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Really hoping the GTX cards still have the tensor cores. Starting to do some machine learning work and would love that performance. I'd be even spend x80ti money, just not Titan V!

Very much doubt the gaming cards will have tensor cores as they are specifically for the professional type uses not gaming.
No, you are wrong. Again.

I have explained myself in other posts, not going to repeat myself to you.
Again? At least I admit when I am. Your posting from history shows how you feel about NVidia and that is fine but don't try and show yourself in another light when it is clearly evident what you was typing!
Nice price nexus , I bought my c7 55 back in July and been loving gaming on it ... really should sell my asus pg348q whilst i can get some money back. Biggest waste of money in a long time my lcd gsync is just meh in comparison to oled at 120hz just not worth the premium gysnc. For me all LCDS are like a dead horse same problems as 10 years ago ........ dead tech.

Ta! Some people got it for £999 though!!!! :eek: And then others got the 65" version for £2500/2600, crazy deals.

I bought the c7 for £1350 (good price as well imo) but when LG confirmed the cash back along with the price match from JL, the c7 promptly went back, it would have been silly to not take up that e7 for that price. A shame as I haven't go much interest in the soundbar and much preferred the c7 minimal/sleek design.

But yup, gaming on OLED is in a league of its own.
Very much doubt the gaming cards will have tensor cores as they are specifically for the professional type uses not gaming.

I don't know the hardware details, but nVidia are very strongly touting tensor cores as a (even the) core feature of the Volta architecture...to the point where it doesn't sound like they could do Volta without them.

They will absolutely wipe out AMD in the compute market if they bring out a xx80ti with the 5x performance performance over Pascal 1080ti.

Most likely....they'll draw out the Volta gaming release to get as many compute sales from the Titan V as possible.
Again? At least I admit when I am. Your posting from history shows how you feel about NVidia and that is fine but don't try and show yourself in another light when it is clearly evident what you was typing!

yes, again, you were wrong in the other thread, you were wrong about the Mod changing the title of the other thread.

And yes, you are still wrong here. My post history shows how I feel about Nvidia? I challenge you to prove that statement. LOL I don't have any preference, I buy whatever card interests me at the time, simples.

You just saw what you wanted to see. If you choose not to believe me that's your problem.
The market share, revenue, profits and share value would all indicate that is indeed the case.
I think nV, Intel, etc, also should give a lot of thanks to the US patent system.

They can prevent any more entrants to their respective markets by making the cost of licensing agreements utterly prohibitive.
Showing admiration for successful corporate capitalism really goes to show how warped the human mind is.

Shameless ignorance dressed up as enthusiasm.
Sadly, history has shown that humans will only really push themselves for personal gain. The vast majority of us, anyhow. Thus capitalism is just a symptom, really, and the system that best fits our own nature.
Aaaaaaand... Getting back on track:

The size of the Gsync screen (65") wouldn't interest me, however if 120Hz HDR 4k Gsync is achievable then surely...
  1. Smaller screens will become available?
  2. The next set of Nvidia cards can push those pixels, else what's the point of the 120Hz?
Wow never thought they would do these :)

Something like this will be my next screen but probably won't be for a couple of years as I only just upgraded my pc and would obviously need new gpu powerful enough to drive it.

Hopefully they will do some smaller versions like 55" and 50"

40" or 43" would be perfect for me.
Aaaaaaand... Getting back on track:

The size of the Gsync screen (65") wouldn't interest me, however if 120Hz HDR 4k Gsync is achievable then surely...
  1. Smaller screens will become available?
  2. The next set of Nvidia cards can push those pixels, else what's the point of the 120Hz?
Unlikely that the next cards will push 120fps at 4k in demanding games, the hz is pretty much true future proofing though so it's always good to have it there.
I think it's more the fact they're able to keep delivering the performance. I'd implore you to expand on why you think it's shameless ignorance...

Multi-billion corporation with market monopoly makes progress - shocker!

Self congratulating comsumer defends said corporation while it tries its damned hardest to keep competition irrlevant.

Consumer then continues to congratulate corporation - even though irrelevant competition means less choice, higher pricing, continuation of the same old marketing model and essentially stagnation of development and deployment (GTX 1070ti is a good example)

In the context of drip fed profit driven monopoly, should the consumer be enthusiastic enough to support such a strategy?
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Multi-billion corporation with market monopoly makes progress - shocker!

Self congratulating comsumer defends said corporation while it tries its damned hardest to keep competition irrlevant.

Consumer then continues to congratulate corporation - even though irrelevant competition means less choice, higher pricing, continuation of the same old marketing model and essentially stagnation of development and deployment (GTX 1070ti is a good example)

In the context of drip fed profit driven monopoly, should the consumer be enthusiastic enough to support such a strategy?

So what exactly is he ignorant to? The fact the market is saturated by under-performing alternatives? It's possible to admire something whilst understanding how it affects you negatively, it's not difficult.

Actually, in a way it rolls back to what I was saying earlier. More posturing to get a price point you're comfortable with.
So what exactly is he ignorant to? The fact the market is saturated by under-performing alternatives? It's possible to admire something whilst understanding how it affects you negatively, it's not difficult.

Actually, in a way it rolls back to what I was saying earlier. More posturing to get a price point you're comfortable with.

Saturated by under performing alternatives seems a slight exaggeration does it not?

Is it fair to blame competition for underperforming when the market is driven by one giant who could buy and sell its competitors? Proportionally AMD don’t stand a chance. Nvidia rely on a single sided market to make continued profits - as a wider subject how can this be interpreted positively? I would suggest admiration shows confused priorities in this context.

If you were going to buy a house but only had one choice of developer, would you be happy paying a premium just because the developer is in a position to get away with it? Would you show the same admiration?
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