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13 Oct 2020
quit stalling OCUK, Gibbo! sort it out with Nvidia & Asus a few p45's need handing out and some more staff bringing in who can get the job done!! the three of you are rapidly becoming laughing stock:eek:
21 Oct 2020
I don’t believe OCUK made any promises to anyone. I’m not sticking up for them by any means. But if you put a pre order in with them then you know exactly what you are getting into. They sit on your cash then as and when they get enough stock to fulfill your order. They send it.

I’ve shopped here for long old time. But I only order from here when they have stock for the reasons stated above. I don’t agree with what they do. So I vote with my wallet and go elsewhere in such instances.

It was very clear early on this was going to be no stock for months. Look at the length of this thread. And this is the second one. People can cancel and try their luck elsewhere or sit and wait.

and if it’s they sold their GPU on the hope that they would get a new 3080 soon. Well. I can’t help there. You make your choices and all that.

Said ETA 23rd of September beside the Eagle when people ordered at launch which is why so many people jumped on it. Some delays are understandable but promising over and over again that stock deliveries are ramping up since mid-October (which hasn't happened on the Eagle at least), that isn't acceptable. It is looking like some cards like the Eagle and TUC non-OC are pretty much missing in action and if that is the case they need to come clean and offer alternatives to people who have been waiting for months. Offering a refund isn't enough from a customer service perspective when people have been waiting months in good faith and can't get the product elsewhere easily. My guess is they can make more money from new orders at £100+ more so want the initial orders to cancel on the lower end cards!
3 Nov 2003
Said ETA 23rd of September beside the Eagle when people ordered at launch which is why so many people jumped on it. Some delays are understandable but promising over and over again that stock deliveries are ramping up since mid-October (which hasn't happened on the Eagle at least), that isn't acceptable. It is looking like some cards like the Eagle and TUC non-OC are pretty much missing in action and if that is the case they need to come clean and offer alternatives to people who have been waiting for months. Offering a refund isn't enough from a customer service perspective when people have been waiting months in good faith and can't get the product elsewhere easily. My guess is they can make more money from new orders at £100+ more so want the initial orders to cancel on the lower end cards!

I’m not sure what they can do. If they did give ETAs then that bit of a poor show. I’m sure there would have been some t&cs at the time that says it’s basically a guess.

The thing is though that there clearly isn’t much stock around. Even all the stock alert places have been quiet of late. OCUK weren’t high enough up in the pecking order for the early stock. Continuing to take orders when you know it’s going to take months to sort is a bad show. Then not doing anything to improve the situation from a customer services point of view is again very poor.

There are still choices though. If I had put in a pre order early doors. And any date was missed. You only need to browse this forum for a few pages to realise ‘I’m not getting my card any time soon” in which case you either.

1: mask for a refund and look elsewhere

2: sit and wait it out, knowing it’s going to be a long old time before you are sat there looking longingly at your shiny new GPU.

All this mess could have have been handled so much better though. I think it was on JayzTwoCents vid where he said how EVGA do it.

- Register interest in a specific card
When you get to a position that could be fulfilled they email you and give you a day to order.

- If you don’t reply the next person in line gets the chance.

sounds like the perfect solution to me.
6 Oct 2020
I said this a while ago, but I can see mass cancelations by OC happening when the cards are no longer available from the distributor.

I'll eat my hat if I'm wrong ;)
22 Nov 2020
Anyone had any luck jumping down the queue for the zotact trinity OC edition? I'm currently 60th in line. Just wondering if anyone has received theirs or been bumped down in the last week?
9 Nov 2020



