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NVIDIA 4000 Series

31 Jan 2022
Yes the EU energy regs are dumb. Eg they limited vacum cleaner power, so you just had to spend longer vacuming, hence total energy used is the same.
Just wastes your time.

Nope, they aren't dumb. The reason the rules were introduced was largely because vacuum cleaner manufacturers realised that the public confused suction power with power consumption. This meant that the public were buying vacuums purely based on power consumption. The manufacturers knew this and made no attempt to make the cleaners efficient. They just made them consume a lot of electricity. Introducing the regulations forced the manufacturers to improve efficiency.
Thing is with many of the EU regulations, they seem on the surface to be stupid, but often there is a very good reason why they were introduced, and it usually comes down to the manufacturers deceiving the public.
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31 Jan 2022
Any-one on here with a 4090 and a 12700k?

Can I run this CPU stock @ 4k 120hz or will I need to run my 5g O/C to avoid bottlenecking?

You will not avoid bottlenecking with any current CPU. It's just a question of whether you find the performance acceptable until a new generation CPU comes out and then you can upgrade.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Why have you picked 3kw when I've told you already the EU limit is 0.9 kw? Plenty of vac's usto be above that.
No-one is going to design a mass market product and not sell in the EU. Haven't you heard apple will fit usb-c to iphones after the recent EU ruling?
Is anyone moving factories from the far east into the EU? No, the labour costs are far cheaper there.

I'm not going to talk about vac's anymore in a GPU thread. Your personal dislike of a brilliant innovator, who has achieved far more than you is plain to see.
I'll say it again, I'll trust Dyson when it comes to vac specs far more than eurocrats or 2 guys on the web.
Yes that includes you and me!
Because there were lots of useless vacuum cleaners that did come with 3kw or larger motors. I even owned one which proudly displayed 3500W across the top of the cylinder in big writing,. it was **** compared with the 900W Miele I bought to replace it.

Hence your whole analogy of a less powerful vacuum cleaner takes longer to use and hence overall power consumption is the same is flawed.

And why is Dyson only using 500W motors in his vaccums atm if the EU allows 900W? Surely he should be putting 900W in them if bigger is better like you claim? Or perhaps he knows better than you and the things he said about the EU on vacuum power rules was just to get the UK to leave the EU for other reasons that suited him??????

You are right, its a GPU thread but last thing on the subject I am going to say is I don't dislike Dyson, i think he is a brilliant inventor, exactly what the British are good at. But equally i can dislike his politics of wanting to get rid of regulation and the NMW and having people work in the UK in his factories for less than £5 an hour because they wont have any choice, it will be do that or starve.

The world isnt a black and white place. You can come up with the cure for cancer but be a peado and rape kids.
6 Feb 2019
Would a 5600X or 3600 be OK with a 4090 @ 4K 120hz. I'm willing to upgrade to 5800x3D or depending on reviews today Raptor lake possibly 13700K.

It depends what games you play

From what data we have so far, at 4k a 5600x can limit a 4090's performance potential by up to 30% and a 3600x limit it up to 60%

But it really does depend what games you play, some can have less than 10% performance loss
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23 Aug 2017
Considering high eBay fees that would be very silly way to make monies. Of course, they could also refund them through ebay but that would also show I believe.
There are often 99p selling fees offers. You can just list a number of empty listings during the offer and activate when you want.
18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
Pretty shocking tbh. I've seen hardware unboxed benching using 5800x3D and that seems a solid cpu though. I might never get a 4090 though as I'd only buy a FE or something for same price. Would be nice as I'm gaming on a LG cx oled.
1 Mar 2019
Because there were lots of useless vacuum cleaners that did come with 3kw or larger motors. I even owned one which proudly displayed 3500W across the top of the cylinder in big writing,. it was **** compared with the 900W Miele I bought to replace it.

Hence your whole analogy of a less powerful vacuum cleaner takes longer to use and hence overall power consumption is the same is flawed.

And why is Dyson only using 500W motors in his vaccums atm if the EU allows 900W? Surely he should be putting 900W in them if bigger is better like you claim? Or perhaps he knows better than you and the things he said about the EU on vacuum power rules was just to get the UK to leave the EU for other reasons that suited him??????

