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Nvidia to limit hash rate of RTX3060 GPU's

17 Feb 2006
How I understand his statements, in my own words: "You can complain about everything that wastes things or you shouldn't complain at all - as otherwise you look hypocritical and it's not really constructive.".
It's always a really bad argument, because it seeks only to shut down discussion.

It can be and is used as a tactic in many different discussions, where people can only justify X in terms of it "not being different to, or not worse than, Y".

It ignores the valid criticism of X and demands that that criticism end, until Y is addressed instead.

It's a tactic of deflection, I'm sure you can agree.
16 Aug 2017
It's always a really bad argument, because it seeks only to shut down discussion.

It can be and is used as a tactic in many different discussions, where people can only justify X in terms of it "not being different to, or not worse than, Y".

It ignores the valid criticism of X and demands that that criticism end, until Y is addressed instead.

It's a tactic of deflection, I'm sure you can agree.

I don't agree. It's good to criticise but then calling out for banning only that one thing is... not good. Because it'll just get replaced with another, potentially even worse, thing. You tackle the problem at the root and pull it out all at once, if possible. Wasting energy is bad in general? (I don't agree with that mind you) Fine, push for politicians to make proper changes in law to tax such things heavily. Country will get more money to spend on public services and it will make such activities too expensive to bother. Otherwise it's a moot point.
16 Aug 2017
I'm all up for crypto currency in a world where we have fusion power or everyone has huge surpluses.
But it's startrek talk, 100 years away.
Now's just a socioeconomic experiment.

We already have unlimited fusion power - it's called solar energy. And we already have technology to use it. We just don't do it, yet. But it'll happen in time. Definitely faster than in 100 years, as it's already slowly happening.
16 Aug 2017
Just saw it. I disagree with him on this though, I don't think ETH is going to crash as much as people think.

It likely won't crash much, now that big corporations invest money in BTC and Eth and similar. But mining difficulty will grow up fast and sooner than later current GPUs won't be profitable to use anymore. Effect will be the same - they'll end up on second-hand market. Not with mining GPUs though - these will go to landfill and in effect harm environment. Corpo-greed.
17 Feb 2006
I don't agree. It's good to criticise but then calling out for banning only that one thing is... not good. Because it'll just get replaced with another, potentially even worse, thing. You tackle the problem at the root and pull it out all at once, if possible. Wasting energy is bad in general? (I don't agree with that mind you) Fine, push for politicians to make proper changes in law to tax such things heavily. Country will get more money to spend on public services and it will make such activities too expensive to bother. Otherwise it's a moot point.
But maybe I call for other things to be banned in other threads, just not in the crypto mining thread? :p

Clearly, crypto isn't the only thing I take issue with in the world. There are plenty of things I vehemently disagree with.

But I'm not going to stop criticising crypto because those other things also need to be addressed.

That's a bit like saying people shouldn't campaign for tighter road safety laws because aviation safety could also be improved...
16 Aug 2017
But maybe I call for other things to be banned in other threads, just not in the crypto mining thread? :p

Clearly, crypto isn't the only thing I take issue with in the world. There are plenty of things I vehemently disagree with.

But I'm not going to stop criticising crypto because those other things also need to be addressed.

That's a bit like saying people shouldn't campaign for tighter road safety laws because aviation safety could also be improved...

If you do, then all good in my book. :) But people answering you here can't see that so they only answer to what they see. You have to see it from the other side of the fence too, so there's no misunderstanding. I really dislike the idea of us (humanity) still using non-renewable sources of energy. But I get it it's a slow process to replace it all and it will eventually happen. Just not today and not tomorrow.

I don't blame crypto for that, though, especially that done well it doesn't have to be wasteful. All you produce by mining crypto is heat. That can be recovered and re-used to for example heat-up residential areas. In that way there's literally 0 difference between mining crypto and using electric heater of the same power. Both are 100% energy efficient. In the end, it's always down to what energy source we're using and how much that is polluting - and that is what should be fixed in the end. It included electric cars as well, mind you.
14 Jul 2005
Therefore I would argue most of us have room for principles.

