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No Pre Order or Official UK Price on the GTX 1080

...And in two years time, exactly the same conversations will be going on, while people buy whatever they want and have buttery smooth frame rates (and with even less power this time around and some pretty nice technology enhacements)

No because in a couple of years Nvidia will have become more benevolent, instead releasing GPU's more sparingly but which more than double the power of the previous cards, and at the same price as the previous cards. Further to that, they will take back your old card paying you fair value, allowing everyone to upgrade painlessly and at reasonable cost. I am quite sure this will happen. :)
1440p is just a stop gap. no point spending money on a 1400p monitor, the resolution is transient and will soon be obsolete. 4K is the "next" real resolution. (in my opinion).

Rubbish, the amount of people that upgrade from 1080P to 1440P because they want the high refresh rate without losing out on FPS is high

As are people who sell up 4K monitors to revert to 1440P for the same reason
Will GTX1080 actually handle 4k well? I'm due a new monitor too so if I get that and the GPU in 1 swift transaction I don't want it to seem like I'm running a game on a potato.
1440p is just a stop gap. no point spending money on a 1400p monitor, the resolution is transient and will soon be obsolete. 4K is the "next" real resolution. (in my opinion).

Having gamed on a 4K monitor for a few months and now gaming on 4K, I find your post kind of bizarre! Some people really like the Ultra wide as well.
1440p is just a stop gap. no point spending money on a 1400p monitor, the resolution is transient and will soon be obsolete. 4K is the "next" real resolution. (in my opinion).

You are lucky you finished that sentence with IMO or the handful of guys here who own ultra wide screen monitor's would have been all over you! :eek::p
Will GTX1080 actually handle 4k well? I'm due a new monitor too so if I get that and the GPU in 1 swift transaction I don't want it to seem like I'm running a game on a potato.

I wouldnt buy one expecting to get 60fps maxed out in games. Newer games will only make it struggle more as well.

4k on a single card for maxed out graphics and smooth gameplay is still a little way away yet. I don't think i would want to do it until volta.
Rubbish, the amount of people that upgrade from 1080P to 1440P because they want the high refresh rate without losing out on FPS is high

As are people who sell up 4K monitors to revert to 1440P for the same reason

This^ I bought my PG279Q because I wanted high refresh over anything else, its not like I couldnt have bought a 4K monitor....

I'll check it out later, meant to be working :rolleyes:

4k is not there yet, 1440p is the sweet spot and looks vastly better than 1080p. 1080p IMHO is horrid now, and one day, yes 1400p will be horrid but not yet...

See I'm currently at 1080p which I've been happy with, never really witnessed 1440p as amazing as that claim sounds so I would be happy with that upgrade. You'll have to forgive me as I'm not fully clued up on SLI but I imagine a 1080p in SLI will run 4k a lot better? Just thinking down the line upgrade.
First of a GTX 1080 is a waste of time for 1080p.

Running 1080 SLI (or even 980 Ti SLI) would start to make 4k run at much higher better frame rates 80+ etc.

For FPS games and alike, once the FPS drops below 80FPS I cannot stand it (Once seen it cannot be unseen too), and yes, while dropping back to 1080p made my 980Ti "idle"(joke) with maxed out 120FPS I do not like 1080p, this is why I want the GTX 1080, so I can get the highest frame rates prossible without SLI at 1440p. That is my requirement.

I have run 980 SLI and it was awesome but I just don't rate SLI, the 980 Ti is an awesome single card, and now the 1080 is even better.
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