Yep. I'm still recovering from being hit by a car back in March. Injuries so far: Broken leg, broken hand with further soft tissue damage, the other hand has gone numb with nerve issues and I had a second stint in hospital with a very painful and life threatening blood clot on the lung causing it to collapse. None of these are likely to heal 100%.This is what far too many people don't seem to have any sense of. This is also why the punishments for bad driving are so laughable. You are driving a 2+ tonne weapon at speed and if you do something stupid enough then the consequences are massive. It should be a privilege to hold a licence and all this crap about not banning people because they need to get to work should stop. If you cared that much then you shouldn't drive dangerously. No one should risk their lives because another person can't take the care and attention driving requires.
Penalty for the driver for not paying attention: A one day safety awareness course that he probably slept through. It was a conpany car so his insurance won't even increase. Yippee, that will get him to pay attention in future.