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24 Sep 2020
I love comments like these, no it won’t, some deal will happen, or some good product will be released and OCUK will be one of the the only retailer doing preorders in the UK and you will crawl right back.

You aren’t mad about the customer service, your annoyed that you didn’t understand the concept of a PRE order. You have ordered the product prior to the actual receipt of any actual stock. Your order will be fulfilled once they get more stock, so be patient and stop whining.

If you read @Gibbo update then you would know that OCUK is at the mercy of the card manufacturers and the component distributors.

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at Nvidia, and vow never to buy another Nvidia card again, because ultimately Nvidia over hyped the product and vastly under estimated the high demand for such a powerful card at such a reasonable price.

However to be honest it is such a difficult market to predict as PC enthusiast are really fickle and ready to turn on a product at a moments notice. I have seen so many post of people saying that they will cancel and just get the big navi in stead so if you are so annoyed then please do that so that the rest of us patiently waiting can get our card sooner :D

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Unfortunately, a lot of people, including me, ordered an item when said item WAS showing as in stock. Hence why so many people are p*ssed.
27 Jul 2015
Launches shouldn't be like this my lord its ridiculous.

Manufacturer should allocate stock to the distribution network who in turn allocates stock to the stockists who in turn on launch should only sell their allocation.

Xbox and PlayStation do it every launch.

Strange the things people type whilst knowing nothing about the other mans grass! Xbox is in exactly the same situation as Nvidia is in. All the pre orders are sold and they have no idea when new stock might be available.
6 Jul 2011
I'm proper sat on the fence at the minute. Do I get refund on my tuf non/o.c as I'm 1079 as of last count. Thinking pull my money out and wait for the dust to settle. Is big Navi good ? Is a 20gb 3080 coming ? Will 7nm SKU turn up ? If I pull my money now only £650 and watch prices skyrocket I may end up in another waiting game for a higher price. My Xmas system build is unlikely happening this year as it stands
21 May 2018
South Wales
Anyone order Zotac or Pallit cards? what queue position are you?

I'm thinking of switching, cant see me getting my asus tuf non oc anytime soon at a queue position of 1700 :(

I don't think switching will help you, all models have long queues. I'm still waiting for a Gaming Pro, currently 140 in the queue. We've all got a bit of a wait I'm afraid.
7 Oct 2020
Unfortunately, a lot of people, including me, ordered an item when said item WAS showing as in stock. Hence why so many people are p*ssed.

And to those people, I would say that that sucks, however if they didn’t do pre-orders then all that would have happened is the same as everywhere else. The stock they did have would have sold and then you would be doing a different waiting game. The restock refresh lottery of getting the notification that they have more going to the site hitting order, getting pushed back saying order failed refresh repeat. You are more than welcome to cancel your order and go try that instead? Again please do so that us patient people can wait in peace.

I waited over two weeks for another retailer who will not be named to get more stock and it never happened so I resorted to a preorder on here. Yeah I am 1000 odd in the queue but at least I know I will eventually get one. And I don’t have to stress about refreshing a page to get a confirmed order.

I follow this thread because occasionally people get information like shipping dates from manufacturers, who got what when and likely issues I may encounter when my card arrives. The bonus of seeing whiny people cursing this and that for their petty inconvenience is added entertainment while I eat my shreddies and sip on my tea most mornings.
29 Dec 2018
You can take another approach to this and thanks for that I finally got FE:

Inventory-toe-Cart Allocation: Allocate inventory only when a customer submits an order or set a time limit on how long a customer can hold our product in their cart. Inform customers that purchases are not guaranteed until the order is submitted
EVGA on their store ( and few others i'm not gonna name because of ban) does that combined with notification which contains an unique link you can only access, then you have a certain amount of time (EVGA gives 8H) to made up your mind, if you won't buy it then your link expires and the notification is sent out to next person in the queue.

