I went with an Msi gaming card I did not see the 8 pack one till after I bought it already.
However the 980 just isn't powerful enough even Overclocked to 1507 core and just under 8000 mem clock. It's close but still has too many large dips at times. With Gta maxed out pretty much apart from msaa at x4 and shadows just at soft (1080p) it can still drop to low 40s on occasion when normally the fps is much much higher.
Im not sure if it's my setup but all the synthetic benchmarks are saying there's nothing wrong but still I'm not getting the fps I expected or need, in some games. Gta v, witcher 3 and especially project cars. Which I know ain't easy games to run
So going for a gtx 980ti, if my gf doesn't kill me as I've only been back PC gaming for 2 months and so far I've had a r9 290 which died on me, 750ti, r9 290, gtx 970, gtx 980 so five gpu's in 2 months all used so not too bad and I've sold the last one I had to make money up for a new one each time but still....
Also need to upgrade my cpu from an i5 4670 to a i7 4790k.
Then I should just about have what I need.
Could be a number of reasons for the frame rate drop. The new patch has lowered fps somehow and most cards struggle with the grass textures in the game. Should have gotten a 980ti from the start if you could.