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NVIDIA 4000 Series

4 Jun 2009
Ohh regarding Elon and twitter.. sadly he's destroyed it and it's now full of spam/phishing bots and just users that seem to appear on every news tweet typing some rubbish, in the past they were easier to remove but the lack of staff at twitter maybe the reason no one is really doing anything about it, even when reported many times.. In the past a report would cure it within a few hours if not a day at max, now nothing gets done no matter how many reports are made. So no I don't like him in charge of twitter.. I do like the guy and what he has done but this is a platform he should have kept his hands off as he uses for nothing but to attract attention to himself in very poor ways sometimes.

Yup he has ruined it as a product, I think his vision was right in the sense, stop it from censoring and favouring certain political parties and influencing people i.e. to be the source for un filtered/screened news but poor execution has somewhat ruined that, in terms of a technical pov and somewhat better efficiency from that perspective, he has probably done wonders though, which is probably why he is stepping down and now handing over to your woman to start the next phase.
17 Jun 2016
Got my 4070 FE delivered. Installed & stress tested it. No issues.

OMG, the box is seriously HEAVY, especially compared to tiny box of 3060 Ti. Nvidia decided to use multiple layers of thick cardboard for some reason.

Also, I've decided to get Seasonic 12vhpwr cable from OCUK, native for my PSU. Even if it's not strictly necessary, and 4070 should not be at risk of melting connector, I just don't like the ugly adapter and prefer much cleaner look.

Very happy overall. I can live in peace for next 3-4 years.
1 Nov 2002
OMG, the box is seriously HEAVY, especially compared to tiny box of 3060 Ti. Nvidia decided to use multiple layers of thick cardboard for some reason.

I was involved in a project for my employer last year where I had to organise some high end packaging for some products. The cost of packaging is truly insane, and even though our numbers were tiny, I reckon that FE packaging is still really quite expensive to make. Just goes to show how big their margins are.

Enjoy the card, the 4070 looks to be the most ‘sensible’ card of the 4000 generation IMO. It’s still expensive, but at least you get solid performance. Unlike the craziness of the 4060Ti.
4 Jun 2009
No, if that's what you think i was 'insinuating' then maybe you should've asked if i was before making an ass out of you a me.

Inferior or not is entirely irrelevant, you brought up the whole this is better than that argument, i simply stated that there's been AI booms & busts in the past, the second one was even caused by people believing that because this time it's better it must work, it didn't.

Wow, so much Gish gallop in a single post, impressive, and again with the strawman arguments, where have i said i worked in the industry, whatever industry you've concocted that is.

ROFL, so you're saying these things you're so enamoured about aren't living up to their 'full' potential, whatever that is, but it's right around the corner. Sounds like typical conman talk to me, all i need is another £100 and everything will be amaze-balls, you'll see. :cry:

Where have i given that impression? And you're right you don't have to explain what you do for work or how long you've been in the 'industry' but seeing as you come across as a doughy eyed school girl who's fresh out of collage and never seen trends in the world of technology i thought I'd give you a chance to lend some credence to you arguments so they do come across as being as sycophantic as they do. The choice of whether to show you've got one iota of objectivity is yours.

Yes there has been ai boom and busts before but again, it's incredibly pointless to compare what we have now to them from back then as back then, they were crap and didn't actually provide any real benefit over a human, certainly nothing worthwhile to invest in.... we are at the stage now where with what we have now, we can actually replace humans entirely in a lot of ways because it does a better job and more efficiently and more consistently i.e. there is actual worthwhile benefits to the industry now especially for greedy ceos who are always wanting to reduce operating costs....

No, what we are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of where and how much further this tech. can go, in it's current form, it is already impacting huge change but there is still far more to come in terms of how this tech can be applied and where it can be applied e.g. if you said to me that ai would be used in gaming, I would have said maybe next year, turns out, not even that.

Granted, just a tech demo for now but probably won't be long till games start using it hence my comment earlier that amd need to be careful as nvidia will 100% be using this their AI lead and investment to try and win consoles back, nvidia are already in bed with microsoft for this.....

Again, see google founder of ai comments:

The idea that this stuff could actually get smarter than people — a few people believed that,” he said in the interview. “But most people thought it was way off. And I thought it was way off. I thought it was 30 to 50 years or even longer away. Obviously, I no longer think that.
22 May 2010
Ok so again, since you obviously were around and actively working with ai back then..... was that ai able to replace humans in a lot of the industries? Could the AI pass auditing, medical, law etc. exams? Could the ai effectively write working code? Could the ai back then be able to diagnose issues (of any kind)? Could the ai generate art using just a few words?

Again, clearly all these tech companies are missing something, they must enjoy throwing millions/billions at some ai solution you would find back from the 80s/90s..... But hey what do the founders of ai like Dr Geoffrey Hinton know, clearly ocuk knows better :cry:

I don't need to hype it up, I work in the industry so know first hand what the impact is as of now and most likely will be going forward, there is a reason my company and its competitors are changing it's structure entirely (they have been around for far longer than the internet too....) and it's not just a knee-jerk reaction but because they have done market research and are going based on what our clients are wanting/asking for.

