Nope, as much as Nvidia marketing want you to believe that it's not. I assume when you say "Super Resolution" you're referring either to Super Sampling or Dynamic Super Resolution, let's go with the former as that's what the SS part stands for and the later isn't even part of DLSS.
No one is disputing what features make up DLSS 3, in fact
you said "
Apparently DLSS 3 will work on RTX gpus, just not all of the features which make up DLSS now i.e. frame generation:" and
i said "
So essentially everything that makes DLSS 3, DLSS 3." to whit
you relied saying "
Whilst true with the omission of frame generation, we are getting 2/3 new additions from v3 so to say we aren't getting dlss 3 at all isn't quite 100% correct" (My emphasis) so as you can see you were the one who initially claim DLSS 3 is comprised of three new features.
What's being disputed is that original claim of yours, that DLSS 3 consists of three new features, but i suspect you know that already as you brought it up often enough up until this post where you've seemingly tried to pivot away from that new claim, i assume because you now realise DLSS 3 is essentially one new feature but you find it difficult to admit to that.
No, like i said you've been taken in by Nvidia marketing, there's nothing wrong with that as marketing is sometimes intentionally misleading (much like how the 4080 12GB is seemingly an attempt to mislead customers). There's only one 'new' feature that goes into making DLSS 3, frame generation. Frame generation may well require reflex and 'super resolution' but they are not 'new' features.