Actually @FoxEye id like to address this one a bit more. I originally replied with this:

See above. No, actually I dont consider I have much room for principles in all honesty, I do have genuine concerns about my future financial security that I am trying to address. My only regret is not doing it sooner.

Now, clearly I don't go through life without any principles at all, I have many. And money would not trump all of them. For example, I wouldn't murder someone for money, or do something to cause direct harm to another for money, or any number of other things.

However it is a question of balance. I operate within a set of boundaries/principles which are aligned to my situation, either financial, ethical, my upbringing, my peer group, my morals etc. We all will have this in some way and it will be different for everyone.

So lets say for example that I was poor and had the opportunity to do some mining to feed my family. Would you say that was a wrong decision for me to make?

Well how far do you go before that decision is justifiable?
  • Food on the table = justifiable?
  • To run my car to go to work = justifiable?
  • To buy xmas presents for my kids = justifiable?
  • To buy a house when i am currently renting = justifiable?
  • To buy a new car when I only have an old banger = justifiable?
  • To buy my wife a diamond ring - justifiable?
  • To buy a yacht?
You see, its not a black and white cut off point. Any of the middle ground is arguable either way its only the extreme ends which are more clear cut.

Wouldn't you say that there should be no need for this in the first place, that we should all be equal so any one person does not have any more or less than any other person (the Star Trek utopia is mostly built on this idea).

Should the boss of BP be able to afford to do all of the above through the money he has earned, but the man doing some mining on the side to make his life a little better just turn it down on principle?
20 May 2007
It's a thread about crypto.

Why should I raise issues about other industries in a thread about crypto?

Why should people justify crypto on the grounds that "other industries also have wastefulness"?

"Your honour, I don't believe it's fair to send me to jail whilst there are other criminals out there who haven't been caught. Therefore I demand you catch and imprison all those other criminals before you imprison me."

Like I said in a post earlier, a sense of perspective is needed and I and others are taking objection to the fact that you seem to think crypto is for some reason not worthy of resource use.

I could just as easily state that I think whatever your interests are , are a pointless and a waste of resources.
17 Feb 2006
@danlightbulb My suspicion is that none of those things will apply to most crypto miners. I would be extremely surprised if that applied to anyone here, including yourself. Although I do recall you are saving for a house/deposit from previous responses.

In a similar vein, some of the scalping groups tried to say that their members were "only reselling (scalping) to put food on the table".

It strikes me as a bogus justification that will not be true for the vast, vast majority of scalpers either. Designed to read well as PR, but not surviving much scrutiny.

I do not know your personal circumstances and I could be wrong. I wouldn't expect to be wrong in the case of the majority who are miners, here on this forum. I think the crypto income will fall into "extra hobby money" or "extra takeaway money" or the like.

This is not to say I am opposed to people earning money they don't need, solely that there is plenty of room for balancing principles with bonus income.
17 Feb 2006
Like I said in a post earlier, a sense of perspective is needed and I and others are taking objection to the fact that you seem to think crypto is for some reason not worthy of resource use.

I could just as easily state that I think whatever your interests are , are a pointless and a waste of resources.
There is a good chance that we will all have to accept a reduction in our rampant consumption of the world's resource. You, me and all Westerners.

Frankly I don't see us having the collective will to do so, and I am extremely pessimistic about the future.

I believe we will wilfully head to our own destruction with our eyes wide open. Simply because we lack the motivation to change course.

Even as the world is ending, people will be trying to find a bigger TV to watch it on.
20 May 2007
There is a good chance that we will all have to accept a reduction in our rampant consumption of the world's resource. You, me and all Westerners.

Frankly I don't see us having the collective will to do so, and I am extremely pessimistic about the future.

I believe we will wilfully head to our own destruction with our eyes wide open. Simply because we lack the motivation to change course.

I dont know. I think with increasingly good solar technology we will find a way. We have a massive ball of energy chucking more energy than we could ever conceivably use at us 24/7. We just need to effectively harness that, and we are getting there.
14 Jul 2005
@danlightbulb My suspicion is that none of those things will apply to most crypto miners. I would be extremely surprised if that applied to anyone here, including yourself. Although I do recall you are saving for a house/deposit from previous responses.

