Nuclear War! What would you do?

Of course its impressive . People dont understand the way nuclear bombs damage is calculated and always do so against little boy and fat man .Like i said just because its X amount of times more powerful does not equal that same amount of damage . 60 miles away doors and windows were blown in the houses were not destroyed ,many think this bomb destroys everything in 100 mile radius or something when that isnt the case

The burst altitude and other configuration has a huge effect on how localised (or not) the radiation/fallout is and the strength, range and shape of the shockwave: in tests typically they use a setup that contains it as much as possible - in a live use the shockwave typically would have around 4x greater effect.

EDIT: I wasn't just referring the the Tsar devices - Russian scientists did a lot of work on a theoretical device that would have wiped out half of an area the size of France in one go and then you have stuff like "Satan 2" (intentionally put in quotes due to all the media stuff).

I'm sure they have ways of reigning him in if he goes full retard on the situation.

Trump seems intent on out doing every single previous US president (and undoing as much of the work they've done as possible) the current record is 2 nuclear bombs used live :s
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Nail his privates to a desk juuuuuust out of reach of the button?

Yeah pretty sure they have safeguards to stop POTUS just having a bad day and going for it, unfortunately though as the leader of his country I would think that when he does say "it be kaboom time" then it is indeed kaboom time.
Nail his privates to a desk juuuuuust out of reach of the button?

I'd like to apply this to all political situations please. David Davis is about to sign off on a terrible Brexit deal, nail his balls to somewhere juuuuuust out of reach of his biro. Opposition leader about to eat a bacon sarnie on camera, nail his balls to somewhere juuuuuust out of reach of the butty van. Boris Johnson about to climb onto a zip any nails?
All joking aside, the consequences would be unfathomable, even if it was a limited exchange. Primary targets would include communications and energy, NATO facilities, and population centers. In short, we wouldn't stand a chance!
Are there still working bomb sirens across the UK? Always wondered about this
Even in newly built areas are they put down?

Don't think so - we used to have them on the schools, etc. around here with yearly tests but that all went away towards the end of the 80s. There are still some around the local military/defence industry sites here but its very local to that.

EDIT: According to wikipedia:

the siren network was decommissioned in 1993 and very few remain.[citation needed]
Having lived in Seoul for a few years I always found the Notices on shelters interesting. From what i could work out by either hiding in the subway or a underground carpark you would just be making it easier to clean up afterwards.
Anyway I lived within a mile of the huge US base so would probably been hit by a missile shot down by a THAD or patriot.

In the UK at work id be screwed in central london, at home, doubt anyone is going to nuke Milton Keynes which is the nearest town and if they did i don't think anyone would notice.
Guess we don't need them anymore, I feel we should.

In Japan, text messages are sent to your phone and TV's can turn on by themselves displaying the latest news to warn you of dangers.
Are there still working bomb sirens across the UK? Always wondered about this
Even in newly built areas are they put down?
They aren't really needed, if **** goes down then every UK cell phone number can be sent a government warning text message from their provider. Benefit of the modern world
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