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This is about PC gaming becoming sofa gaming rather than having it on your desk, I sit the equivalent to 2 desks away from my 34" ultrawide, for something that's 65" I'd need a bigger living room. :D

It is about profit because 10% profit is obviously a lot more on a 3k 65 jnch compared to lowly 24 27 or even 32 inch screens. I am not buying into this trash lol you take a big nasty ppi hit to 65ppi and then sit back to trick yourself into not making out massive square pixels. This is just retarded spending more money for inferior image quality then degrade it further by sitting back hahaha.

Buy a LG OLED and a Shield for under £2k and that would poo all over this 65 inch thing lol.
It is about profit because 10% profit is obviously a lot more on a 3k 65 jnch compared to lowly 24 27 or even 32 inch screens. I am not buying into this trash lol you take a big nasty ppi hit to 65ppi and then sit back to trick yourself into not making out massive square pixels. This is just retarded spending more money for inferior image quality then degrade it further by sitting back hahaha.

Buy a LG OLED and a Shield for under £2k and that would poo all over this 65 inch thing lol.
link to 65" LG OLED for under 2K please, didn't know they could do 4K@120Hz too...
Forget Nvidia's 'Titan' Gaming TVs, just give current large monitors a remote and we'll be set. Not like we'd ever have the GPU power to run such a 4k120Hz screen for a few years anyway...

I'm good with my 980ti for the foreseeable future. No amount of overpriced GPUs can tempt me away. And if the 980ti kicks the bucket, I've got a 970 that can come out of retirement. Not like I use the GPU much these days anyway. I've been playing a lot of PS4 recently and probably will continue that way for a good few months.

All that said... it would be nice if there was something released for GPUs this year. But given Vega's poor show and no reason for Nvidia to bother, don't get hopes up. Only thing I can think of is yet another Titan (yawn).
i have two gaming rigs
one for desk (First person games)
one for the Couch (Anything that works on the pad)

Currently use 4K 60hz TV & 4K 60Hz monitor, i can see the real need for 120hz at 4K. even if your not pushing 120fps you can still get 70-90FPS on a 1080Ti and 60 vs 120hz is real big difference.
if it was not for me having spent 3K on my pansonic TV i would have already dropped the crash for this.

4K 120hz + gsync + my most used device (Nvidia Sheild) is no brainier if the price is half decent around 3K
It is about profit because 10% profit is obviously a lot more on a 3k 65 jnch compared to lowly 24 27 or even 32 inch screens. I am not buying into this trash lol you take a big nasty ppi hit to 65ppi and then sit back to trick yourself into not making out massive square pixels. This is just retarded spending more money for inferior image quality then degrade it further by sitting back hahaha.

Buy a LG OLED and a Shield for under £2k and that would poo all over this 65 inch thing lol.

Considering it's currently still a prototype, there's no conceivable way you could possibly know that.
It is about profit because 10% profit is obviously a lot more on a 3k 65 jnch compared to lowly 24 27 or even 32 inch screens. I am not buying into this trash lol you take a big nasty ppi hit to 65ppi and then sit back to trick yourself into not making out massive square pixels. This is just retarded spending more money for inferior image quality then degrade it further by sitting back hahaha.

Buy a LG OLED and a Shield for under £2k and that would poo all over this 65 inch thing lol.

PPI is overblown imo unless sitting extremely close as you would for the likes of a 20-29" monitor.....

Even though my 55" OLED @ 1080P/120HZ has less PPI than my main monitor, it still looks a million times better and I see way more detail too (helps that there is no matte AG finish and having an infinite contrast ratio though....) and for colours, dark areas/blacks etc., there is just no contest at all.

As for IQ being worse, if FALD works well, it will look far better than any normal monitor, especially with HDR content.

But yes, I agree, it would be far better spending money on an OLED + shield if you want to do sofa PC gaming and still have cash left over..... Unless you badly want gsync and low input lag @ 4k.... At which point, I would still advise people to wait till the end of 2018/2019 for HDMI 2.1 OLED TVs i.e. VRR + 4k @120HZ
It is about profit because 10% profit is obviously a lot more on a 3k 65 jnch compared to lowly 24 27 or even 32 inch screens. I am not buying into this trash lol you take a big nasty ppi hit to 65ppi and then sit back to trick yourself into not making out massive square pixels. This is just retarded spending more money for inferior image quality then degrade it further by sitting back hahaha.

Buy a LG OLED and a Shield for under £2k and that would poo all over this 65 inch thing lol.

65" does sound very big, even for 4k, 8k might be okay for 65"? I'm still on a little 27" TV, As for this I'm sure there'll be smaller versions coming along. A 40" might be okay?
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Ta! Some people got it for £999 though!!!! :eek: And then others got the 65" version for £2500/2600, crazy deals.

