O11 Dynamic XL On Steroids

Ah, I see. I did go back and check the motherboard pic in case I'd missed a 2nd socket! And the old system was AMD so it couldn't have been an upgrade for that. Sale or return must be a real pain for retailers.
Ah, I see. I did go back and check the motherboard pic in case I'd missed a 2nd socket! And the old system was AMD so it couldn't have been an upgrade for that. Sale or return must be a real pain for retailers.
Just cleaned up the pics as I did those last night after the England Wales game. Had one too many I think :cry:

This is what I have to play with. E Cores look below average, But P Cores should be ok.


Testing going OK. I've ordered a 3rd 13900k for one last try for a really decent sample, but this one is holding its own at least in the P Cores.

it will run C23 at stock at 1.13V Die sense. Haven't tried overclocking it yet.
DDR5 @ 8000 (1.41V set in Bios) was easy to achieve using the new G.Skills retail 8000 timings. Will wait until the memory is water-cooled before pressing further. Will be fun finding its tolerances vs temp. I did a quick OCCT on it and it hit 50C in 4 minutes (no errors) water cooling will keep it down. This Team Force 7200mhz is looking good.


Busy weekend now so won't get much more done now until next week.
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I'm not sure that 50°C under benchmarking is all that much to worry about. I'm getting a reading of 41.3°C on my DDR4....although I'm not sure that it's actually changing at all. From what I've read, you might get stability issues above about 75°C so if the worst its ever going to be (benchmarking the RAM) is 50°C, you're golden. I mean, don't let me hold you back from unnecessary watercooling though....it's part of the fun :D
I'm not sure that 50°C under benchmarking is all that much to worry about. I'm getting a reading of 41.3°C on my DDR4....although I'm not sure that it's actually changing at all. From what I've read, you might get stability issues above about 75°C so if the worst its ever going to be (benchmarking the RAM) is 50°C, you're golden. I mean, don't let me hold you back from unnecessary watercooling though....it's part of the fun :D
DDR4 hated temps over 50C if its stressed it will even start erroring out mid 40s. I like ram below 40 which can only be done with a very good water-cooling setup. My last setup my ram was still hitting 48C which is why I went with a MO-RA for the new one.
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Speaking of which. Ram heat sinks are on now. Just need to screw the block on. Waiting for the GPU block though. Pre-ordered that the day before the 4090 was released too!

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Making me want to tinker again with my system! It's been nearly 6 months since i did anything with mine aside from a little dusting there and then.

Been eyeing up a monoblock for my Z690-i asus strix board and some PET-X to sleeve the hard tubing.
Couple of items arrived today.
EK ABP TUF/Strix Water block & Aquacomputer Hi Flow NEXT.



Interestingly the boxes seal was broken and so was the packaging. Strange considering this was a pre-order item that had no chance of being returned.


Good to see the I/O plate is already black. No need to spray paint this.


Aquacomputer HI Flow NEXT - still waiting for the OCTO.


Today task will be blocking the GPU and Ram and testing out the Aquacomputer Hi Flow 2 in the open test bench


Ill report back later!
Maybe they pre-polished the block for you...to save you the bother :D
Not sure it still applies to the new High Flows but the previous gen (no screen) were slightly noisy if you didn't have them flat. Just an impeller that turns and if it's off-axis the bearings aren't supporting it evenly. Just in case you find some noise while you're testing it...although I have a feeling it doesn't use an impeller any more.
Maybe they pre-polished the block for you...to save you the bother :D
Not sure it still applies to the new High Flows but the previous gen (no screen) were slightly noisy if you didn't have them flat. Just an impeller that turns and if it's off-axis the bearings aren't supporting it evenly. Just in case you find some noise while you're testing it...although I have a feeling it doesn't use an impeller any more.
Pretty sure it does have an impeller which works in any directional flow. It will be flat though, but ill keep an eye out for it. Cheers.
A quick update on the progress so far. Football has been getting in the way :cry:

Thermal Right frame added


Time to add the block to the 4090




Looks like Thermal Grizzly used stock. Easy to replace!


Added some protection on to the thermal pads, and packed away for safe keeping.


PCB Cleaned



All done


A quick unconventional leak test


Onto the M.2 as the GPU won't fit with the current M.2 Heat sink



Just ram block now then plumbing then ready to test.
That's a nicer length card! Damned if I know why they don't just offer them for sale bare like that for people to add a water block. Got to be cheaper to make and not add all the redundant stuff on - the heatsink alone can't be a negligible cost. You didn't fancy paying Samung £25 to stick a heatsink on for you either then! :D At least you can buy them now, when I started on M.2's with the 950 Pro's, you had to make them yourself.
Few more

ram blocks thermal pasted


Disconnects added


plumbing done




A bit messy, but will look better when it goes into its case. Ram and GPU are 1-1 with water temp at ambient.
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That's a nicer length card! Damned if I know why they don't just offer them for sale bare like that for people to add a water block. Got to be cheaper to make and not add all the redundant stuff on - the heatsink alone can't be a negligible cost. You didn't fancy paying Samung £25 to stick a heatsink on for you either then! :D At least you can buy them now, when I started on M.2's with the 950 Pro's, you had to make them yourself.
I heard Asus were potentially releasing a PCB only 4090. probably just a rumour though :cry:
Well, there's certainly enough connectors on the back of that PSU!
Hang on a sec....TWO i9-13990K's?!

thanks for the advice on the Aquacomputer stuff. Gave up on it 2 years ago, but wow its really improved.

This Octo will control 28 fans and 2 pumps perfectly with Aqua Suite looking after everything securely! love it even ordered the Farbwerk now to handle the GPU, Case and distroplate RGB.

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