They are providing updates, they provide a weekly email with queue position for everyone
No, are not providing weekly updates. I got one email in 29 september, since that nothing.
They said they give updates when they ship the card you ordered. IF you are X in the queue and they ship 100 card, u will get a mail you are now X-100 in the queue. It's not weekly.
I understand them they cant say anything, its NOT up to them anymore, its on the Gigabyte or whatever card we talk about factory (mine is Gigabyte Eagle OC).
They sent their requests to the manufacturers, after that they can only provide information if the manufacturer provides them information, or if they ships them cards.
It's sad, and frustrating, but its better to have NO information/no ETA, than bad information and get disappointed.
I am already prepared to wait few months. :/ Thou for me it would be for streaming, I wait for the new card so I can restart streaming on twitch.
(I stopped for about a year, because I had a heart attack, but I want to come back now). Everyone chill, and relax. Eventually we all get our GPU!

There is really no point to stress, or cancel order until we see cards appearing "in stock" in shops.