hold my breath tbh, EVGA direct suppliers are only getting very limited stock.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Nope i tried it,I am on the notification queue now from their Europe site.

No paying up front, no obligation to buy and in a queue.
That’s just a an a email when they are in stock not the pre order queue like the us where you have a place number and then 8 hours to check out when it gets to your turn.
1 Oct 2020
Yeah, that's it for me. A handful of EVGA cards sourced after two months and possibly not even the edition I ordered.
Not much of a difference but anyone over 136 in the queue for Black will move up a place.
7 Oct 2020
So the more upto date thread has been locked for some reason so I'm posting the update here.

Locked thread THREAD


Hopefully, despite being an extremely small shipment for a distributor it'll hopefully at least be 10 Ultra cards of each type for Overclockers..
Very irritating that we're 2 months in, a competitor has shipped over 300 EVGA cards and OC are managing to ship out a small amount because of their lack of partnership with EVGA.
But irritations aside, it's at least something. I am with hope that Exertis can get a weekly shipment in, perhaps.
18 Sep 2020
In another way with new cards coming from AMD it was a blessing. even I m in early 50s, I m wishing more delay so I can see what AMD is offering actually, from 3rd party reviews. so for same price should get AMD card which is almost same as RTX 3090
20 Apr 2004
In another way with new cards coming from AMD it was a blessing. even I m in early 50s, I m wishing more delay so I can see what AMD is offering actually, from 3rd party reviews. so for same price should get AMD card which is almost same as RTX 3090

presuming the new AMD cards won't have similar issues selling out instantly (like ryzen 5000)
2 Oct 2020
Hopefully, despite being an extremely small shipment for a distributor it'll hopefully at least be 10 Ultra cards of each type for Overclockers..
Very irritating that we're 2 months in, a competitor has shipped over 300 EVGA cards and OC are managing to ship out a small amount because of their lack of partnership with EVGA.
But irritations aside, it's at least something. I am with hope that Exertis can get a weekly shipment in, perhaps.
Fingers crossed for the XC3s, more specifically the XC3 Gaming.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
If retailers can buy from EVGA direct, they why are OCUK using a distributor? middle men are usually bad news.

Also I like that new queue system EVGA have announced, basically its a queue for notification, so when you at front of queue only "you" are notified the product is available for order and you get 5 hours to order it.

It's weird, I can buy from HP direct but for some reason HP give out additional discounts to their distributers. For example I wanted 70 HP 705g5 mini's, from HP these retail at £584 but through the disti network I was able to get hp to agree a price of sub £400 a unit. That is why you go out to the disti network as the oem/vendors give their distis extra leverage. It's a messy network mind and you will randomly find massive variations in prices across different distis by big margins. Or I have also noticed the same product with a slightly different sku and one is massively cheaper.
Last edited:
27 Feb 2015
It's weird, I can buy from HP direct but for some reason HP give out additional discounts to their distributers. For example I wanted 70 HP 705g5 mini's, from HP these retail at £584 but through the disti network I was able to get hp to agree a price of sub £400 a unit. That is why you go out to the disti network as the oem/vendors give their distis extra leverage. It's a messy network mind and you will randomly find massive variations in prices across different distis by big margins. Or I have also noticed the same product with a slightly different sku and one is massively cheaper.

Ok but obviously a retailer wouldnt be buying from EVGA at retail prices so its not the same as a consumer buying direct. Also wouldnt a middle man put their profit margin in there to increase the price?

Also I am confused you said you was able to get hp to agree to a lower price via a distributor, seems it wasnt a 3rd party distributor if you was still negotiating with hp?
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