Image series for the OC staff... This thread gives me life... I'm in the eagle OC queue, remember what u have control over. Everyone else just cancel ur order and stop moaning, won't produce ur cards any quicker if moan haha. Love/love in the moment, go for a walk, look at swaying branches in the autumn wind, watch a Alan Watts YouTube video, etc. Ps. I am the final Karen if u ever cancel my eagle order haha happy waiting in line.
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19 Sep 2020
anyone who cancelled how long did the refund take? I put it on credit card but cancelled last sunday and still no refund -_- might just do it through the cc if it takes much longer
I hit them up in the Discord channel. I'd filled in the cancellation form and the order had gone from my account, but no sign of the refund or a confirmation email of the cancellation. One of the OC guys asked me to PM the order number, confirmed a few more details over PM and the refund was processed straight away. I think they'd forgotten the refunding me part of the cancellation. Once processed, the email came through a minute later and Amazon confirmed the refund had gone through a few hours later.
21 Oct 2020
I’m not sure what they can do. If they did give ETAs then that bit of a poor show. I’m sure there would have been some t&cs at the time that says it’s basically a guess.

The thing is though that there clearly isn’t much stock around. Even all the stock alert places have been quiet of late. OCUK weren’t high enough up in the pecking order for the early stock. Continuing to take orders when you know it’s going to take months to sort is a bad show. Then not doing anything to improve the situation from a customer services point of view is again very poor.

There are still choices though. If I had put in a pre order early doors. And any date was missed. You only need to browse this forum for a few pages to realise ‘I’m not getting my card any time soon” in which case you either.

1: mask for a refund and look elsewhere

2: sit and wait it out, knowing it’s going to be a long old time before you are sat there looking longingly at your shiny new GPU.

All this mess could have have been handled so much better though. I think it was on JayzTwoCents vid where he said how EVGA do it.

- Register interest in a specific card
When you get to a position that could be fulfilled they email you and give you a day to order.

- If you don’t reply the next person in line gets the chance.

sounds like the perfect solution to me.

Yup the EVGA solution was much much better. Means that you aren't locked in but they are shipping cards to customers as soon as they can. Not a fan of the Amazon etc version either where you need to order within 5 min at best of new stock going up with no warning as just means bots and scalpers get most (or at least a lot) of them.

Overall I feel the online retail industry have really let themselves down with both this launch as well as the PS5 and Xbox. Lets hope they don't settle on this being the new business as usual and actually put systems in place like EVGA did in the US and think a little outside the box on how to make sure the products get to customers in a fair manner.
19 Sep 2020
The retail industry, sadly, doesn't really care on the most part (certainly the larger organisations). A sale to a 'legitimate' customer is the same to them as a sale to a bot, scalper, reseller etc etc. Unless their business is adversely affected by their practices, they aren't going to change the way they do things and, unfortunately, "being a bit miffed on the internet" isn't going to change things. Big retailers rarely care about anything more than shifting product - the accountants will see "100 items came in, 100 items sold almost instantly, successful process", far removed from the complaints out there on the internet. Why go to any effort when you know you're still going to sell every item you get in stock?

I hate to be "a jaded old fool" (I don't really, I rather enjoy it) but it hasn't really changed in decades. In the bad old days you'd queue outside a shop, in the rain, snow or sun, for hours on end in the vain hope that the shop had got enough of that year's "must have toy". These days we have the benefit of not having to step outside to experience the same disappointment :D
30 Sep 2020
Hi all. Noticed some folk are scoring cards elsewhere from stock alert systems. I bookmarked stock informer and not had a single buzz for 3080. What else are people using?

I'm 21 in queue for an Inno3d X2. I will be keeping my queue position no matter what, but I also want a card in my rig for Cyberpunk 2077 release date so i'll try everything I can. Any guidance appreciated. Thanks!
21 Oct 2020
The retail industry, sadly, doesn't really care on the most part (certainly the larger organisations). A sale to a 'legitimate' customer is the same to them as a sale to a bot, scalper, reseller etc etc. Unless their business is adversely affected by their practices, they aren't going to change the way they do things and, unfortunately, "being a bit miffed on the internet" isn't going to change things. Big retailers rarely care about anything more than shifting product - the accountants will see "100 items came in, 100 items sold almost instantly, successful process", far removed from the complaints out there on the internet. Why go to any effort when you know you're still going to sell every item you get in stock?