I bought the c7 for £1350 (good price as well imo) but when LG confirmed the cash back along with the price match from JL, the c7 promptly went back, it would have been silly to not take up that e7 for that price. A shame as I haven't go much interest in the soundbar and much preferred the c7 minimal/sleek design.

But yup, gaming on OLED is in a league of its own.

How did you get an E7 for that price? I bought an EF950 back in July ‘16 for £1700 and that was a good deal at the time. The E6 then was knocking on £3k.

The picture for gaming is great even on a PS4 at 1080p. Have never been able to play fps well on it though compared to monitor.

Does the E7 still have 3D? Was never a fan of 3D films until watching them on an OLED. I would say decent 3D impresses me more than 4K bluray. Shame everyone seems to be dropping it.
i have two gaming rigs
one for desk (First person games)
one for the Couch (Anything that works on the pad)

Currently use 4K 60hz TV & 4K 60Hz monitor, i can see the real need for 120hz at 4K. even if your not pushing 120fps you can still get 70-90FPS on a 1080Ti and 60 vs 120hz is real big difference.
if it was not for me having spent 3K on my pansonic TV i would have already dropped the crash for this.

I completely agree and this is exactly the same position i'm in... other than just sold my 4k 60hz predator and GPUs in anticipation of the Rog PG27UQ. I was running two 980Tis and it was so frustrating being able to effectively run things at >60fps and not being able to 1) display it and 2) send a signal in excess of 60Hz from my GPU.
How did you get an E7 for that price? I bought an EF950 back in July ‘16 for £1700 and that was a good deal at the time. The E6 then was knocking on £3k.

The picture for gaming is great even on a PS4 at 1080p. Have never been able to play fps well on it though compared to monitor.

Does the E7 still have 3D? Was never a fan of 3D films until watching them on an OLED. I would say decent 3D impresses me more than 4K bluray. Shame everyone seems to be dropping it.

John Lewis price match and LG cashback promotion.

And no, unfortunately no 3d on any of the sets for 2017 and none have it for this year either. Really wanted to try it out as like you said, people rant and rave about it being amazing, even ones who hated 3d initially! For myself, this is how I would rate things:

OLED >>>> HDR >>>> sync tech. >>>>>> high refresh rate >>>>>>>> 4k

Given what people said about 3d, I suspect it would have been second on that list....

I'll be getting a ps 4 pro at some point as quite frankly I'm fed up with the state of PC gaming now (graphics being more or less the same as consoles, performance being crap and of course the silly pricing). FPS shooters will always be on PC but I hardly play them either now....
If people really had wanted 3D it wouldn't have died a death (for the 2nd time at least). It was a gimmick, people hated wearing the glasses (which is why VR is a non-starter for so many...), and it added very little to the experience.
65" does sound very big, even for 4k, 8k might be okay for 65"? I'm still on a little 27" TV, As for this I'm sure there'll be smaller versions coming along. A 40" might be okay?

I would and will not buy an OLED mate until they offer a 40 inch i had a 42 inch Samsung and it is even a tad large for me i just want maximum efficency and quality. As for Hyperseven Nexus was the man i was thinking about i had seen the price match on JohnLewis for LG OLED and that is what i would buy over this 65 inch Nvidia venture. They do 1080p 120hz 4k60 but..... you could in theory use nvidia dsr at 0% smoothing and use the x4 to go back to 4k at 120fps. I do this all the time in my 24 inch 1080p is a curious res for DSR i have it in mind if they keep this trend up of dropping res for more fps. The flexibity and IQ must be outrageous with a 4k 120fps OLED.

And no, unfortunately no 3d on any of the sets for 2017 and none have it for this year either. Really wanted to try it out as like you said, people rant and rave about it being amazing, even ones who hated 3d initially! For myself, this is how I would rate things:

You'll find very few people who actually want to use it as a normal thing however even amongst those that rave about it - the effect is pretty cool but so far from practical and with so many compromises in most games it just has little purpose outside of say specific installations for specific games i.e. if you made a dedicated racing cockpit for racing games that worked well in 3D, etc.
I would and will not buy an OLED mate until they offer a 40 inch i had a 42 inch Samsung and it is even a tad large for me i just want maximum efficency and quality. As for Hyperseven Nexus was the man i was thinking about i had seen the price match on JohnLewis for LG OLED and that is what i would buy over this 65 inch Nvidia venture. They do 1080p 120hz 4k60 but..... you could in theory use nvidia dsr at 0% smoothing and use the x4 to go back to 4k at 120fps. I do this all the time in my 24 inch 1080p is a curious res for DSR i have it in mind if they keep this trend up of dropping res for more fps. The flexibity and IQ must be outrageous with a 4k 120fps OLED.


