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NVIDIA 4000 Series

3 Aug 2015
What a load of bull balls ... Project fear ? Are you normal ?

Explain project fear to the 6,589,972 people that died... ohh wait you can't they are dead... Act your age man and show some sympathy and respect to the families that lost their loved ones on "project fear" and still people dying everyday. What a disrespectful thing to compare it

How many have died from 4090 cables?
28 Oct 2005
I dont know how to solve constant 2610mhz clock/60-70w,while card is in idle (Strix),tried in NVCP both normal perf. And maximum perf. All same,did DDU with a latest driver all same,all without msi afterburner not present on the system because with afterburner installed im loosing zero fan rpm and fans are working constant 30% 1000rpm,i have only one solution left, roll roll back 522 driver,any thoughts?
Maybe wrong thread
Need to reboot your PC. This issue was mentioned during the latest Driver release notes if you have Reflex (On+Boost) and Low Latency (Ultra) enabled at the same time then it locks the clocks of the GPU on application close until you reboot. It's listed as a known issue.

I've experienced the same, just going to use On for Reflex in the meantime.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Well it is an issue developing, and he has over 3.7 million subs, so his video will hopefully force a swift resolution, which means everyone benefits. Don't know why anyone would be against it at all.
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3 Jan 2006
All along the watchtower
I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at to be honest, and quite frankly not sure I want to know either.
He's making a mint out of scaring you lot silly

Also he's claiming or trying to give the impression of having some engineering knowledge when all he has done is cut the plastic from a plug.

Now if he were to come up with a proper calculation of typical electrical conductivity through these pin connectors, billions are in use so it should be readily available, then calculate the energy given out through losses, calculate the heat conduction into the plastic reduce it by the heat lost through radiation and convection from the socket, if he then assumed a properly seated socket and it heated to the plastic melting point, he could then make a valid conclusion.

Obviously he would have to also do sensitivity studies and probability analysis to assess how stupid someone would have to be to fit the plug in such a way that it could generate sufficient heat to melt the plastic.

Just looking at those pins, there is a lot of static air around them, they would have to get extremely hot to melt the plastic.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
He's merely talking about what igor's lab has found as to be the cause of the issue.... So what if he makes money from the views?
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3 Jan 2006
All along the watchtower
He's merely talking about what igor's lab has found as to be the cause of the issue.... So what if he makes money from the views?
Sorry, see above its misrepresentation and scare mongering, wouldn't surprise me if those melted connectors were fakes to gain hits.
Or the people are genuine idiots who have rammed them in incorrectly, it wouldn't be the first time.
I would say given the sample size the number of apparent idiots is relatively low.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Another one within the last hour: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/yfy2q9/another_4090_burnt_connector_this_is_now/

I did laugh at the comment quoted earlier that anyone dubious about all this must be jealous of people with a 4090 - Erm take a step back and look at yourself.

Even if the affected sample set currently is small, it still means there is an issue. YOU could be one of those posting in the next hour. If this sort of thing isn't brought to light then the trend of poor quality QC/workmanship will continue into the 50 series or whatever else. We should be thankful that outfits like Gamers Nexus, Jays, Linus etc exist putting info out there and getting the attention of OEMs.

I see nobody here as jealous, most of us have high end cards anyway all pulling triple figure framerates or close to and VRR etc. My own personal use case is an RTSS locked 120fps in every game for that sweet flat frametime line. currently I do not need more, but discussing these things is always interesting, because by the time 50 series comes round, I may well be on a larger ultrawide needing a bigger GPU, or I'll be looking for a quieter more efficient GPU if the display remains the same - Why the hell am I even explaining myself lol.
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I did laugh at the comment quoted earlier that anyone dubious about all this must be jealous of people with a 4090 - Erm take a step back and look at yourself.
I see nobody here as jealous, most of us have high end cards anyway all pulling triple figure framerates or close to and VRR etc.

Fickle sort on here though mate. Same behaviour was had last gen when some of us bought 3090's as there was lack of any other sku's. Best to ignore the oddball aggression.
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7 Dec 2010
I would suggest at least looking at the igor's lab report as it clearly shows what's going on when the adapter cable is bent sideways due to the way nvidia have soldered the end pins for each side.

Fakes to gain hits? Full on conspiracy trajectory lol.

I didn't realise these forums had so many Nvidia shareholders... Maybe time to start tagging them in green paint balls..


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