3080 X2 is 20pc
3090 is 10pc
With our forwarders and should be with customs end of this week, if it clears fast will be with us next week. The rest of the 3080 X3/X4 should be collected late next week from HK.
So you’re telling me you haven’t recieved a single Inno3D shipment and the very first shipment you give is 20pcs?
20pcs???? Is this a joke????
I am position 33 in the queue and I would have thought this delivery will fulfill my order this month but now it looks like I won’t even be receiving my card until Christmas!
This is honestly shocking, unless I am missing out something?
Just to be clear, Gibbo said earlier this month that he will be receiving a close to large shipment of Inno3D cards.
And this shipment has 20PCS of my card??? I’m sorry but the last time I checked it was 75-100 for large , I can’t believe it?
does anyone have any clue when I will receive my card or when the next shipment is or maybe if I’m wrong and there is more than 20pcs?