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NVIDIA 4000 Series

20a nd 30 series mistakes were pricing for the top models vs the actual performance of the slightly not so top models being only a small % behind them whilst being a lot cheaper, if you could get one in stock though.
The performance gap between a 2080 and 2080ti was around 30% similar to the 4080/4090 while the price difference was around $400 the same as the 80/90 gap this gen or do you mean the 2080ti and the 2.5k titan RTX?.
Yeah titan although 30 series never had a Titan series although the pricing was still silly for the 3090 Ti.
And it never sold which was why the 4090 didn’t release at 2k.

I'm still confident we won't see used 4090s going for £1000 like @TNA says when the 50s come out :p Given the latest leak for 5090 specs, I can't see that card being under £2000, and the 5080 will likely be what the 4090 sells for now new lol. Rough ride ahead for future GPU buyers no doubt.

What I think Nvidia will do next gen is release 5090ti using 95% of the full 102 die at the start next generation with a 45% performance increase for 2k and then gimp the 5090 to 82% of the full die for a 25% perf increase for $1600 that way those who owned a 4090 would need to spend 2k to get a good uplift and those who didn’t would be able to get a 5090 without a price increase.

The 5080 would then stay at $1200 offering 4090 performance so those already on a 4080 and wanting to upgrade would end up having paid 2400 instead of just going for a 4090 in the first place.
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There's no need to hope, current gen cards from both AMD and Nvidia are not like last gen's cards, they have a lot of room to continue to be performant, but only if game devs actually implement technologies properly and not half-arse them like we have been seeing all too often. I don't really care about keeping the 4090 relevant, I got it at RRP and then minus 20% for the VAT back. It's effectively paid for itself in the workloads I've been able to do with it since purchase anyway and anything now is just bonus gaming experience which I'm all ok with :p

Nvidia isn't going to be making the 20/30 series mistake again though that much is clear! The prices will seemingly stay high as we have no sign in recent times of prices going down for new cards, only going up, even though the mining boom is a bum road and has been for some time.. Nvidia now have full focus on AI acceleration too and that is an area where GPU prices could always remain high going forwards as GPU mining always had a limited shelf-life, whereas AI acceleration seems to e in virtually everything and is quite obviously goig to be a part of the next generation of game engines with generative AI playing a role in NPC interactions (Ramen Bar/Matrix UE5 etc).

Didn't Jensen even say that it's all about AI now in a recent even iirc, and AMD are investing big on AI acceleration too.


https://imgsli.com/MjMwMzQx/0/1 (link fixed to correct example)

HopeyCope :D
See it's AI everything, even Samsung just sent an email for their event later in Jan called "Galaxy AI" lol

But it's all just a bubble!!!!!!!!

It is very scary just how quick AI has improved in the space of a year and the developments seem to be speeding up even more now, scary times ahead for the real world tbh.
But it's all just a bubble!!!!!!!!

It is very scary just how quick AI has improved in the space of a year and the developments seem to be speeding up even more now, scary times ahead for the real world tbh.
Its a shame GPU performance is not increasing at the same rate, those who buy xx60 cards have only seen a 38% performance increase in the last 5 years.
I mean most would justify the purchase a 4090 if they bought one, just how it goes. But it is down to if you need the performance and RT performance, nothing more. Green vs Red bias should not factor in, not unless you got shares in that company. lol

They HAVE to justify it in their own heads, dropping £1.5 - £2k on just a graphics card....1 component.

People choose what to spend their money on, that's dandy, but they also are supporting these high prices by doing so. Nvidia knows this and milks them for all they can. The 4090 owners know they are being milked and have to balance that negative by justifying the card in their heads, for spending that amount of cash to make themselves feel better.
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They HAVE to justify it in their own heads, dropping £1.5 - £2k on just a graphics card....1 component.

People choose what to spend their money on, that's dandy, but they also are supporting these high prices by doing so. Nvidia knows this and milks them for all they can.

Because they know people will pay to have the best there is and pay for xyz features. Until we have proper competition, this will never change.
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Tbh it took me a month of RMA's to get my inaudible whine card and it can hit 3000mhz so I'm really in no rush to replace it.
Next upgrade will (probably) be the next 3D CPU.
They HAVE to justify it in their own heads, dropping £1.5 - £2k on just a graphics card....1 component.

People choose what to spend their money on, that's dandy, but they also are supporting these high prices by doing so. Nvidia knows this and milks them for all they can. The 4090 owners know they are being milked and have to balance that negative by justifying the card in their heads, for spending that amount of cash to make themselves feel better.

Plenty of people about who can buy a 4090 without a second thought. They don't need to make themselves 'feel' better. They just buy the best card on the market.
i got my 3090FE in the midst of the mining boom. i wanted a 3080 but they were like hens teeth. the drop happened as i was doing child school pick up and it was chucking it down with rain. my phone stopped responding and by the time it rebooted the 3080s were all gone and only 3090s remained.
still................it paid for itself mining, but the thing which makes me smile is.......... the amount of digs i got for mining (despite it being my 1 and only gaming gpu) because miners were forcing the prices of gpus up and out of reach of "normal" people..

and yet now mining is pretty much no more in terms of gaming gpus............... so obviously the prices of new gpus have plummeted this gen right? :p

I wouldnt mind a 4000 series gpu but my 3090 is doing mostly just fine so i will skip this gen i think................. i am hoping i can drop down the stack at least 1 level with the 5000 series card and yet still see a significant boost in performance.

(i want to be able to run ray tracing at full bubble as well as VR titles at full bubble............... hell with the new VR injector into any UE4 game, maybe raytracing in VR will be a thing but that will take some grunt!)
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but they also are supporting these high prices by doing so.
There would also be no speedy advances in gaming technology if nobody bought the expensive stuff too. Where do you think the money comes from for these companies to spend R&D time! Budget model sales aren't going to cover that sadly. This applies to most things. If nobody buys the flagship model then the trickle down effect of near-future advances is less obvious.

It's like cars, if nobody buys the high specced models, then all that's left for the used market are crap spec used options down the line.
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