When influential tech journalists keep banging on about how AMD are worth 30 to 40% less what do we think that does for Nvidia's thinking?
Would i be right to suggest that from Nvidia's point of view all they need to do is keep a +20 to 30% margin over AMD and use DLSS as a marketing crutch to keep their monopoly?
30 to 40%, this is impossible for AMD, this is unreasonable and bashing AMD for not doing that just adds to their already bad mindshare, effectively what these tech journalists are saying to AMD is meet my unreasonable demands or i will insure your mindshare remains in the toilet. They do this because they know Nvidia will not budge from overpricing unless AMD are near half the price, they know this because that is the precedent these tech journalists set.
This has been going on for more than 10 years, the HD 290 was = to a GTX Titan at literally half the price, all these tech journalists did was make jokes about how loud they were, this was the reference cards only, the AIB ones all had good coolers and yet they kept up that pee take for the duration of the cards life and beyond.
Its almost as if AMD making such a substantially good card at that price was a personal insult to them, they behaved like they hated it.
AMD must be allowed a
rational space to
reasonably compete in, attitudes need to change because if they don't this will only get ever worse.
The most staunch of Nvidia fan's need to hold these people accountable in this behaviour if only to save themselves.
9070 reviews are out tomorrow, i don't want to see any of the usual crap from these tech journalists unless its actually warranted.
I don't think that's entirely correct. I thought the 9070XT trailed 10-15% behind the 5070TI in RT
Someone please correct me if I have the wrong data
Yes the 9070 XT trails the 5070 Ti by about 10 to 15% in RT, when i say "beat it by 15%" i'm talking about the 5070, sorry if that wasn't clear enough.