Is it hyped? Well yes because of what it can do and achieve.... will the hype die down and likes of nvidia stock drop again? Of course, same as with anything. Is this phase of AI we have now a gimmick that will just fade away and be forgotten about? Absolutely not.

Personally im looking forward to seeing this guy becoming reality and taxiing me around a bullet proof car with machine guns and rockets.




Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Haven't watched the video and don't know if I will as no doubt, it is just another controversial video by them to get the fanboys going in comment section for that sweet YT $$$$$

But like I said further back, it is 100% bad for gamers, more so pc gamers specifically. Unless nvidia see a massive loss in market share, this will be taking the backseat for the time being.

I would love to be a fly on the wall as you know fine well, nvidia are probably aiming to get consoles back and will be using their partnership with microsoft on gen ai to pursue this and no doubt marketing their features why to pick them over amd i.e. eco system with unified support/adoption of dlss, frame generation, reflex, streaming/recording and even to probably try and get the gsync module back in full swing (the tv market would be huge for this) and the main selling point would be the easy/quick rollout of said features as opposed to amds approach of over the fence, do as you please i.e. FSR basically non existent in consoles still thus developers are relying purely on hardware and/or sacrificing settings across the board with variable/adaptive resolution techniques (or if sony exclusives, using their checkerboarding)
They say the same too, that these keynotes don't benefit the gamer as a whole, although this is all around Computex, a show that is aimed at investors and developers, soit's normal to not see much in the way of gaming and HUB do mention this.
4 Jun 2009
To get the thread back on track, this was interesting:

The latest driver update from NVIDIA, version 535.98, introduces some interesting changes that aren't listed in the release note:

File Size Reduction: The file size has been significantly reduced with this update. The new file size is 653.5MB, representing a decrease of approximately 23% compared to the previous version (532.03) which was 855.18MB.

GPU Decompression Optimizations: The 535.98 driver incorporates GPU decompression optimizations, building upon the improvements introduced in the 535.50 beta version. These optimizations are specifically designed to enhance the performance and efficiency of Gen5 SSDs.

To gain a better understanding of the enhancements and witness the benefits firsthand, you can watch the video linked below, which highlights the GPU decompression optimizations for Gen5 SSDs:

GPU Decompression Optimizations for Gen5 SSDs

Also, ratchet and clank out next month, the game was designed heavily around direct storage use so it will be interesting to see how pc fares here, given history of **** titles recently, not expecting much but it is done by nixus....
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7 Dec 2010
To get the thread back on track, this was interesting:

Also, ratchet and clank out next month, the game was designed heavily around direct storage use so it will be interesting to see how pc fares here, given history of **** titles recently, not expecting much but it is done by nixus....

Waiting to see how much VRAM this will use too :p or how broken it maybe on a pc too before a few patches but I trust that dev that made it and should be a good game on pc and hopefully works fine for everyone.

For all that missed the PC trailer today..

31 May 2023
Can someone explain to me why the 4090 scales poorly at lower resolutions? Is it because of drivers that have significant overhead, as HardwareUnboxed suggests, or is it because it lacks a certain scheduler, if I understood correctly?
19 Sep 2009
Riedquat system
Can someone explain to me why the 4090 scales poorly at lower resolutions? Is it because of drivers that have significant overhead, as HardwareUnboxed suggests, or is it because it lacks a certain scheduler, if I understood correctly?
In general I would say the 4090 is capable of generating such high frame rates at lower resolutions that the CPU cannot keep up. So naturally the worse the CPU the worse it will look, take TPU's original 4090 reviews for example. They paired the 4090 with a 5800X and results at 1080p look particularly weak compared to more recent reviews with a 13900K. In some titles AMD GPUs may fare better at lower resolutions due to driver overhead - do you have specific scenarios in mind?
31 Oct 2002
Can someone explain to me why the 4090 scales poorly at lower resolutions? Is it because of drivers that have significant overhead, as HardwareUnboxed suggests, or is it because it lacks a certain scheduler, if I understood correctly?

Lower resolutions, such as 1080P and 1440P should be consigned to the history books already, especially when considering a 4090.

There's only one extremely niche use case, that's professional esport gamers (counterstrike, pubg etc) where lower latency and 360hz monitors actually matter, though that's such a small subset of the population it's barely worth mentioning.

4090 needs 4k to shine. 4k is also now mainstream, thanks to the 3 year old current gen of consoles.
11 Jan 2021
Lower resolutions, such as 1080P and 1440P should be consigned to the history books already, especially when considering a 4090.

There's only one extremely niche use case, that's professional esport gamers (counterstrike, pubg etc) where lower latency and 360hz monitors actually matter, though that's such a small subset of the population it's barely worth mentioning.

4090 needs 4k to shine. 4k is also now mainstream, thanks to the 3 year old current gen of consoles.
no it doesnt at all, i use a 4090 at 1440p because i like my games to be at least 140+ not the "mainstream" 30fps console peasant edition 4k
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