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No EVGA before christmas

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Ok but obviously a retailer wouldnt be buying from EVGA at retail prices so its not the same as a consumer buying direct. Also wouldnt a middle man put their profit margin in there to increase the price?

Also I am confused you said you was able to get hp to agree to a lower price via a distributor, seems it wasnt a 3rd party distributor if you was still negotiating with hp?

No it was a conversation with the disti but then they go back to the vendor, cant say the disti but for some reason the distis need to get a price from the vendor so its this back and forward game of you calling disti, them calling vendor and around in the circle you go. The disti agrees the price with the vendor on your behalf. Some distis get better pricing from the vendor. It's just an odd setup.
2 Oct 2020
I'm guessing these will be the numbers:

Extremely small 1-5

Most probably the XC3 Ultra and FTW Ultra as EVGA have been prioritising those GPUs. I can't see them making a dent this side of Christmas. The Black and Gaming GPUs will be lagging behind.
27 Feb 2015
No it was a conversation with the disti but then they go back to the vendor, cant say the disti but for some reason the distis need to get a price from the vendor so its this back and forward game of you calling disti, them calling vendor and around in the circle you go. The disti agrees the price with the vendor on your behalf. Some distis get better pricing from the vendor. It's just an odd setup.

That does indeed sound odd, and thank you for clarifying.
7 Dec 2010
EVGA has all their stock in rest of Europe available all the time on and off from the ftw editions to the blacks, but the UK has had hardly anything, seems with Brexit EVGA thinks the UK is not worth it anymore or we are now second class citizens for their products. It's all comical, all the time on the river site for other countries I see EVGA stock appear on and off from 3080s to 3090s and other local retailers in them countries but UK nothing... Says a lot about EVGA these days and I'm always after their cards normally and even current card is an EVGA and one before .. Worrying to think what their attitude will be when a warranty claim is done after Brexit, if they are behaving like UK is second class to rest of Europe and USA market. Even Indian retailers and youtubers have the FTW Ultra models I saw on youtube .. UK is in a blackhole it seems with suppliers now.
7 Oct 2020
Another week begins lads. I've dropped down from 8 to 7 in the queue for the XC3 Ultra, so hoping I can get that this week.

Kind of disappointing that EVGA sent Exertis' shipment via boat so it took a month to get here.
2 Oct 2020
Another week begins lads. I've dropped down from 8 to 7 in the queue for the XC3 Ultra, so hoping I can get that this week.

Kind of disappointing that EVGA sent Exertis' shipment via boat so it took a month to get here.
Plus sending such a small shipment,
Position 13 for XC3 Gaming. Who said it was shipped by boat?
7 Oct 2020
Plus sending such a small shipment,
Position 13 for XC3 Gaming. Who said it was shipped by boat?

Just guessing based off of the fact that about a month ago JacobF from EVGA said on Twitter they had sent some to Exertis and now it's turning up - takes about a month to ship, probably.
2 Oct 2020
Just guessing based off of the fact that about a month ago JacobF from EVGA said on Twitter they had sent some to Exertis and now it's turning up - takes about a month to ship, probably.
Another competitor is receiving weekly shipments, I just think Exertis is low down in the pecking order. Fingers crosses for weekly shipments.
31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
If anyone remembers there GPU history EVGA royally messed up the 9xx launch and caused no end of issues for OCUK and customers for months and months. Anyone buying EVGA GPU's has only themselves to blame IMHO. :) Its not like they have screwed UK customers before.
7 Oct 2020
Another competitor is receiving weekly shipments, I just think Exertis is low down in the pecking order. Fingers crosses for weekly shipments.

AFAIK they shipped first and are an actual partner of EVGA, compared to just a distributor. I could be wrong, however.

A month to cross the Atlantic? Are they rowing the boat over?

With customs on either end and possibly not being a priority shipment, plus being the time of year that it is it probably takes time.
You're also forgetting they might be shipping it from China, rather than the US - and as far as I know the shipping lead time for GPUs based on what brand reps have said here is about 28 days. I also, yet again, could be completely wrong, however.
2 Oct 2020
If anyone remembers there GPU history EVGA royally messed up the 9xx launch and caused no end of issues for OCUK and customers for months and months. Anyone buying EVGA GPU's has only themselves to blame IMHO. :) Its not like they have screwed UK customers before.
First time using OC and I bought a Palit 980Ti so I was unaware of any issues with EVGA 5 years ago. So not really the buyers fault, it's down to Nvidia for not supplying the demand and EVGA for favouring the US market.
7 Oct 2020
If anyone remembers there GPU history EVGA royally messed up the 9xx launch and caused no end of issues for OCUK and customers for months and months. Anyone buying EVGA GPU's has only themselves to blame IMHO. :) Its not like they have screwed UK customers before.

Can't say myself that I heard of that. I bought an EVGA 1080 a few years ago and got it the next day - so I've only purchased an EVGA card because of good experiences with the 1080.
20 Dec 2006
Lol to the guy saying it is YOUR FAULT for ordering a produuct from a manufacturer. What kind of twisted non sensical logic is that. Good luck at life bud
31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
Lol to the guy saying it is YOUR FAULT for ordering a produuct from a manufacturer. What kind of twisted non sensical logic is that. Good luck at life bud

What a peculiar comment. Maybe you need to get the thread title changed if you dont think that ! :D

People have short memories. Do a search and look back. There was outcry then. Oh and what a surprise EVGA have done it again. Good luck getting your EVGA 3080's ! :p
2 Oct 2020
What a peculiar comment. Maybe you need to get the thread title changed if you dont think that ! :D

People have short memories. Do a search and look back. There was outcry then. Oh and what a surprise EVGA have done it again. Good luck getting your EVGA 3080's ! :p
I just don't see how it is the buyers fault, how on earth is someone going to think to google something that happened 5 years ago.
31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
I just don't see how it is the buyers fault, how on earth is someone going to think to google something that happened 5 years ago.

Depends if you are a regular on the forum or not and how active you are. I can remember it. I know others have commented on it too over past past few months. Never mentioned google though.

Plus its my opinion like I said if you dont agree, thats fine we dont all agree on everthing. Just move on.
2 Oct 2020
Thats fine, some people cant accept that they may have a different opinion to them. Question you ask yourself is if you are one of the EVGA purchases affected would you buy a new gpu from them again ? :)
My first EVGA card was a 780. This is the last time I buy an EVGA card, Euro customers seem to have been shafted in favour of new sales in the US.
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