No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

Trailer looks awesome - was so taken by it I've posted it to Facebook lol.

One to keep on the long term horizon though. There will be plenty of games to play between now and it coming out.
Saw this video posted in the Elite: Dangerous thread, glad it's now got it's own thread.

If pulled off correctly, this has the potential to be something special.
What really caught my eye in an article over on RockPaperShotgun was the lead dev saying that the chose a more Earth-like planet for the trailer so people aren't too alienated by it. Apparently as you get closer and closer to the centre of the galaxy (aim of the game), stuff starts getting more and more further removed from our perception of 'normal'
What really caught my eye in an article over on RockPaperShotgun was the lead dev saying that the chose a more Earth-like planet for the trailer so people aren't too alienated by it. Apparently as you get closer and closer to the centre of the galaxy (aim of the game), stuff starts getting more and more further removed from our perception of 'normal'

So it looks like Slough then? you get closer and closer to the centre of the galaxy (aim of the game), stuff starts getting more and more further removed from our perception of 'normal'

Would be interesting to see if it messed around with the idea of physics changing in systems near super massive black holes as you get closer to the center of galaxies!
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