So what you’re saying is that you don’t rely on phones so you don’t care if ARM technology wasn’t accessible to the western world if that means Huawei can grow (are you a shareholder? You sure as hell sound like one)
Your‘re assuming ARM = phones.
Do you use the internet? Because almost all network equipments (including the router in your home) have ARM processors.
Do you use printers or scanners? Every printer has an ARM processor inside it.
Do you use SSDs in your computer? Almost all SSD controllers use ARM.
Do you use a TV? Every TV has an ARM processor.
Do you use any smart home automation products? They all use ARM.
Does your car have smart features like SatNav? Uses ARM.
Do you have any Bluetooth headphones or speakers? They use ARM.
Do you use AMD CPUs? They have an ARM core in them too which handles security features.
Do you want me to keep going? Assuming you don’t rely on any of these, not sure why you love Huawei so much because you must be living in a cave.
Before Trump made a big deal of them,most never really cared about Huawei,even the UK. Hominid is correct,Huawei spends more on R and D many US companies who have 10x the amount of money. China might have copied,but now they have essentially started to move to the phase there is enough momentum to move forwards with their own innovations. This is a comment from Eric Schmidt who was former CEO of Google,and now heads the Pentagon's Defence Innovation Board:
However, the main threat posed to the US is its role as technological leader, he went on, saying that like many others he had underestimated the country's capabilities in the past, considering the Chinese to be simply "very good at copying".
"The Chinese are just as good, and maybe better, in key areas of research and innovation as the West," Schmidt said. "They're putting more money into it. They are putting it in a different way, it is state-directed in a way that is different from the West. We need to get our act together to compete."
Rather than turning inwards and seeking to ban Huawei, as the US and the UK are moving to do, Schmidt suggested western countries invest more in research and development, foster greater collaboration between private sector, the state and academia and look to attract the top talent from around the world, including China.
They care more about making a quick buck,but Huawei doesn't. China unlike the UK or even the US,is investing in chip technologies,similar to what Japan,Taiwan and South Korea did. All those countries understood the important of science and engineering,and are investing deeply into them. Give a few decades and India will join them. I remember back in the past people underestimated Japan too.
Our lot are too shortsighted to give a damn,as they are more concerned with playing the stock market. We take for granted we use so many Japanese,South Korean and Taiwanese products,and just like China they displaced European/US companies as they were too short term. Anyone could see what would happen a mile away,as it happened 3 times before.
Toshiba was targetted in the same Huawei was by the US,since Japan was considered a threat,so beware of reading too much into anything:
That was back in the 1980s during the Japanese-US trade war. Instead of competing they just started smashing Japanese products,and put pressure on them. Japan just made better products and people bought them over US ones. That was because US companies got complacent and got the shock of their life when Japan was making better products.
Also with Huawei,they have very little presence in the US. Most of their cellular infrastructure was in rural areas as it was cheaper,and they hardly sold many phones in the US. If you look at the rest of the world,ie,Africa,Asia,Russia,etc Huawei/ZTE are making massive inroads,as they are not only cheaper,but China is offering financial assistance. So even if they lose Europe and the US,there is most of the rest of the world. This is the same with phones,most Chinese phone sales are in the rest of the world. Apple,Samsung,etc got greedy and concentrated on high margin markets. Nokia used to understand,the lower profit margin markets were just as important,but they had problems,as every investor wanted phone companies to match the Apple model. Once they disappeared for a few years,Chinese companies filled the void,as they need to care less about investors. Huawei is the top ranked smartphone company in terms of sales,and BBK Electronics is probably not far behind,and most of those sales are not in the US or Europe. It means billions of potential customers,are left wide open for China,or simply any other country to get a market into. This is how even Japanese car companies,got their footholds too.
Plus China has already bought up MIPs and Imagination Technologies as Apple tried to screw them over. They are investing into RISC V - they are basically investing money into multiple uarchs,as its a stated goal they want to have fully indigenous CPUs. So look at China,Japan,South Korea and Taiwan,between them. Now look at Europe - the EU is only now thinking of indigenous CPU development based around RISC V,and Bosch is deciding to make a fab which is not cutting edge. The UK decided we don't need advanced chip technologies,so its all foreign owned now. In the US,Intel is having issues with its fabs,GF is now owned by Abu Dhabi,IBM got out of fabs,etc. Holland of all places,has process technology that even Germany or the US does not possess. FFS,Holland?? Even ARM was an offshoot of Cambridge University with some help from Apple. Yet between the US and the large European countries there is more than enough resources to develop essential chip technologies. I mean how is Taiwan and South Korea outdoing us in so many technologies?
I am not sure what we are spending our money on at times.