Well clearly yesterday was the wrong day to not have an internet connection (lovely when BT knocks on your door in the morning to let you know they are replacing a several of the poles along the road, and so you won't have a phone line today... You'd think they'd inform you before hand) if I wanted to keep up with this thread.
From what I've gathered:
Did I miss anything important?
- 12-15ish Strix OC shipped
- A mix of palits, didn't see any above 10 numbers for any one type mentioned
- A few Gigabyte Gaming OC (saw someone who was 8th mention a shipment)
- A load of cards who haven't had/aren't expecting shipments got queue updates (thanks to everyone who updated their spreadsheet entry!)
A few Gigabyte Gaming OC (saw someone who was 8th mention a shipment):
Check the GPU of this Pre-Built (also realise no one has had a queue email or shipment email for this card);
Mods don't ban me pls. <3