Whilst i get your point i don't agree. By the time a lot of people move a significant amount in the queue here you will be able to buy one easily elsewhere. Money in their bank or yours is the choice. Personally i'd prefer to have my cash in my own bank
You use bots? then you will have noticed an increase in 3080s everywhere else. a competitor for example just got 3080 zotac for £779.99 that will arrive with them before the 30th nov (its normally much sooner). They have been there for just under 10mins now. The zotac is a great card. Its also the one ocuk had in stock here only yesterday at a way higher price.
If you want to queue then fair enough but i totally expect you yourself wont end up getting your card from here either. You run bots so you're clearly looking for an out and not just patiently queueing
The 1000s in queues ISNT a sign people like queuing lmao. Its a sign that people want the product and a queue place is the ONLY option when others dont have a buy now button. OCUK are openly exploiting this.