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20 Oct 2020
Go to your account on the main site and there's an option to link your forum account. Once you do you'll automatically get free shipping
huh, didn't know that was a thing XD, and I've been lurking all this time to find info about my Zotac 3080 order! I wonder how close to 0 my chances are of getting it in time for AC:valhalla
9 Nov 2018
It’s update day,
Light at the end of the tunnel. Brilliant!
Soon there will be 3080 cards walking up and down the street.
I hear plans are afoot to pave the main concourse in front of Buckingham Palace with 3080s.

This was my point, I think we deserve a quantitative update after a few days of nothing, this just doesn't cut it.... come on...
12 Oct 2020
Morning All,

Thought I'd share another update from my email exchange with the lovely Becky on the ASUS UK sales e-mail. I'm 19 in queue for a 3080 Strix Non-OC and so as you can imagine, after managing to get in super early on launch day, somewhat annoyed I'm still waiting and that there is uncertainty as to whether the card is even shipping right now. Especially as I was going to go for an OC card and decided to save myself £20 at the last minute (don't ask my why, as even I dont know what I was thinking in Hindsight)

We've had conflicting info from ASUS UK who said all cards were being produced equally on their Facebook Page vs. ASUS US and whomever Gibbo has heard from are saying they aren't.

From:Becky Worsley (ACUK)
Sent:30 October 2020 10:28
To:Andy Friend
Subject:RE: ROG Strix 3080 Non-OC Production Query

Hey Andy,

Happy Friday!

I have just been informed that an official statement will be released on UK social media next week providing updates.

I appreciate how patient you have been and hopefully the statement released next week will be very helpful.


I'm hoping next week means early next week, but if they are holding on putting something out I can't imagine its going to be "thanks for waiting but cards are now on their way", I'm not too hopeful for good news.

If its not, I think I might start looking at another card, and likely not from OCUK as its pretty evident that other retailers are having more luck with securing stock, and I have no interest in getting the back of some of the queues they've got going here after what originally felt like winning the F5 race back in September.
18 Jun 2016
Think the main issue in update is the "Small Amount" ie 10-30 if lucky, that is hardly going to make an impression in any queue, still better than it has been for over a month though.

This is why I'm annoyed at the "update" from gibbo. Saying most cards is useless, if tuf non-OC is included I'll be able to get one, but if it's not, then I'd just be getting my hopes up for nothing.

Until he specifically confirms non-OCs are included in the shipment I'll keep looking elsewhere and cancel if I find something suitable, but if he confirms non-OCs are coming next week I can finally chill for a bit knowing I'll be getting my card.

(Or not, as seems to be the case recently quite a lot with other "small" shipments)

you also have to have been a forum member over a year
If you're 250+ posts, it's only 90 days.
19 Sep 2020
This is why I'm annoyed at the "update" from gibbo. Saying most cards is useless, if tuf non-OC is included I'll be able to get one, but if it's not, then I'd just be getting my hopes up for nothing.

Until he specifically confirms non-OCs are included in the shipment I'll keep looking elsewhere and cancel if I find something suitable, but if he confirms non-OCs are coming next week I can finally chill for a bit knowing I'll be getting my card.

(Or not, as seems to be the case recently quite a lot with other "small" shipments)

If you're 250+ posts, it's only 90 days.
Well he said eagles were coming this week last week but there's apparently no eagles or they're stuck in the post. Which is interesting considering I've been ordering things all week and everythings arrived on time, and even a couple of things arrived a day early.
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