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14 Oct 2020
I, on the other hand pre-ordered TUF OC (I had TUF non-OC pre-ordered). I read somwhere that someone ordered last thursday and is now 1033 in queue or something like that. With my non-OC for over a month in pre-order I was 1751 or something like that according to last Friday's OC queue email. I'll cancel the one for which I'll have to wait more most likely non-OC, sadly



26 Jul 2006
So it's ok for you to jump ahead of someone in a queue that is also waiting for a card?

I'm in the same boat as you, I ordered an EVGA card and they've shipped zero. Your only option is to cancel or wait.

Who said anything about jumping queues etc so please wind your neck in with your assumptions. My friend got offered a card that the retailer didn't put up for pre-order, was asked to pay £20 extra and got his Trinity last Friday after he was called by their customer service team. Not one person suffered due to this.

I said I hoped he would have something in place for people in my situation, I didn't ask for others to suffer because of Zotac's inability to provide a card they are selling...
2 Oct 2020
Well, Gibbo claims there are / were with the freight forwarders, so assuming that is correct then if they have shipped we should expect them to land quite soon, but because we have no updates / information etc etc. There wasn't any real info about the last batch until people began to receive them. If however we are told they are still in HK that is when credulity is stretched past breaking point. This is HK we're talking about and warehousing in the vicinity of Kaitak airport is not cheap, nothing hangs around in there because space and time are money, the other batch was shipped out with unexpected speed, so with this one hanging around for so long my suspicions of things not being as they should be are perhaps understandable?

Ok fair point to you, but i would still hold on into unnecessary assumptions given an estimated time, end of this week to leave, even though again fair point it's not much to work on, but it's still something. I do think the best time to be sure is next week, and hopefully we will have more info on Monday if they left HK.
1 Oct 2020
Mates....I finally got it. Delivered this morning. Not the one I wanted but you can't have everything. Bagged a zotac trinity 3080 oc from overclockersuk. Position 195 of gigabyte eagle then moved to back of queue of trinity oc under ocs recommendation. Ended up position 25. I thankyou oc. Been a long hard road but you came through before 2077 release. Good luck everyone. Regards ross
2 Oct 2020
Mates....I finally got it. Delivered this morning. Not the one I wanted but you can't have everything. Bagged a zotac trinity 3080 oc from overclockersuk. Position 195 of gigabyte eagle then moved to back of queue of trinity oc under ocs recommendation. Ended up position 25. I thankyou oc. Been a long hard road but you came through before 2077 release. Good luck everyone. Regards ross
have fun with it, not even jealous
18 Sep 2020
Mates....I finally got it. Delivered this morning. Not the one I wanted but you can't have everything. Bagged a zotac trinity 3080 oc from overclockersuk. Position 195 of gigabyte eagle then moved to back of queue of trinity oc under ocs recommendation. Ended up position 25. I thankyou oc. Been a long hard road but you came through before 2077 release. Good luck everyone. Regards ross
How dare you!!!,
Ha ha enjoy
2 Oct 2020
Who said anything about jumping queues etc so please wind your neck in with your assumptions. My friend got offered a card that the retailer didn't put up for pre-order, was asked to pay £20 extra and got his Trinity last Friday after he was called by their customer service team. Not one person suffered due to this.

I said I hoped he would have something in place for people in my situation, I didn't ask for others to suffer because of Zotac's inability to provide a card they are selling...
Wind my neck in? Lol.

You know Overclockers haven't stopped taking orders across most cards, it will be a while before their backlog is cleared. My assumption is you knew that and the possibility of waiting for them to be cleared is pointless. A competitor is doing that, but only because they stopped taking pre orders.

Wait like the rest of us or cancel your order, don't expect a call from OC.
14 Oct 2020
Mates....I finally got it. Delivered this morning. Not the one I wanted but you can't have everything. Bagged a zotac trinity 3080 oc from overclockersuk. Position 195 of gigabyte eagle then moved to back of queue of trinity oc under ocs recommendation. Ended up position 25. I thankyou oc. Been a long hard road but you came through before 2077 release. Good luck everyone. Regards ross
nice one mate! all the best to you and your card
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