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OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
What cards are the most common / have the highest chance to get one?

It's disgusting that people who'd use them can't get cards while FB Marketplace is full with scalpers
The simple answer is 3070s
For 3080 its a bit hard to say because most of the models which are being delivered in larger numbers are also the ones with the biggest queues. Also deliveries aren't consistent, Palit, for example, were quite strong at first but have dropped off in the last couple of weeks. Long story short we'd rather not guess
3 Oct 2020
I probably won't get my card before Brexit, even if I ordered on launch day... So now I have to pay a big VAT ? or the date of order counts?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
I probably won't get my card before Brexit, even if I ordered on launch day... So now I have to pay a big VAT ? or the date of order counts?

You already paid so I don't forsee you having to pay any additional amount, but no one truly knows the changes BREXIT will bring or the problems, just that right now its looking very messy.
9 Oct 2020
What cards are the most common / have the highest chance to get one?

It's disgusting that people who'd use them can't get cards while FB Marketplace is full with scalpers

Gigabyte and EVGA cards were around earlier today but we are talking very small amounts for all these cards. I don't know what the average amount of cards being available for sale per day across
all major online UK retailers is. 5? 10? 20? Certainly none some days. Crazy considering the tens of thousands of people desperately wanting one. I know that one retailer has had a few deliveries of 3080's but isn't listing
any of them until there's a decent amount to list. I've got a funny feeling they're going to list them at hugely inflated price anyway when they do.

The scalper thing is a major problem but its a wider problem for retailers and suppliers to sort out.
OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
Don't hold me to this because I don't know for sure but we charge Irish VAT to Irish customer and then pay that VAT to the Irish revenue service, so I don't foresee any additional charges.
2 Dec 2002
Re Brexit, as Gibbo says, little is known for sure, but some things can be said...

Any EU-UK supplies made on or before 31 December will be treated as intra-EU supplies until 31 March 2021 so effectively no change if the goods are in transit before 31 December.

For anything not yet in transit, if they ship after 31 December then there should be no UK VAT charged, but VAT will be payable on the receiving end, and possibly duty.

So you shouldn't end up paying VAT twice.

Still a lot of detail to work out though...
9 Dec 2020
Long time OCUK customer, appreciate the updates that Gibbo and ScottiB have been giving in this thread. Ignore the angry people who can't understand that the supply is messed up.
2 Dec 2002
Don't hold me to this because I don't know for sure but we charge Irish VAT to Irish customer and then pay that VAT to the Irish revenue service, so I don't foresee any additional charges.

Perfect, if you are already set-up for DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) then it should be relatively easy...
25 Sep 2020
Its not just Asus most manufacturers are shipping more OC versions, my guess is it simply comes down to their profit margins as they clearly make more money on overclocked parts. But as long as they keep shipping then that is what matters.

What is most annoying is when board partners create totally new SKU's and then release those and then ship stock, this greatly annoys myself because they have used 3080 GPUs to make those cards which have no back orders when what they should be doing is purely focusing on fulfilling back orders on all the SKU's they already sell.

As such I am on your guys side, I even tell the board partners this and ask them what the hell are you doing making and shipping new SKU's when you still have thousands of back orders on current SKU's, of course they do not answer, but to me its a bit of a joke and not too professional for me to post as such but its the truth, every board partner right now should be using every GPU they get to make more of the products they have back orders against and not be making new SKU's.

There probably is some customer tunnel vision going on there, I know I only really focus on TUF news the rest gets glossed over. I get the profit margin must be higher, I've thought the same thing. It's how disproportionate it is that's really getting backs up I think. Excluding initial stock, around 40 non OC and somewhere around 300 OC is a bit ridiculous.
This of course is entirely out of your control I'm just giving my opinion, if it was just 3 or 4 times more OC rather than closer to 8X I think people could swallow it much easier.
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23 Sep 2020
Ayy Gibbo that last up-date about the "30pc 3080 Strix OC arriving next week" made my heart skip a beat, your continues updates are a godsend, cheers mate! :D

(hoping they keep this up and I should get my card in 2 months :))
7 Dec 2020
And I am out ladies and gents. Nothing against OC i know their situation but at over 1000 in the que I decided to get a 3060 ti (picked up 30 mins ago £70 over msrp) until the 3080s are flowing free.

I hope you all get your cards soon, peace
23 Sep 2020
Re Brexit, as Gibbo says, little is known for sure, but some things can be said...

Any EU-UK supplies made on or before 31 December will be treated as intra-EU supplies until 31 March 2021 so effectively no change if the goods are in transit before 31 December.

For anything not yet in transit, if they ship after 31 December then there should be no UK VAT charged, but VAT will be payable on the receiving end, and possibly duty.

So you shouldn't end up paying VAT twice.

Still a lot of detail to work out though...

don’t do that. Don’t give me hope
23 Sep 2020
Don't hold me to this because I don't know for sure but we charge Irish VAT to Irish customer and then pay that VAT to the Irish revenue service, so I don't foresee any additional charges.

The Irish Gov published a list of charges on items post brexit (no deal) and customs duty is one of them. At least we won’t get VAT again since you charge us the Irish VAT

This article by RTÉ is worth a read
7 Apr 2017
The Irish Gov published a list of charges on items post brexit (no deal) and customs duty is one of them. At least we won’t get VAT again since you charge us the Irish VAT

This article by RTÉ is worth a read
Interesting read. France and the UK are the only military powers in Europe so it's possible they do a deal based on the need for mutual security for the continent, because Biden's win was narrow and the US may not be reliable long term.

In the event that negotiations fail on Sunday, and we move into WTO rules, there may be a deal next year. Macron has to act tough on fishing because he's up for reelection in 2022, and doesn't want French fisherman protesting him. If they lose fishing rights in a no deal, and then get some access back next year in a deal, he could come out looking like a winner. Then again, Paris is the only real rival to London for the financial markets, and Macron may want to secure it, before doing a deal, and using fishing to sabotage a deal. So many unknowns.
22 Nov 2020
Managed to get a msi 3080 somewhere else at near rrp and it's arriving tomorrow, so I've canceled my pre order here. Despite my frustration with the lack of info, I'm very pleased to see this has been resolved over the last few days, and staff has been very responsive and attentive lately, well done. I'll certainly consider OC for any future purchase if the price is right.

Anyone waiting for a palit 3080 gaming Pro non OC and above position 213 as of last Friday, you'll move at least one number up tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.
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