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20 Nov 2020
Thanks for clearing that up but it still does not confirm if you will have 3080 Ventus cards. Gibbo mentioned in that post that it looks unlikely that there will be more 3080s.

Im getting really mixed signals here from you both. Unless I can get confirmation of Ventus 3080s before Christmas then I might as well just cancel.
to clear up any confusion. Gibbo has told you what's confirmed by the distributors this week. There are no Ventus on that delivery. However, today we had another update of stock from MSI which we've been told will arrive before Xmas (they haven't landed in the country yet). There are a small number on that..ten units retail stock and another few units which Gibbo can take from my SI allocation.

& don't get me started on Brexit. I'm confident that shipments won't stop, it just might be a bit more complex and slow.

Just to quote regarding 10 retail stock
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
You lieing Is a insult to us. You may of forgotten already but I know what was said in a conversation the other day with a few of us regarding retail ventus.

Well we have tried to help you, but I guess with an
Gibbo didn't lie to you. What we've just told you correlates with exactly what I told you a couple of days ago. I said to you that there might be 10pcs retail ventus on the way and I might have some to spare. The reason that I used the word MIGHT is that they haven't left the hub yet and the last lot, which left ten days ago still aren't with us....I can't tell you for sure that they'll be with us in time for Xmas and that's why Gibbo hasn't posted up the info on that shipment yet.

You misunderstood what he posted because you didn't see MY NAME next to the 3080 Ventus, don't blame him for a simple mistake because you both made one.

This totally my mistake because I cut and paste because I think it was a quick log in, again on a day off and I just quickly pasted it, I remember Scott calling me to ask can you edit your post as you have posted SI allocation in your update thread which will cause confusion, but I could not edit it as I was in the car, thankfully Scott manage to edit or was able to find an admin to do so.

But as Scott says as it was a cut and paste his name was by it and to be fair Scott has explained this numerous times now, so your question has being answered several times already before today.
9 Dec 2020
Appreciate your helps on your days off, Gibbo and Scotti! Do you have any updates for EVGA ftw ultra today since Gibbo answered us there will be 3 ultra cards arriving today or tomorrow? I am in position 8 (I thought I was 5 yesterday) and can I expect to my card before Christmas? Actually I didn't mean to repeat the question just from yesterday, but after I played cyberpunk and I decided to ask again xD
OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
When @Stejdm asked me straight the chances of 3080 Ventus for retail next week....

next week? 20-30% There's two small batches on the way but judging from how long it took the last lot of MSI cards to get from the airport to our door (they haven't landed yet), we are realistically looking at no earlier than the 18th.

Does that really vary from what I just said?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Appreciate your helps on your days off, Gibbo and Scotti! Do you have any updates for EVGA ftw ultra today since Gibbo answered us there will be 3 ultra cards arriving today or tomorrow? I am in position 8 (I thought I was 5 yesterday) and can I expect to my card before Christmas? Actually I didn't mean to repeat the question just from yesterday, but after I played cyberpunk and I decided to ask again xD

The three EVGA cards have not being booked in yet, unknown if they have arrived but it is likely, our booking in team is still days behind at moment but GPU's do generally get pushed to top of queue when they are spotted, which is not always possible as they are not always recognizable as a GPU shipment.
9 Oct 2020
I think this is bang out of order. These are electronics guys...not life saving medicine. If you think calling someone ''full of ****'' or accusing them of being a liar, when that affects other customers opinions, is big and clever...I suggest you take a big dose of ''grow the hell up''.

Now if Gibbo/ScottiB came on here and said, ''Hey guys, we've got a truck of 5000 units coming in tomorrow, and then that (obviously) didn't happen. Then yes...I'd understand calling them out on it. But to call people liars when the entire UK is struggling to claw any stock from any supplier...thats not right and frankly, I think you should take a good long look in the mirror and re-assess who you think you are.
We all want our components. We all paid for them. And I have full confidence that if Gibbo could get them all shipped tomorrow by working until 4am, then he would.

