o2 "confirm" new iPhone in 'weeks'....

A week next Monday :D

I think I can last until then! I got a black N82 as an upgrade from Orange but it didn't get my juices flowing as I thought it would, felt light and cheap... so the iPhone v2 it is :)
I will go mental if it's not available in the UK the same time as the US.

The wait has already been bad enough, I just couldn't handle another 1 or 2 months of waiting :(
I'm glad I held off of buying a v1, tempting as it was.....

I'm trying not the think about it but I get reminded every time I use the poor Nokia 3300 I have whilst I wait :( will make the iPhone soooo much nicer to use once I get it though lol
I hope o2 allows people who don't have iphones yet to break their contract and get one, like they allow with existing o2 customers atm.
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