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NVIDIA 4000 Series

I will 100% back this, Inno3D are a solid choice, heck they were a solid choice back with the 9800 GT's too...


And for this forum it was the fastest 3070 on the Heaven bench by a good amount coming up to overclocked 2080 Ti's which is quite impressive considering the memory bandwidth advantage on a 2080 Ti.


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I'm interested in how quiet all these cards are (mainly coil whine but also fan noise). I hope the review embargo isnt at the time of launch for the partner cards. Bad enough deciding where to be and when at 2pm.
I'm interested in how quiet all these cards are (mainly coil whine but also fan noise). I hope the review embargo isnt at the time of launch for the partner cards. Bad enough deciding where to be and when at 2pm.
No coil whine on my Inno3D and cooling has not been an issue but if you do push over 70% fan speed it does become rather audiable.
FE card has gone up £1699 now!

Again proving the fake msrps. Give it a few more weeks and they will say £1750 and the 12GB 4080 £1000 and 16GB £1300.

This is Nvidia at its best now, do the introduction of the cards give fake msrps and make it look like a massive gain while prices double for real 80 class. Honestly there hasn't been a time better to send a message to nvidia that we will not play that game, if not expect the 5090 next time to be £3k and 80 class at £2k.

Anyways as we all know they will sell out at first and we have to wait and see what really happens with the prices and demand, if demand remains high then expect the aib cards all to sit at £2.5k soon for the 4090 and better models higher and the FE drops come in tiny drops to feed the price increases. :rolleyes:
Again proving the fake msrps. Give it a few more weeks and they will say £1750 and the 12GB 4080 £1000 and 16GB £1300.

This is Nvidia at its best now, do the introduction of the cards give fake msrps and make it look like a massive gain while prices double for real 80 class. Honestly there hasn't been a time better to send a message to nvidia that we will not play that game, if not expect the 5090 next time to be £3k and 80 class at £2k.

Anyways as we all know they will sell out at first and we have to wait and see what really happens with the prices and demand, if demand remains high then expect the aib cards all to sit at £2.5k soon for the 4090 and better models higher and the FE drops come in tiny drops to feed the price increases. :rolleyes:

Even the ‘fake msrp’ wasn’t great either!
do we know what time the review umbongo is lifted tomorrow?
Way down deep in the middle of the Congo, A hippo took a 4090, after the embargo. He stuck it in the PCIE slot and he danced a dainty tango. The rhino said, "I know... we'll call it Um Bongo!" Um Bongo, Um Bongo, they play it in the Congo! The python picked the Asus Strix, The marmoset the MSI, the parrot painted packets that the whole caboodle landed in. So when it comes to sun and fun and goodness in the jungle, they all prefer the sunny, funny one they call Um Bongo!"
I've said before but just as likely prices go up after this launch, than down. If your on the fence it's probably better to go all in now. Worst that can happen is you've had several early months enjoyment and its cost you a few hundred max, worst case you've missed out on a significantly more powerful card than anything else available or paying significantly more for it, much later on.
Where is this mythical stock of 3000? Looking at ocuk I can only see a couple of models of 3090/3090ti, thats hardly a years worth of unsold gpus.
4090 will sell out, I can bet you.
Sitting around at Nvidia HQ, in the last earning call (August) they said "so our strategy is to sell well below -- well -- sell-in well below the current sell-through levels in the marketplace to give the channel an opportunity to correct. We'll do that for a couple of quarters or so" (sell-in is how many GPUs they sell) and they also say "we took into account had to reflect some of the purchasing that we did a supply back more than a year ago" so it looks like the lead times for somethings can be up to a year.

Basically Nvidia want average GPU prices to be the same as $600 consoles...
I would say that without crypto dynamic, the mix would go down. However, the overall trend long-term, the ASP is drifting up. And the way to think about that is a game console, when -- my first game console was $99. Lately, game consoles are selling for about $599.

And the reason for that is because it's more useful than ever. You use your game console for your greatest form of entertainment, and you use it for a very, very long time. And GeForce essentially is a game console inside your PC. And we've always believed that the ASP of GeForce should drift toward the average selling price of a game console.
Average mind you, so that means they're looking towards something like xx70's series cards costing at least as much as a console.
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I think about 20 minutes, 2 hours max. I don't think it will be minutes or seconds.

Don't fool yourself they will be gone in under a minute and that's due to the system catching up. The hype train is at full again if you read around the many tech forums and social media, everyone that has the money is getting one. Then I'm also sure the scalpers are going to jump on this one too as the AIB pricing is going threw the roof compared to the FE. We are back to the same silly games as with the 30 series.
Don't fool yourself they will be gone in under a minute and that's due to the system catching up. The hype train is at full again if you read around the many tech forums and social media, everyone that has the money is getting one. Then I'm also sure the scalpers are going to jump on this one too as the AIB pricing is going threw the roof compared to the FE. We are back to the same silly games as with the 30 series.

My worst fear is somewhere taking my money and been put on a back log for weeks/months when I could have gone somewhere else. I'll be there 2pm ready (unless I see a decent partner card at a price I feel sensible).
Don't fool yourself they will be gone in under a minute and that's due to the system catching up. The hype train is at full again if you read around the many tech forums and social media, everyone that has the money is getting one. Then I'm also sure the scalpers are going to jump on this one too as the AIB pricing is going threw the roof compared to the FE. We are back to the same silly games as with the 30 series.
I fear you're right.
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