Lastly, if you saw your kids talking to someone like this, would you be proud or ashamed. I'll let you answer yourself that question.
10 Sep 2014
And in all honesty that is part of the reason why updates slipped for a while, because sometimes you all want info, but then some of you get the info and because its not the info you want abuse is hurtled, I make mistakes, we all make mistakes, no one is perfect and I am doing what I can to help you guys even on my days off and I am not taking a leisure day off I am moving house, whilst getting the old house ready for new occupants and sorting out all the issues with new house.

The fact is business is crazy, life is crazy, my car has being demanding new brake pads, a service for over a month now and I've had it booked in twice and cancelled twice simply because right now there is not enough time in the day and I'd not be taking any time off if I could help it but moving house is kind of not something that I can delay, in fact I already delayed it a month plus due to cowboy builders but the deadline was end of November and am already a week past that so now I have to take the time to sort the houses and get it all sorted but when I take a break and sit down I log in, check my emails for updates, check my skype and message the suppliers for updates and then log in here to give you updates.

So to say I do not care is a million miles from the truth, I am stressed beyond belief and hammered the suppliers over it, but its unfair on them too they are just the product/sales manager for the board partner, the biggest and main issue is simply a lack of supply combined with demand way way beyond anyone could have ever expected.
22 Nov 2020
@Gibbo @ScottiB bizarre to me that you're getting so much flak when it isn't like you manufacture the cards is it. Any word from Zotac yet? Seems like they've massively dropped the ball with the 3080 OC Trinity cards.
According to Zotac .......The Trinity OC is the card we're shipping the most units of (as far as I know).

Unfortunately don't know more than that.

Kind Regards,


from Zotac them selves not sure why OC cant get them, oh well is what it is just have to wait.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Just to be clear I've cancelled and I'm not coming back to oc. But gibbo did say 10 was coming and ontop of that Scotti you said you may also be able to give 10. Now Scotti as I said to you the other day I'm thankful you come in here to talk to us . But honestly the company's a shambles and just simply lieing . I hope you lot continue to get review bombed as oc deserve it . It's much more then just a simple graphics card it's just poor customer service . Covid is no excuse every other place manages to do a decent job . And honestly I'm sick of my messages getting deleted in here for being truthful and trying to have a little laugh over of the situation

Covid is a very valid reason. Royal mail are upto a week behind, when the postman arrives to I abuse him, hell no I am thankful they are doing their best.
I've being on the phone all day calling companies trying to buy stuff for the house and 90% of the companies I rang did not answer phones and those that did confirmed their website showing in stock was incorrect and stock would not be here until January, but I am not going to go and review bomb them or get angry with them on the phone because I can share the stress they are under.

Even the rainforest as removed next day PRIME in most places and to put it nearly all companies are struggling, Virgin Media have being a total disaster for me and getting them on the phone can mean holding for 3-4hr to just then get no further, but I am not gonna give them bad reviews or be mad at them, because nearly all companies out there are experience 2-3x their normal demand and they have not being able to increase staffing to cope with it and in many cases most companies have less stress or all are working from home causing more delays due to Covid restrictions.

The world today is very different to how it was this time last year, Covid has had a huge impact and to say every other place manages to do a decent job is lies, you only have to look at the amount of high street companies going bust left right and centre, because of Covid, and where is all that high street demand going, ONLINE, have the onliners being able to double or triple their resources, absolutely not. Admittedly some companies cope better than others, OcUK is struggling as we have no extra man power for sales and customer services, to add to it most of those staff work from home which is not as fluid as being office based due to VPN/Internet slow downs etc.

We are doing the best we can with the resources and tools we have, it is far from perfect, but here we are at near 9pm at night trying to help.

Its not gonna get better any time soon, we have to just ride this madness and once normality returns then OcUK can overhaul all its systems, expand its resources and so when these levels of business come a normality we will also be able to cope and handle it fine.

