No more grid girls.

In all there talk I have not heard a single interview with any of the girls doing the job what they think.
Really then, they have to remove all models from fashion etc, why is there a difference?, or the model posing for magazines etc.
In all there talk I have not heard a single interview with any of the girls doing the job what they think.
Really then, they have to remove all models from fashion etc, why is there a difference?, or the model posing for magazines etc.

Ah but in motor sport the girls are not the main attraction and therefore its sexist.

When they are the main attraction then what are you on about, females have the right to display themselves for pay, it's totally different.
I think the only real problem with them was that I think it encouraged the objectification of women.

I get that the girls themselves didn't have a problem with it, it's just the ancient tradition that should have died out ages ago imo
So that makes it okay?
You're implying that feminists will not be gunning for other modelling jobs. Boxing's ring girls, cheerleaders, drinks promoters, booth babes.
I can't wait for that scrap to kick off when the booth babes have enough of being told they can't have pretty-face jobs anymore.
I'll bring the baby oil, someone else bring the paddling pool.
Women telling women what they can and can't do, all in the name of freedom for women to do what they want. So much better than the days when men told women what they could and couldn't do.
I'm just waiting for a team like Red Bull to rock up with a load of oiled up blokes to hold grid signs, and watch Liberty and FOM tie themselves up in knots as they 'refine' their brand values. I'm sure there's more than one sponsor cooking up something like this right now.
Are the motorbike championships abandoning them too ? their participation there, is a lot more obvious on tv coverage, than for F1.

There was a pending gender pay-gap call, for F1 (like the Ryan air pilots/cabin staff), although maybe the engineers in the garages were the worst payed.

Never mind - the cheer leaders will continue for USA sports, are they not there too, for the Indy 500, and some other USA motor races.
Women telling women what they can and can't do, all in the name of freedom for women to do what they want. So much better than the days when men told women what they could and couldn't do.

Is it women telling women what to do? Are the majority of F1 stakeholders not male?
Sky News had Natalie Pinkham and I think Jamie Chadwick on this morning 'discussing' this. The F1 driver as they kept popping up on screen didn't see any harm with having Grid girls as it's their choice and generally they are models anyway so it's paid work for them and she was saying it's nothing like other sports where they have women in bikinis. Natalie was more defensive about it saying it was a needed change which I found odd.
Someone arguing a bizzare angle in a TV interview sounds about right. It's done on purpose to give if not a balanced argument then a varied one. Sometimes comical when someone appears to be arguing a position they have no belief in at all but are being forced just to be the shmuck that sets up the position for others to argue against.

When I'm thinking of motor sport I blank out the irrelevant people and events anyway. You'd have to be specially aggravated by or attracted to the posing girls to make special note of them.

Is it women telling women what to do? Are the majority of F1 stakeholders not male?

Who is making the decision, what made them go for it and who is it meant to please?

Probably was a man who made the call but the influences to do it and the audience it is meant to appease... do you think they were male?
Probably was a man who made the call but the influences to do it and the audience it is meant to appease... do you think they were male?

Are you asking if the majority of F1 viewers are male or female?
Are you asking if the majority of F1 viewers are male or female?

No, I'm putting the question of who, that pays attention to, not necessarily viewers, of F1 do you think that F1 is trying to appease.

With strong emphasis that they are seeking approval from females who disapproved.
All these promotional ladies paid to stand around and promote F1 have lost their jobs, but the men who are paid to wear expensive clothing and watches, pose with expensive bottles of bubbles, mingle with celebrities and the rich to encourage them to part with their cash and drive around in overpriced over-engineered advertising vehicles get to keep their jobs.

The ladies were there to promote F1, just like the drivers are there to promote their teams and sponsors. This is a knee jerk reaction to #metoo and completely the wrong way to tackle the issue.

Lets ban cheer-leading, backup dancers at shows, catwalks, modelling... keep all women at home in the kitchen because you're not allowed outside if you're attractive and if you're not a female engineer you've made the wrong life decisions in a male dominated society.

Removing grid girls isn't going to change the sport, the TV director is still going to spend half the coverage showing the attractive partners and celebrities in the team garages instead of the "racing".
Any women that might be involved in the beauty or modelling industry will now be worrying if they are next.
In the case of all these beauty magazines telling women what they should be and ho wthey should look, that might not be a bad thing...

So they've made F1 99.999% male, that's really helped gender equality
I'm sure Lewis Hamilton would get a sex change, if it got him more attention...

The only thing they have achieved it putting other women out of work, this is well paid work too.
And that's probably the biggest driver behind this!!

Crap, I didn't run my post through the PC filter! :eek:
Don't do that, you'll only get it caught in the case fans...

Is it women telling women what to do? Are the majority of F1 stakeholders not male?
They might well be.... but I'm sure they also have wives who tell them what to do!!

What is a Kardashian???
A member of one of the Bad Guy races on Star Trek...
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