I hate to be "a jaded old fool" (I don't really, I rather enjoy it) but it hasn't really changed in decades. In the bad old days you'd queue outside a shop, in the rain, snow or sun, for hours on end in the vain hope that the shop had got enough of that year's "must have toy". These days we have the benefit of not having to step outside to experience the same disappointment :D

That's not really true. If someone like EVGA gets good press with gamers from how they are treating consumers compared to other businesses, then that means people are more likely to think of them first going forwards. Basically it's a form of marketing so that even if like here we can't order from EVGA, people will think better of the company and are more likely to buy their product through retailers like OCUK. For instance I would rather buy from EVGA than MSI given the positive press for EVGA and negative for MSI recently (scalping their own products etc).

Basically it's a very short term view to say as a company that you don't care who gets it as long as it's sold. Companies spend millions on advertising for a reason and being shown to be better for your consumers than your competitors (even if it costs a bit of money now), can have a much longer payoff. Problem is that some of the bigger companies will see this as niche news that doesn't affect the brand over all so improvements need to be led by the smaller more specialised retailers to show how it can be done better.
18 Jun 2016
The fact that OCUK have not received a SINGLE Asus TUF 3080 non-OC since launch it absolutely terrible.

Thousands of pre orders for that card, but not even a single one procured. What the hell is going on?

I swear I see this post every day. I got mine two weeks ago, they had a tiny number come in but gibbo never said anything about it. Proof that @Gibbo is either lazy, incompetent, or likely both. Probably too busy on the car forums again to notice them come in.

It's also proof that OCUK's communication is still absolute hot trash. They had positive news they could've shared, but never bothered to tell people. I literally cannot see a single reason for this beyond Gibbo's laziness, or the theory that OCUK want you guys to cancel orders.
21 Oct 2020
Hi all. Noticed some folk are scoring cards elsewhere from stock alert systems. I bookmarked stock informer and not had a single buzz for 3080. What else are people using?

I'm 21 in queue for an Inno3d X2. I will be keeping my queue position no matter what, but I also want a card in my rig for Cyberpunk 2077 release date so i'll try everything I can. Any guidance appreciated. Thanks!

There has been less stock recently it seems although I've heard that the UK ports are having large delays so might just be stuck there. Looks up "Felixstowe Port chaos" and there are multiple articles. A way to check it's working is to turn on the 3070 and 3090 notices as there have been a load of them (for silly high prices!).
9 Oct 2020
There has been less stock recently it seems although I've heard that the UK ports are having large delays so might just be stuck there. Looks up "Felixstowe Port chaos" and there are multiple articles. A way to check it's working is to turn on the 3070 and 3090 notices as there have been a load of them (for silly high prices!).

The cards will almost certainly all be coming in as air freight at the moment. Goods that need to be shipped quickly, like graphics cards and games consoles that are in high demand, all come in by air.
5 May 2016
Wales UK
Thank you ;) Thing is what other choices do I have, I could cancel of course and end up paying an extra 30%+ more If I'm lucky enough to find one, I do not have all day to keep chasing GPUs. What I would like now is an FE because I can leave OcUK behind me so I will try to get one. Wish me luck!!

Oh yeah, I'm currently 592 on the list as of yesterday.

Being over 500 in Queue you have already paid over the odds anyway, OC scalped an extra £50 onto the ticket price an hour after launch and that was between basket and checkout, it did not show on Buy page and it no doubt went up again a few hours later.

I paid an extra £40 to get mine last week, so if you look out for them it will in no way cost you an extra 30%, cancelled my order for TUF Non OC here (was 272 with no hope before new year at least). Will not be using them again, was exactly the same with launch for 2000 series delays and gouging.
30 Sep 2020
Being over 500 in Queue you have already paid over the odds anyway, OC scalped an extra £50 onto the ticket price an hour after launch and that was between basket and checkout, it did not show on Buy page and it no doubt went up again a few hours later.

I paid an extra £40 to get mine last week, so if you look out for them it will in no way cost you an extra 30%, cancelled my order for TUF Non OC here (was 272 with no hope before new year at least). Will not be using them again, was exactly the same with launch for 2000 series delays and gouging.
How did you get yours bud?
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