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NVIDIA 4000 Series

6 Aug 2009
The only answer I have about all these cringe CEOs is that they are cyborgs or lizard people.

It's the only explanation that makes sense!
It's a function of the personality type required to get to CEO combined with huge wealth and isolation from "normal" people, it just fuels their ego. Then they realise that despite the success and wealth they will get old and die like the rest of us. Then they go mad :cry:
3 Aug 2010
Their financial results are proving otherwise though. I don’t think AI is a flash in the pan.

Their financial results have never been stronger though.
Their marketcap is already pricing in insane yearly growth for the next 10 years.

I highly doubt that will pan out. Even if AI is all they hope to be I just can't see Nvidia maintaining a monopoly.

Big players will rush to create their own SoCs instead of relying on Nvidia.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Who needs convincing? Why need to convince

you have basically every tech press backing up with evidence to show dlss is as good as native or better.


Meanwhile in the real world, the tech press are refusing to compare(and segregating) FSR*/DLSS* V native results and explaining why they won't compare them like for like.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Which press? I can only think of one outlet who stated that and it was because there's no consistency's between fsr and dlss which would skeebresults so they stick to native.

The rest all mention DLSS where applicable in benchmarks.
7 Dec 2010
I agree, scam paying for all that extra memory to get a 4% benefit in some games :cry: :D Just think, could have saved yourself lots of money to put towards a truly flagship/nextgen gpu :D I truly do feel for you guys though, you fell right into what you hate the most, overpaying to fund Jensons jackets.
The hilarious thing is again people crying about the price to performance of the 40xx as well as nvidia margins, what do you think the margin was on the 3090.... then look at the performance difference it offered over the £650 3080..... But no one batted an eye lid when handing over £1400 for that..... in fact you could argue, lots of people were proud to have "future proofed" themselves.


It will all be ok mate, wait till 50 series they will have a 5060 with 16GB and performs the same as a 3080 for almost the same price as the msrp 3080 10GB and may come with more fake frames software too or some new gimmick to justify the price increase again and with the extra VRAM will at least load high res textures and not stutter when out of VRAM, wait for the benchmarks then ;) . Keep being positive.

Lets hope they bring back NVLINK and add more VRAM to the 5090 or again a fail for the 90 series or at least give us a Titan again with some real hardware features that most of us buying such cards need..

So far no 40 series RTX on the market can do what I need .. so future proofed for now as nothing else exists in the RTX or even the A-series 40 series that can do 48GB VRAM pooling.. only the Ampere A-series with 48GB cards and NVLINK for a total of 96GB .. but we did this already and you know this..

Also the 4090 to me is a fire hazard and even if it had NVLINK I wouldn't touch it for a system that I need to keep on overnight sometimes to process. Also lets hope they fix the connectors next time or give us the AIB options again for cards with 8/6pin connectors again as the new connector to me is a bad joke too.. All the fails of the 40 series are there to see.. So I'm personally not missing out and of all things would be a downgrade to my system if I did that.
7 Dec 2010
Maybe Intel will save the day with Battlemage...

Maybe.. we can't rule them out till it's in the wild to see what it can do for the price. Intel can do amazing things when they want to but can also get greedy as we know.. so next gen cards will be very interesting hopefully for the right reasons.
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