I'm guessing the actual NVIDIA logo is ok to use?


Needs to be the ones from the asset pack, the GTX Badge.
Can anyone suggest a good free alternative to use for this comp? As it needs to edit .psd files (this comp would seem to appear to only a select few who can afford software like that and possibly give them a slight advantage).

Tried the trial a while back and it expired.

I was possible going to try Inkscape for mine, an SVG image editor. It will open the EPS and PDF files no problem.
Hi all, I joined up to the forum the other day and saw this comp.
Decided I should give it ago.
Here are a few I have done:


I used some of my old images I made to build these. Hope you like them and maybe get some ideas for your self's.
OK last update from me, the next time you see this it will be finished .... I hope :p not just some final textures and then on to the PCB ..... oh joy of joy's :(

I finally got around to uploading my entry this evening. Thank you to those that suggested other free software. I have also used a 100% Free for commercial use font in my designs as I couldn't see anything about fonts listed in the first post, I thought I would play it safe :)

I thought I would stick with a basic / clean look.
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