You clearly haven't experienced even a 5-year-old OLED in a home environment... I had a Kuro and the relevant Panasonic.I still have my Panasonic VT plasma. The image quality is still way better than anything since. Granted I've yet to experience HDR.
But i've had OLEDs since 2017 and to compare them is absurd - OLEDs are leagues ahead of either. Even the new EVO panel is a noticeable upgrade from the standard panel & I was able to upgrade to 77" size at an affordable cost 3-4 years ago!
Wasn't last years 77" base model selling for under £2k for ages?
I can't wait til the 9x" size variant becomes affordable. I'll be happy to upgrade, 4k or 8k. But 20-30k is silly.
4k is nice and everything, but I'd happilly take a 1080p OLED over the Kuro or Panny... the contrast ratios and colour reproduction is leagues ahead.