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NVIDIA 4000 Series

A slight change of plan for me. Got the ZOTAC Extreme AIRO instead of a closed loop card. The price difference was making me grimace for no real performance advantage.

I can always load the case with fans...haha. It turns up tomorrow, so plenty of time for me to install and enjoy before Monday:)

Thanks to all for the epic thread...kept my enthusiasm going :D
It's good that 4090s have been in stock readily in the UK for 24 hours now. The price is dubious but the availability is there at £2150. This bodes well for people with lower budgets getting hold of these sub £1000 within 6 months as no one else wants them. I'm happy with mine for £1800 but want these to come down in price for others who don't get free pc upgrade money from their employer every xmas.
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Nvidian's activate:

Your Mission:

Damage control.
I have no affinity for nvidia or amd, i have affinity just for the product as in what can it do for me, and affinity for the truth. gibbo has already stated OC are seeing no unusual RMA numbers for 4090s and 0 have been RMA'd for burngate. that article posted above is 2 days old and based on "inside information" lol. if amd release a better product than nvidia then fantastic, competition is good for all.
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View attachment PmbaycS.jpg Well my vertical bracket arrived today and now fitted and finally I can close my panel with a straight cable other than the mess of PCIE plugs to the right but that mess will be gone when my Cablemod cable arrives eventually, Also checked the cable and connector while I was changing over and all looks good here, I do like the Lian li vertical bracket for this case also as you can position the GPU in the slots so you can pull it as far away as possible from the side window and it looks ok to me, Although the bracket is black I would have preferred white but I have no idea why Lian Li don't make this bracket in white for the white Xl case, I may spray it white when the white 16 pin cable arrives not sure yet though whether I can be bothered lol.
I would doubt anyone (at retailers) would outwardly admit real numbers but if he has shared that then its something.
the thought did cross my mind too that would a retailer admit there was a problem...but i don't think he is lying when he posted on here somewhere about it a day or 2 ago.
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