I get peoples fustration I really do, but to slate OcUK or any other company is really uncalled for as most are really up against it and people will have to learn to be patient because if supply get evens worse and more widespread then hardware will become so sparse and the prices will sky rocket world wide.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
According to Zotac .......The Trinity OC is the card we're shipping the most units of (as far as I know).

Unfortunately don't know more than that.

Kind Regards,


from Zotac them selves not sure why OC cant get them, oh well is what it is just have to wait.

I posted a Zotac update yesterday in sticky, don't think they were showing any 3080 this side of Christmas.

Having spoke to several board partners last couple of days, they have all said the same that 3080 is now shorter than its ever being and shall be until middle of January and even then they are unsure if it will get better, they also saying supply on 3060Ti also looks to be incredibly short as well.

So 3080 is looking bad across the board for the next few weeks it seems from what all the board partners are telling me, they simply not getting GPU's from NVIDIA.
19 Nov 2020
According to Zotac .......The Trinity OC is the card we're shipping the most units of (as far as I know).

Unfortunately don't know more than that.

Kind Regards,


from Zotac them selves not sure why OC cant get them, oh well is what it is just have to wait.

Thanks for the insight mate, it's bizarre. Still though I'm in a position where I've got a card that functions fine for what I do now so happy to wait. @Gibbo and @ScottiB yous are doing an incredible job given the circumstances and the vast majority of peolple understand.
OcUK Systems
OcUK Staff
16 Nov 2007
I’ve been summoned. What did I miss.

literally praying to all the gods that Ventuses show up before January 1st.
sorry to get your hopes up, somebody got his knickers in a twist and decided to throw a toddler-like tantrum because Gibbo made a simple mistake on the update thread. He's so far refused to apologise which REALLY makes me want to try to track his order down, cancel it and block his IP, but I've had a bad day and have a feeling that might be an overreaction.

I'm still hoping to have some Ventus for you guys before xmas, ideally early next week, but I'm going to have to go into the warehouse tomorrow because it doesn't look like the MSI shipment that I expected yesterday has arrived yet.

Between our warehouse manager having to limit pallet shipments, MSI's multiple suppliers and ETA's on some emails being arrival dates whereas ETAs on others are dispatch dates, there's a lot of confusion about what SHOULD be here already and I'm going to have to be on site to resolve it.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
sorry to get your hopes up, somebody got his knickers in a twist and decided to throw a toddler-like tantrum because Gibbo made a simple mistake on the update thread. He's so far refused to apologise which REALLY makes me want to try to track his order down, cancel it and block his IP, but I've had a bad day and have a feeling that might be an overreaction.

I'm still hoping to have some Ventus for you guys before xmas, ideally early next week, but I'm going to have to go into the warehouse tomorrow because it doesn't look like the MSI shipment that I expected yesterday has arrived yet.

Between our warehouse manager having to limit pallet shipments, MSI's multiple suppliers and ETA's on some emails being arrival dates whereas ETAs on others are dispatch dates, there's a lot of confusion about what SHOULD be here already and I'm going to have to be on site to resolve it.

Scott don't want to make your day worse but might as well say here so others know too, but most our memory purchase orders were rejected today due to an IC issue, hopefully it soon gets resolved or at this rate there will be no GPU's, no CPU's and now no memory to sell or build systems with. I mean with a failure or BREXIT coming can this year get any more wrong or complicated.

But as always, we will survive. :)

So as a hint to you forum guys if you need a memory kit get it purchased because if this IC issue is more widespread then prices worldwide will go up.....
12 Oct 2020
All that i can say to @ScottiB and @Gibbo I wish you well and frankly .... the haters. To all customers I wish you well in getting your cards and being polite, what they talk about is not bs, worked a loading bay myself before and it is HELL. Keep Calm and carry on <3
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