I love comments like these, no it won’t, some deal will happen, or some good product will be released and OCUK will be one of the the only retailer doing preorders in the UK and you will crawl right back.
You aren’t mad about the customer service, your annoyed that you didn’t understand the concept of a PRE order. You have ordered the product prior to the actual receipt of any actual stock. Your order will be fulfilled once they get more stock, so be patient and stop whining.
If you read @Gibbo update then you would know that OCUK is at the mercy of the card manufacturers and the component distributors.
If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at Nvidia, and vow never to buy another Nvidia card again, because ultimately Nvidia over hyped the product and vastly under estimated the high demand for such a powerful card at such a reasonable price.
However to be honest it is such a difficult market to predict as PC enthusiast are really fickle and ready to turn on a product at a moments notice. I have seen so many post of people saying that they will cancel and just get the big navi in stead so if you are so annoyed then please do that so that the rest of us patiently waiting can get our card sooner
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Unfortunately, a lot of people, including me, ordered an item when said item WAS showing as in stock. Hence why so many people are p*ssed.