In a similar vein, some of the scalping groups tried to say that their members were "only reselling (scalping) to put food on the table".

It strikes me as a bogus justification that will not be true for the vast, vast majority of scalpers either. Designed to read well as PR, but not surviving much scrutiny.

I do not know your personal circumstances and I could be wrong. I wouldn't expect to be wrong in the case of the majority who are miners, here on this forum. I think the crypto income will fall into "extra hobby money" or "extra takeaway money" or the like.

This is not to say I am opposed to people earning money they don't need, solely that there is plenty of room for balancing principles with bonus income.

The examples can all be questioned of course. But the general point is who decides how much money is enough?

Just because I might not be poor, does that automatically mean I have enough and should be happy with what I have? Why aren't you holding others to that same standard (perhaps you are)? Do you hold yourself to that standard, in every part of your life (perhaps you do)?

On the subject of mining overall, as a 'thing':

  • Does crypto have a future use case - yes
  • Is mining itself wasteful - yes and no
    • Yes it uses a lot of energy
    • No, in the sense that energy is needed (at the moment) to secure the network and make the thing actually work.
  • Should miners earn extra money - yes and no
    • No, why do they deserve it when it is wasteful?
    • Yes, because why do they NOT deserve it when other people have money based or earned on wastefulness
What is most important to every individual first and foremost? Their own situation, their own security and that of their family. It has been this way since we crawled out of the sea. When we were cavemen it was about having the warmest and driest cave, or the best crops, or the most sheep. Now its about money.
27 Feb 2015
can think of a couple of issues, surely miners just download older drivers, unless nvidia gimp them all, or im sure miners will get round it by writing their own drivers some how, but kudos to nvidia for trying, more than AMD is doing

It will be in the first 3060 driver I assume so no older drivers to use.

They should have not said its in the driver though as I suspect someone will successfully hack it.
20 May 2007
The examples can all be questioned of course. But the general point is who decides how much money is enough?

Just because I might not be poor, does that automatically mean I have enough and should be happy with what I have? Why aren't you holding others to that same standard (perhaps you are)? Do you hold yourself to that standard, in every part of your life (perhaps you do)?

On the subject of mining overall, as a 'thing':

  • Does crypto have a future use case - yes
  • Is mining itself wasteful - yes and no
    • Yes it uses a lot of energy
    • No, in the sense that energy is needed (at the moment) to secure the network and make the thing actually work.
  • Should miners earn extra money - yes and no
    • No, why do they deserve it when it is wasteful?
    • Yes, because why do they NOT deserve it when other people have money based or earned on wastefulness
What is most important to every individual first and foremost? Their own situation, their own security and that of their family. It has been this way since we crawled out of the sea. When we were cavemen it was about having the warmest and driest cave, or the best crops, or the most sheep. Now its about money.

This is the main point really. Most of us in the western world needlessly "waste" resources doing things and buying things we don't really need or in an effort to make more money. We only need food , water, heat and shelter to survive.

So as you have said, where do we draw the line on what is a proper use of resources and who decides which pursuits/products are worthy?
14 Jul 2005
So as you have said, where do we draw the line on what is a proper use of resources and who decides which pursuits/products are worthy?

And the other factor is competition. We live in an economic system where OTHER people will always exploit opportunities. If we don't do the same we get left behind. Blame the game not the player.
17 Feb 2006
@danlightbulb I think I'd say that it's not so much that "crypto is wasteful to some extent", but rather that PoW is designed to use as much energy as the world can dedicate to mining.

There's no cap on energy use where PoW is involved.

Yes, Eth is (maybe) going PoS. But we already know Eth will fork to stay on PoW when that happens (or already has). And other *coins will keep PoW. New coins will arise using PoW.

There are many PoW advocates out there who will tell you PoS is inferior for crypto. People who will tell you that "more energy use means more security".

Yes, many things are wasteful to some extent. Not many things are wasteful by design and seek to waste as much as they can.

Shouldn't we be designing for efficiency? Shouldn't we be designing for a harmonious existence with our environment?

Shouldn't we reject designs that are deliberately wasteful? Or at least try to find alternatives?
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