So yeah, pre-order aren't the only way to "ensure" (LOL) you'll get your card as soon as queue clears out.
21 Sep 2020
Finance? If you need finance to be able to afford £750 then you have the wrong hobby. I think it's safe to say that people who upgrade every cycle don't care about money. And anyone with a 10 series or older has plenty of time to save their pennies.

wow didn't realise Martin Lewis over here had joined the forums. You know absolutely nothing about their financial arrangements but feel the need to comment on them? good one buddy
27 Jul 2015
They're getting 20pcs from distributor not Inno3D directly. Remeber that there is around 12+ etailer and retailer competing for stock.

And no, no one know when your card will be with you, including OCUK. i have read Gibbo updates and it's still staggering that they've no clue what kind of shipment they can expect from distributors until it arrives on their doorstep and even then they're extremely reluctant to tell you anything.

As i mentioned before I've sored second card, this time FE which i wanted originally for myself, so you all have two people less getting a card from you.

I'm not sure this is true, in fact I'm pretty sure it isn't. The Inno3D cards were ordered direct from Inno in China, and are currently with the freight forwarders in Hong Kong. I'm guessing they have to do it this way because there is insufficient volume to make a direct from China shipment, and OCUK have other items which they can gather and send as one consignment to save on shipping costs. An article I posted last night suggests Inno haven't shipped a single card into their European distributor as yet.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Not quite, called him a pure bread millenial. Not that any of that matters lol.

Hmmm, only 20pc Inno3d x2's. Was hoping for that large of each. Unless that is still on the way.
He called himself a pure bread millennial is how I read it.

Like I can say hey Blitzkrieg, TNA here.

Besides, if he did not then the whole sentence would make no sense. Like saying he is a millennial and then saying he is gen z? Yes, none of it matters, just thought I would point it out :)

I actually called myself a pure bread millennial which I am, :D
Yep, I was right it seems :D
8 Oct 2020
Finance? If you need finance to be able to afford £750 then you have the wrong hobby. I think it's safe to say that people who upgrade every cycle don't care about money. And anyone with a 10 series or older has plenty of time to save their pennies.
Or maybe people don't want to spend £750 upfront? doesn't mean they have the wrong hobby, they just want the latest tech...
5 Oct 2020
I love comments like these, no it won’t, some deal will happen, or some good product will be released and OCUK will be one of the the only retailer doing preorders in the UK and you will crawl right back.

You aren’t mad about the customer service, your annoyed that you didn’t understand the concept of a PRE order. You have ordered the product prior to the actual receipt of any actual stock. Your order will be fulfilled once they get more stock, so be patient and stop whining.

If you read @Gibbo update then you would know that OCUK is at the mercy of the card manufacturers and the component distributors.

If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at Nvidia, and vow never to buy another Nvidia card again, because ultimately Nvidia over hyped the product and vastly under estimated the high demand for such a powerful card at such a reasonable price.

However to be honest it is such a difficult market to predict as PC enthusiast are really fickle and ready to turn on a product at a moments notice. I have seen so many post of people saying that they will cancel and just get the big navi in stead so if you are so annoyed then please do that so that the rest of us patiently waiting can get our card sooner :D

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I can honestly say that whilst i've used OC a lot in the past i havn't actually used them recently. They are not normally competitive and going forward they would need to be a lot cheaper than other competitors for me to even consider giving them my money.

If OC have things priced the same as a competitor i'm pretty sure this experience will tip the balance. OC will need to do something special to get its loyal customers back its losing throughout all this.
5 Oct 2020
Strange the things people type whilst knowing nothing about the other mans grass! Xbox is in exactly the same situation as Nvidia is in. All the pre orders are sold and they have no idea when new stock might be available.
isnt that what hes said? all pre-orders are allocated so presumably those that ordered and have a pre-order will receive their order on the date given or close to it. Apple do the same. I ordered my last iphone from a competitor and it was with me on launch day.
What happens with stock after those pre-orders is anybody's guess but the poster didn't say it was going to be all roses for ps5 and xbox :)
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