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NVIDIA 4000 Series

Again proving the fake msrps. Give it a few more weeks and they will say £1750 and the 12GB 4080 £1000 and 16GB £1300.

This is Nvidia at its best now, do the introduction of the cards give fake msrps and make it look like a massive gain while prices double for real 80 class. Honestly there hasn't been a time better to send a message to nvidia that we will not play that game, if not expect the 5090 next time to be £3k and 80 class at £2k.

Anyways as we all know they will sell out at first and we have to wait and see what really happens with the prices and demand, if demand remains high then expect the aib cards all to sit at £2.5k soon for the 4090 and better models higher and the FE drops come in tiny drops to feed the price increases :rolleyes:
i wouldn't say fake MSRP, its not moved in USA..... its more the case the pound tanking harder than a rotund person off the top diving board and we all know why but ill leave the politics for somewhere else
I've said before but just as likely prices go up after this launch, than down. If your on the fence it's probably better to go all in now. Worst that can happen is you've had several early months enjoyment and its cost you a few hundred max, worst case you've missed out on a significantly more powerful card than anything else available or paying significantly more for it, much later on.

This is my take on it too, plus with high end, expensive gpus, you may as well get it at release to get your monies worth.
Don't fool yourself they will be gone in under a minute and that's due to the system catching up. The hype train is at full again if you read around the many tech forums and social media, everyone that has the money is getting one. Then I'm also sure the scalpers are going to jump on this one too as the AIB pricing is going threw the roof compared to the FE. We are back to the same silly games as with the 30 series.
No doubt there will be a few tears on here come Wednesday evening.
If they are gone within a minute any tips? Or is it impossible against bots?

If I remember correctly weren't some people using loop holes to get early orders last time, before the main pages went live.
Nvidia probably have thousands of cards stockpiled, where they make the biggest margin, mining is dead and they are still expensive. They are also probably not using their own store this time, so hopefully that is better protection against bots.
from what i read you have to order from the official page then it sends you to "the other" place and that works as a fulfilment centre

im gonna try snag a FE but gonna also have multiple tabs to get a MSRP AIB card just in case if there is such a thing
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from what i read you have to order from the official page then it sends you to "the other" place and that works as a fulfilment centre

im gonna try snag a FE but gonna also have multiple tabs to get a MSRP AIB card just in case if there is such a thing

Imagine trying to do a captcha while also thinking about bots taking all the stock within the minute.

Don't fool yourself they will be gone in under a minute and that's due to the system catching up. The hype train is at full again if you read around the many tech forums and social media, everyone that has the money is getting one. Then I'm also sure the scalpers are going to jump on this one too as the AIB pricing is going threw the roof compared to the FE. We are back to the same silly games as with the 30 series.
I'm not feeling it. *If* these cards actually offer the rumored ~80% uplift when reviews come out, I will probably get one eventually, but if they're not there when I decide which one I want....
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from what i read you have to order from the official page then it sends you to "the other" place and that works as a fulfilment centre

im gonna try snag a FE but gonna also have multiple tabs to get a MSRP AIB card just in case if there is such a thing
Have they reset the requirements now at ****? If you’ve ordered an FE model before you can’t order again.
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Nvidia probably have thousands of cards stockpiled, where they make the biggest margin, mining is dead and they are still expensive. They are also probably not using their own store this time, so hopefully that is better protection against bots.

So mining wasnt the cause of high prices after all then - its a supply vs demand thing :P
So mining wasnt the cause of high prices after all then - its a supply vs demand thing :p
Well duh, first we had limited supply and unlimited demand from crypto and now we've got restricted supply and typical demand.

If, as Nvidia are doing, you're restricting supply then of course you'll maintain high prices, the two things are not mutually exclusive.
Who has any cash?

Few people of the newer generations as compared to the the old croaks hoarding all the wealth and capitol.

Lisa Su and Jensen are related.. nothing more needs to be said.

"As a whole, boomers have fared better financially than Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980) and millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) throughout every stage of their lives. Boomers currently boast more than half (57%) of the nation’s wealth, while Gen X owns just 16%, and millennials 3%."

Millennials are us 30 somethings who are in long term jobs and either have no responsibilities or do.

Unless old fogies start gaming more on computer? What are these companies gonna do?

I'm 51 and game plus love building a kick ass PC
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