O11 Dynamic XL On Steroids

Do you have plans for the Aquaero? If lack of a 5 1/4" bay is the issue, you could mount it on the back of the Mo-Ra or, you can remove the screen (if it gets in the way) and turn it into an LT mounted on standoffs on the bottom of the case or on the wall of the rear cavity. I run one externally with a screen for my server cupboard to run the intake and extract fans and monitor the temps and I removed the screen in my recent Self-Inflicted build. I've also got one cut into the PSU shroud on Overkill. I like Aquaeros :D
Dead useful that it runs all the watercooling and fans even if you've just bricked the bios too!
Do you have plans for the Aquaero? If lack of a 5 1/4" bay is the issue, you could mount it on the back of the Mo-Ra or, you can remove the screen (if it gets in the way) and turn it into an LT mounted on standoffs on the bottom of the case or on the wall of the rear cavity. I run one externally with a screen for my server cupboard to run the intake and extract fans and monitor the temps and I removed the screen in my recent Self-Inflicted build. I've also got one cut into the PSU shroud on Overkill. I like Aquaeros :D
Dead useful that it runs all the watercooling and fans even if you've just bricked the bios too!
I plan on using the Corsair Commander Pro instead of the Aquaero. I stopped using the Aquaero because it became a subscription service and the constant necessary firmware updates drove me crazy especially on equipment that had run out of free updates.

Maybe it’s changed now.
It's subscription in that you pay for upgrades for a year and then if you want further upgrades you have to pay again. If you stop paying it stays running, you just don't get to run the latest version. Some new versions require firmware updates and some don't. They are bringing out new features such as Playground (which lets you bolt some logic blocks together and do things - I have one of those set to send me an email if various temps in the server cupboard get too high and so on). If it has all the features you want though, you can at least disable the check for Insider (beta) updates, decline the mainstream updates and run it forever.
It's subscription in that you pay for upgrades for a year and then if you want further upgrades you have to pay again. If you stop paying it stays running, you just don't get to run the latest version. Some new versions require firmware updates and some don't. They are bringing out new features such as Playground (which lets you bolt some logic blocks together and do things - I have one of those set to send me an email if various temps in the server cupboard get too high and so on). If it has all the features you want though, you can at least disable the check for Insider (beta) updates, decline the mainstream updates and run it forever.
I've just spent all day trying to get the PWM to work with 18 fans and the Aquaero 6XT without success. I even added a third active splitty9 to power only 6 fans each and use 3 different fan headers, but it refused to work. I can only assume the Aquaero 6xt has a weak PWM signal. I then tried the Corsair commander pro which had a previous setting on Fan headers 1 and 2 and all 18 worked fine on 1 Fan header.
Odd. A 6 should handle 30W on each of the four headers in either voltage or PWM control. You've got that fan header in PWM mode and adjusted the minimum percentage and rpm? Did you get any to run and be controllable? You should be able to safely run 6 and probably 7 of those T30's before you start needing powered splitters. I'm only running three and four fans per channel but it's been flawless. The only thing that would concern me about the Corsair is whether it runs independently of Windows or at a bare minimum fails safe (ie runs at 100% if not controlled). If it does and it handles all you need without giving you grief, it'd be difficult to argue against it. The only thing to watch out for is that it can only handle 1A or 12W per header and 4.5A or 54W total so you couldn't directly run a pump off it (unless it has separate power and just takes control) so you might need to be more careful with how many fans on a channel before you get to active splitters.

Quick update on the new and improved MO-RA3 build. I have a second grill ordered which won't be here for awhile, but it will work fine until then without it. Hoping the weather has improved tomorrow so I can run the outside tubing and get it filled up and leak tested.




Im using 2x active splitters powered by a 3 x Sata to Molex. The third Sata will power the pump. A Molex can handle 130+ W which all this will be under so power wise I will be fine. My understanding if active splitters is they take charge of providing the power to the devices and the PWM takes control of it so shouldn't be putting any strain on the header?
I won't know exactly how well the Commander Pro controls the PWM until I have a computer to test it on. Right now im just plugging the commander in without the USB connection.
I may have set the Pulse Modulation wrong on the Aquaero, its something to look at.
Ordered the Octo and a Flow NEXT. I like the fact you don't need the software running for it to work on the profile you set.
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Yeah, an Octo would certainly do it. You could even run each strip of three (or four) directly off the Octo without powered splitters if you wanted to dedicate it to the Mo-Ra. The pump too. Would mean you only have one power cable required for the entire Mo-Ra.
Yeah, an Octo would certainly do it. You could even run each strip of three (or four) directly off the Octo without powered splitters if you wanted to dedicate it to the Mo-Ra. The pump too. Would mean you only have one power cable required for the entire Mo-Ra.

I’ll be doing the internals too including the 10 fans, the EK pump and the high flow meter.
Moving on from the MO-RA3 until the final parts come, my Asus Z790 Apex arrived today! Finally! I have enough now to get going on via a test bench until the rest of stuff arrives and I can test and get used to Intel again.
Still waiting for:

- EK Asus ABP GPU waterblock
- 2nd MO-RA3 Grill
- 6 more Koolance Quick disconnects to make the MO-RA3 fully modular
- Aquacomputer Octo
- Aquacomputer NEXT Hi Flow meter

A Quick check of the APEX board to make sure its straight as their have been reports of bent APEX boards



Looks perfect straight apart from the weight of the components


Will get further into the products breakdown later today when I've finished work. Build quality of the Apex is stunning!
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I've just spent all day trying to get the PWM to work with 18 fans and the Aquaero 6XT without success. I even added a third active splitty9 to power only 6 fans each and use 3 different fan headers, but it refused to work. I can only assume the Aquaero 6xt has a weak PWM signal. I then tried the Corsair commander pro which had a previous setting on Fan headers 1 and 2 and all 18 worked fine on 1 Fan header.

I had the same issue the other day with a 5LT.

I have PWM fans on it. EK Vardars on my AIO.

They were stuck at 490 RPM. I wanted them fixed at 1100 or so (half speed, barely audible if audible at all). I tried doing them on voltage, no change. So I tried PWM, no change. Like nothing was happening at all.

In the end I figured out that the only other setting left worked. IDR what it was but will check for you shortly.

Over to the rig, BRB :D

Hmm. Turns out it was actually PWM that worked. Speed did not, and neither did power. Also, you can see that it actually was not the PWM setting that finally changed the speed. It was the power, in PWM mode *scratches head*.


Thank god it was a "set it and forget it" because it caused quite a few swear words tbh.
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Build time! spent this afternoon building a test bench mainly to test the parts and see if they work. The first was SP 102 (113P core 80 e Core) and second 101 SP (111P 81P)

The test bench



The new PSU




Comparing the new PSU to the old. The newer one will fit much better in the OD11 XL now



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