No Man's Sky

LOL - I even winked :p

It does say the 3 August at the top though :D

This game is likely to have its launch date announced at a press conference which is why I think we wont hear a thing til either PGW, TGS or most likely PSX. If it does support Morpheus then theres a small chance they might align when that releases. Not all great news potentially :(

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Very conspicuous lack of NMS here at Gamescom. Only a brief showing on the play station main screen. Doesn't bode well for 2015 release.
To be fair to them they probably never imagined it would get this much hype.

It's gone from a small indie game to one of the most anticipated PS4/PC releases.
Fallout is an established and highly-anticipated franchise too and people generally know what they're getting. No Man's Sky has needed this time for hype to build and people to understand what the game actually is. It won't sell otherwise.
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