You are right, its a GPU thread but last thing on the subject I am going to say is I don't dislike Dyson, i think he is a brilliant inventor, exactly what the British are good at. But equally i can dislike his politics of wanting to get rid of regulation and the NMW and having people work in the UK in his factories for less than £5 an hour because they wont have any choice, it will be do that or starve.

The world isnt a black and white place. You can come up with the cure for cancer but be a peado and rape kids.
Regardless of whether we think its good/bad, reality is companies will rarely make totally different products for different markets. If they slapped power consumption limits on GPU's in Europe it would affect the whole world anyway. There were lots of good arguments for being both in and out of the EU. But we are where we are and we need to just accept that which we can't change anyway.
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23 Aug 2017
Because there were lots of useless vacuum cleaners that did come with 3kw or larger motors. I even owned one which proudly displayed 3500W across the top of the cylinder in big writing,. it was **** compared with the 900W Miele I bought to replace it.

Hence your whole analogy of a less powerful vacuum cleaner takes longer to use and hence overall power consumption is the same is flawed.

And why is Dyson only using 500W motors in his vaccums atm if the EU allows 900W? Surely he should be putting 900W in them if bigger is better like you claim? Or perhaps he knows better than you and the things he said about the EU on vacuum power rules was just to get the UK to leave the EU for other reasons that suited him??????

You are right, its a GPU thread but last thing on the subject I am going to say is I don't dislike Dyson, i think he is a brilliant inventor, exactly what the British are good at. But equally i can dislike his politics of wanting to get rid of regulation and the NMW and having people work in the UK in his factories for less than £5 an hour because they wont have any choice, it will be do that or starve.

The world isnt a black and white place. You can come up with the cure for cancer but be a peado and rape kids.
He has previously put higher than 900w motors in his vacs. But he's only doing battery hand helds now. Hence for weight/battery size, power is lower.
He can't compete on price on plug in ones which is why it's expensive/hi-tech battery hand helds only now. If he was still making plug-in I'm sure they would exceed 0.9kw.
I've used a hand-held, it's not as good as a high power plugin one I've used before. So from my personal experiences it's 100% correct lower power vacs are worse. YMMV

The people in his UK design centre earn a dam sight more than £5 an hour.
As for his factory workers in Asia, he pays the going rate. If he paid UK wages he obviously wouldnt sell any vacs.
24 Sep 2013
Exmouth, Devon
It depends what games you play

From what data we have so far, at 4k a 5600x can limit a 4090's performance potential by up to 30% and a 3600x limit it up to 60%

But it really does depend what games you play, some can have less than 10% performance loss

A link to wherever you saw this will be much appreciated. Looks like my 3800X will need replacing :(
10 Jan 2013
He has previously put higher than 900w motors in his vacs. But he's only doing battery hand helds now. Hence for weight/battery size, power is lower.
He can't compete on price on plug in ones which is why it's expensive/hi-tech battery hand helds only now. If he was still making plug-in I'm sure they would exceed 0.9kw.
I've used a hand-held, it's not as good as a high power plugin one I've used before. So from my personal experiences it's 100% correct lower power vacs are worse. YMMV

The people in his UK design centre earn a dam sight more than £5 an hour.
As for his factory workers in Asia, he pays the going rate. If he paid UK wages he obviously wouldnt sell any vacs.
If he can't afford to pay wages his business isn't good enough.
It's obviously because he just wants more profit.

I won't continue this conversation but obviously that's the motive above all else in business, everyone does it so not judging as an individual but don't pretend it's for any other reason.
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Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
It depends what games you play

From what data we have so far, at 4k a 5600x can limit a 4090's performance potential by up to 30% and a 3600x limit it up to 60%

But it really does depend what games you play, some can have less than 10% performance loss

Can you provide links for the above.

I find it hard to believe that most CPUs would struggle that badly to produce 120fps at 2160p.

If you are talking about above 120fps they really don't matter anyway.

Below is an old 2160p result from the Heaven 4 bench. It is a far higher score than a 4090 can manage.

It was done using an old intel 6950X @4.4 and the cards were not bottlenecked.

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