I don't think you will ever be getting an OLED as a PC monitor, probably microLED will be the first technology that can be used in monitors as it does not have IR.
I don't think you will ever be getting an OLED as a PC monitor, probably microLED will be the first technology that can be used in monitors as it does not have IR.
Yes image retention is a thing with oled screens but the biggest problem is the near black.
My TV has that, my phone and even my windows tablet.
Also those LG Oled TVs are crap at displaying desktop environment in game mode and the input lag is unusable for use with a mouse (around 27ms). Does ok when playing on a controller.
That said I still don’t know which screen I like more and switch between them regularly when gaming.
With the oled it’s the contrast and colours and with the x34a it’s the very low input lag, high refresh rate and variable sync.
I would not say 27ms is "unusable" with a mouse at all, its ok for single player games etc. But if you want to play competitive type online games then yes a monitor like X34 and high hz is a lot better. For example I can play single player games ok on my DX902b which has 35ms lag, not perfect but ok for single player.
I would not say 27ms is "unusable" with a mouse at all, its ok for single player games etc. But if you want to play competitive type online games then yes a monitor like X34 and high hz is a lot better. For example I can play single player games ok on my DX902b which has 35ms lag, not perfect but ok for single player.
I guess if you are always using high input lag display than you get used to it somewhat but when switching from high refresh rate, low input lag screen the tv lags as hell.
I guess if you are always using high input lag display than you get used to it somewhat but when switching from high refresh rate, low input lag screen the tv lags as hell.

Well I have X34 as well, yes obviously the X34 is lower lag and much better for online competitive type games, but I can also play on TV at 4k 60hz 35ms lag and it is ok, I would not play online competitive games on the TV though, but for single player it is ok.
I have to agree regarding the input lag, the difference from 5ms on my monitor to even 19ms on my KS8000 is noticeable in online play. But for single player games using a controller playing on the TV is more enjoyable. With the distance I sit the PPI is probably about the same but I get to relax on the sofa. :D
I don't think IR is as big of an issue as what people make out (at least where "permanent" IR is concerned). I've seen loads of people say that they spend 6+ hours a day playing games and no "permanent" burn in and if there is any sign at all, it is usually gone after a compensation cycle which runs in standby mode, the 2017 LG sets are even less prone to it due to the pixels shifting as well as the compensation cycles.


And this is the absolute worst possible scenario with torture tests:

If you're using it as a monitor i.e. with static windows that are on display for hours every day then I'm not surprised if people experience "permanent" burn in....

The biggest issue with OLED is vertical banding in 5% grey scenes and tints on whites.

But yes, microLED will be the main tech. for monitors and desktop usage, unfortunately still years away from that, not to mention having it be sensible pricing, at least where monitors are concerned.....

If people really had wanted 3D it wouldn't have died a death (for the 2nd time at least). It was a gimmick, people hated wearing the glasses (which is why VR is a non-starter for so many...), and it added very little to the experience.

Have you experienced it on oled?

Head to the likes of avforums and you will see people saying it is the best thing since sliced bread.

Personally I had no issues with wearing the glasses.

And yes, it is no surprise that 3d failed massively, a lot of films just added it for the sake of "3D!!!!!!" but when done right, even in the cinema (which imo, is the worst possible way to experience 3d), it was rather impressive i.e. avatar and resident evil (can't remember which one).

You'll find very few people who actually want to use it as a normal thing however even amongst those that rave about it - the effect is pretty cool but so far from practical and with so many compromises in most games it just has little purpose outside of say specific installations for specific games i.e. if you made a dedicated racing cockpit for racing games that worked well in 3D, etc.

Of course, you won't want to use it all the time but for films, if it was as good as what people said then I would have used it all the time, likewise where gaming is concerned.

VR will probably be the best way for people who want the effect of 3d/immersiveness experience now, although I suspect come James Cameron's next avatar film, 3d interest will spark again.... Especially if he can pull of the "no glasses" required for 3d feature.

Yes image retention is a thing with oled screens but the biggest problem is the near black.
My TV has that, my phone and even my windows tablet.
Also those LG Oled TVs are crap at displaying desktop environment in game mode and the input lag is unusable for use with a mouse (around 27ms). Does ok when playing on a controller.
That said I still don’t know which screen I like more and switch between them regularly when gaming.
With the oled it’s the contrast and colours and with the x34a it’s the very low input lag, high refresh rate and variable sync.

That was the main reason I didn't buy a 2016 oled as the input lag is rather poor across the board without game mode etc. Digital foundry did a decent guide to get the best from the b6 and game mode:

60HZ feels great with my e7 but there is some noticeable input lag compared to my monitor (not "OMG, this feels horrible" type of input lag though and it is even less of an issue if using a controller), however, with 120HZ, it feels super responsive then (only reason I don't use it for BF online competitive play is due to not being able to use M+K comfortably on the couch) , I haven't even bothered with game mode.
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